Then Sagiri Izumi soon found out that she was wrong, skipping class might not be a big deal to her, but holding hands with Asuna Yuuki and wandering around the teaching building during class time is obviously going to cause accidents...

As for what is an's very simple, what happens at such a time, usually means meeting someone who shouldn't be...

Don't get me wrong, this person is of course not Shizuka Hiratsuka, but someone who came to find Shizuka Hiratsuka.

"Hey, Sagiri, who is the girl next to you?" Izumi Sagiri was leaning against the door of Hiratsuka Shizuka's office when she saw Yukinoshita Yono, but before she had time to escape, Yonoshita's The voice rang out.

"That... Ordinary friend, ordinary friend." Without hesitation, she let go of Yuuki Asuna's hand, and Izumi Sagiri also smiled awkwardly at Yango.

This is more troublesome than meeting Shizuka Hiratsuka...

ps: The second update, 2500 words, 2333 more than usual.

There will be another one later

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What are you doing at the door of my office?" Just when Yukinoshita Yoshino was about to say something, Hiratsuka Shizuka's voice suddenly came from behind Izumi Sagiri, "Yano, I didn't ask you Help me find someone? What are you doing standing in front of my office?"

"Didn't I find it for you?" He rolled his eyes at Shizuka Hiratsuka angrily, and Yango pointed directly at Asuna Yuuki, "Hey, you said you were walking with Izumi Sagiri People, if you have anything to talk about, I will wait for you in your office first."

After saying this, Yukinoshita Yoshino didn't ask Izumi Sagiri "who is this person" anymore, and turned around and walked into Hiratsuka Shizuka's office.

"Ah... Aunt Hiratsuka?" At this moment, Yuuki Asuna who turned her head to see Shizuka Hiratsuka also asked in doubt, "Are you looking for me?"

"I'll give you another chance to reorganize the voice." Without answering Yuuki Asuna, Hiratsuka Shizu just rubbed her fist and looked at her with a smile.

"Ahem, Sister Jing, are you looking for me?" Seeing Shizuka Hiratsuka's casserole-sized fist, Asuna Yuuki gave up without hesitation.

"Just now Jingzi called me and said that you are going to transfer to another school. Don't worry about you handling this matter alone, so let me help." Hearing this "Sister Jing", Hiratsuka Shizuka retracted her fist in satisfaction , and then asked with a smile, "Well, this kind of thing doesn't matter, I'll help you deal with it later, but...I heard from Jingzi that the two of you are in a relationship?"

"Ahem, almost?" After thinking about it, since Shizuka Hiratsuka knew Kyoko Yuuki, Sagiri Izumi still didn't dare to say that the two of them were pretending to be in love. Who knows if Shizuka Hiratsuka will become Erwu Aberdeen, tell Yuki Kyoko about the two of them?

"Tsk tsk, if I remember correctly, you are still in love with Ivani Maria, right? Awesome, I haven't been in a relationship yet, so you are on two different boats?" I didn't care about Yuuki Asuna at all. For the nearby matter, Shizuka Hiratsuka looked directly at Sagiri Izumi with her kind eyes.

"I'm not, I didn't..." Pretending to be innocent, Sagiri Izumi didn't dare to tell Shizuka Hiratsuka that she was not in the same boat at all.'s three, although Yuuki Asuna is not among the three.

"Ahem, Sister Jing, Maria knows about this. Compared with this, I think we should go through the transfer procedures first?" Seeing the embarrassed look of Izumi Sagiri, Asuna Yuki hurriedly It was also smoothing things over, "It just so happened that we couldn't find the way to the principal's office..."

"Tsk, I'll let you off today, the scum of both sisters, I'll take care of Asuna's affairs, you hurry and go back to class for me." Hearing Yuuki Asuna's words, Hiratsuka Shizuka was also annoyed He said something to Izumi Sagiri.

"They are just cousins, not real sisters..." whispered, Sagiri Izumi also ran into her classroom before Shizuka Hiratsuka's iron fist sanction came.

Feeling the puzzled eyes of those students in the class, Sagiri Izumi said angrily directly: "What are you looking at, have you ever skipped a class?"

Then he sat back in his seat.

"You're running fast!" Hiratsuka Shizuka looked at Izumi Sagiri who was running faster than a rabbit, and cursed with a smile, "Okay, Asuna, let's go, the principal's office is not in this building, it just so happens Tell me about you and Sagiri."

"Before that... Sister Shizumi, did you tell my mother that Sagiri is in love with Maria?" In fact, when I heard Shizuka Hiratsuka say that Sagiri Izumi was in love with Ivanari Maria Yuuki Asuna was in a panic. She didn't know that Shizuka Hiratsuka was a teacher here, let alone that Shizuka Hiratsuka knew about the love affair between Sagiri Izumi and Ivanari Maria.

"What do you think? If I'm the kind of person who talks about everything, do you think the two of them can be in love for so long? It's not that I don't know Maria's parents." It's funny to answer Yuki Asuna's words. Zhong Jing can be regarded as a friend of Kyoko and Evan Li Jiashi for the time being, and must have known them.

ha?Who do you think Evan Lijiashi is?Do you even need to think about it?Of course it is Ivan Li Maria's mother.

"Well, sister Jing, please don't say that, if my mother knows that the girlfriend I'm looking for is in two boats, I'll be finished." A little relieved, Yuuki Asuna also asked to come out in the same way.

"Don't worry, I won't be so boring. Let's say Izumi Sagiri is also my student, so I won't cheat on my students." Calmly replied Yuuki Asuna, Hiratsuka Shizuka is obviously with Yuuki Jingzi was very familiar with it, so she immediately guessed her thoughts, "And I think... even if your mother knew about it, she probably wouldn't say anything..."

"No matter how you think about it, it's impossible, right?" However, Yuuki Asuna obviously wouldn't believe such a thing.

"Is there anything impossible? Do you know how many times your mother has complained to me about you?" Hearing Yuuki Asuna's words, Hiratsuka Shizuka directly imitated Yuuki Kyoko's tone angrily, " Sigh, how can my daughter get married after she looks like this?"

After the imitation, Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't care about Yuuki Asuna's dark face, and continued directly: "In my opinion, your mother's requirements for your love partner are so low that there is only one condition."

"What conditions?"


"Pfft... What kind of condition is this? Am I so miserable? After all, I am also a rich lady, right? I am not ugly..." Hearing the word "human" Hiratsuka Shizuka, how could Asuna Yuuki bear it? Hold on, just spit out angrily.

"Then let me ask you, am I not ugly? Is the family rich too?" Hearing Yuuki Asuna's complaint, Hiratsuka Shizuka asked directly in a funny way.

"Um... what's wrong?"

"It's because of my example that your mother is so worried..." At this point, Hiratsuka Shizuka also had a look of helplessness on her face.

"I seem to suddenly understand..." Hearing Shizuka Hiratsuka's explanation, Asuna Yuuki reacted instantly...

It turns out that it was Shizuka Hiratsuka's fault that her mother supported her in a relationship so much?

It's too real.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, talk to me about you and Izumi Sagiri? How did you know each other?" Seeing Yuuki Asuna like this, Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't intend to smear on her wound anymore. It was salty, and she asked out of curiosity, "It is reasonable to know that after you met her, you should know that she has already fallen in love with Ivanie Maria? Why are you still with her?"

"Ahem, well... Internet dating... When I met Sagiri, I didn't even know that she was Maria's girlfriend. I only found out later." Since Hiratsuka Shizuka asked, of course Asuna Yuki He took out the set of rhetoric he explained to his mother.

Her way of falling in love seems to be only a little more reliable than online dating.

"Online dating... as expected of you." Sure enough, after hearing the word online dating, Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't have any doubts at all...

ps: The third update!Then we still owe one more...well, I have to write 15 words next I will pay it back at any time!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Fortunately, Izumi Sagiri had already told Haruhi Suzumiya about the incident when she was at Yuuki Asuna's house last night, and today Haruhi Suzumiya didn't ask her to settle the score for her not coming home at night.

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