However, although the two of them are in a vacuum now, at least they are still wearing pajamas. As long as they don't deliberately think about that aspect, it doesn't matter.

" wait for me at the door first, I'll go in and pack up..." However, when Izumi Sagiri followed Asuna around her villa and spent a long time walking to the door of her room, she ended up Cheng Asuna stopped her at the door.

"What's the matter, isn't it just the room of the internet-addicted girl? There's nothing to clean up..." To be reasonable, Hequan Sagiri was a home girl before, so she didn't care about the mess of the room at all, okay?

I don't know what Yuki Asuna is going to pack.

But Sagiri Izumi didn't bother to talk about this kind of thing, since Asuna Yuuki wanted to clean up, let her clean it up, and she wasn't in a hurry to sleep at this moment.

Thinking of this, Sagiri Izumi waited obediently at the door of Yuuki Asuna's room, quietly waiting for her to tidy up the room.

ps: The second update, today will definitely be the third update, and there will be 233 after it can’t be written before [-] o’clock

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Izumi Sagiri didn't have to wait long, and soon Asuna Yuuki walked out of her room, and then walked in with Izumi Sagiri.

How should I put it, Yuuki Asuna's room is different from what Izumi Sagiri thought. She thought it would be filled with figurines, posters, and light novel comics, but it turned out that she was completely wrong. .

Yuuki Asuna's room is very tidy. Although it is very big, there is nothing there. There is only a wardrobe, a desk, a bed that is big enough, and...

A high-end computer equipped with three display screens, and this computer is not placed on an ordinary computer desk, but a multi-functional computer chair specially used for playing games and surfing the Internet. Izumi Sagiri is so envious.

She had seen this thing on the Internet before, and the price was about [-] RMB, which was basically out of the plan for her at the time.

As for after transmigrating, even though she has money, she never thought of being able to buy such things.

Even if she wanted to buy it, she couldn't fit it in.

"Your room is quite tidy, what were you packing just now?" But since Yuuki Asuna's room is so clean, her behavior of packing things is even more strange.

She hadn't been in for a long time just now, and Izumi Sagiri didn't believe that she could clean up a messy room so quickly, at most, she just hid some things that she didn't want to be seen by herself.

"Ahem, it's something unimportant anyway, Sagiri, don't ask me." However, since Asuna Yuuki wanted to come in to clean up just now, she naturally wouldn't tell Izumi Sagiri at this time, after saying this sentence Yuuki Asuna also looked at the time, and then continued, "It's still early, Sagiri, do you want to play games for a while before going to sleep?"

Of course, Asuna Yuki didn't mean to wait for Izumi Sagiri's answer, she just sat on her computer chair and turned on the computer skillfully.

Regardless of whether Izumi Sagiri wants to play games or not, she wants to play anyway. After returning home from school today, Izumi Sagiri has been following Izumi Sagiri to deal with her family members. She hasn't even touched a computer yet.

Not touching the computer for a day is simply unacceptable for an Internet addicted girl!

"Forget it, forget it, I have to get up early tomorrow morning, you don't have any drawing tools here, if you want to play, you can play by yourself, I will go to bed first." Although Yuki Asuna's house does not only have a computer , but Izumi Sagiri is too lazy to play with something that feels useless like a laptop, she would rather go to sleep than this.

There was no answer from Sagiri Izumi. After nodding slightly to Sagiri Izumi, Yuuki Asuna directly looked away and played the game seriously.

As for what Izumi Sagiri is doing, Yuuki Asuna, who has played games, doesn't care so much.

And Izumi Sagiri obviously made a mistake. As a cultivator, she wanted to fall asleep at this time. Helplessly sat up.

"Let's find something to do..." Since I can't sleep, I can only find something to do.

As for what to do now...

Looking at Asuna Yuuki who was playing games seriously with headphones on, Izumi Sagiri was too embarrassed to disturb her, and Izumi Sagiri also looked around the room to see if there was anything she could do .

There is no need to read novels. Yuuki Asuna’s bookshelf only has books for learning and game guides. Such things and Izumi Sagiri have no interest at all. Besides books, it seems that the only thing she can play in her room is the one that is placed Laptop on desk.

"But just now I said that I don't want to play games. Wouldn't it be 'really fragrant' if I go to play now?" He sighed helplessly, thinking that Izumi Sagiri still didn't intend to play computer games.

No... There is one more place I didn't look at!

Izumi Sagiri, who got off the bed, suddenly remembered, didn't Yuuki Asuna come in to pack something before?She didn't come out halfway, she must have hidden the packed things in a corner of the room.

And in this extremely tidy room, the only places to hide things seemed to be in the closet and under the bed.

And if ordinary people hide things, they will obviously hide things under the bed.

Thinking of this, Izumi Sagiri knelt down with her knees on the ground without hesitation, then lifted the sheet covering the bottom of the bed, and poked her head in.

This action of Izumi Sagiri can be said to be very obvious, but no matter how obvious her action is, Asuna Yuki, who is currently playing the game seriously, can't notice it...

The matter is similar to Izumi Sagiri's thinking, probably because of the frequent hiding of things, Yuuki Asuna's under the bed is very clean, not as dirty as under the bed of ordinary people.

But under the clean bed, there are two cardboard boxes, one big and one small... I don't know what they are.

According to Izumi Sagiri's experience of reading so many light novels and anime, the cardboard boxes hidden in such places are generally filled with H books and the like.

But Yuuki Asuna...This kind of internet addicted girl should not have the hobby of collecting H books that only adolescent boys have?

Of course, she couldn't come up with the answer after thinking about it, and Izumi Sagiri didn't intend to continue thinking about it. After a little guessing, she pulled out the big box without hesitation.

You have to see it with your own eyes to know what it is.

Then she was speechless, Yuuki Asuna's collection... Should it be said that it was beyond her expectation or just in her expectation?

That big box contains all kinds of little yellow books, different from the lily book painted by Izumi Sagiri, Yuuki Asuna's collection can be said to contain all types...

From normal "photographs", light-tasting BG pure love, lily pure love, to heavy-tasting Ling ○ Tune ○, even Izumi Sagiri will blush when she sees it. You can find it in Jo Asuna's collection...

"I can't tell... This Yuki Asuna actually has these things..." After looking at these books, there are traces of flipping through them. It is obvious that Yuki Asuna has read them, and Izumi Sagiri is also funny. up.

So here comes the question, this big box contains these terrible things, what about the other small box?

"Wow! Sagiri, why are you rummaging through my things casually!" Just as Izumi Sagiri was curiously trying to pull out another small box, Yuuki Asuna's voice suddenly sounded behind her stand up.

ps: The third update!

Well, it's the end of the month, and the free blades will expire if you don't vote, so... If you don't want to waste it, can you...

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