"How could it be possible to tell you this kind of thing..." Speechlessly replied Izumi Sagiri, no matter how hard-hearted Yuuki Asuna was, she would never tell Izumi Sagiri that she was going to "blossom on the mountain", so please don't enter the room what.

"Then do you want to continue? I can go out first, and call me after you solve it." Hequan Sagiri, who was not very sleepy, asked directly in embarrassment without intending to squeeze into the bed.

As for why Yuuki Asuna would do this kind of thing on her own bed... Sagiri Izumi didn't intend to ask so many questions, the two of them were already extremely embarrassed now, if they asked again, it would only make the atmosphere even more embarrassing.

"So how do you think it's possible for me to continue now!" Shouted to Izumi Sagiri loudly, and Yuuki Asuna was also in a bad mood.

"Then sleep?" Sitting on the bed awkwardly, since Asuna Yuuki didn't want to continue, Sagiri Izumi could only say so.

"Hmm... go to sleep." She replied helplessly, like Sagiri Izumi, all Yuuki Asuna could think of now was sleep.

Although she is feeling very uncomfortable now, how could she do that kind of thing in front of Izumi Sagiri?

ha?You ask me why I feel so uncomfortable?How about you try to do something like that and get interrupted in the middle?

Hearing Yuuki Asuna's return, Izumi Sagiri didn't think too much, just lifted the quilt, and then lay down next to Yuuki Asuna.

There is no way, although she has several sets of pajamas at home, but the quilt is really only one bed, and the two of them can only squeeze into one quilt.

Then this problem came up, Yuuki Asuna was already in a state where she couldn't vent her anger, and Sagiri Izumi leaned on her like this...

She felt that she really couldn't take it anymore.

But it was obviously impossible to speak or something, Yuuki Asuna could only rub her thigh vigorously, trying to ease her current situation.

It's a pity that this is useless, not only is it useless, it was even noticed by Izumi Sagiri.

Feeling the constant vibrations from Yuuki Asuna beside her, Izumi Sagiri also turned her head in doubt, and through the moonlight shining in from the window, Izumi Sagiri also saw Yuuki Asuna's flushed cheek clearly.

Seeing Yuuki Asuna like that, how could Sagiri Izumi fail to guess what is going on with her now?

"Why don't you hold it back? What if it breaks?" He didn't want to pretend not to see it, Hequan Sagiri simply asked, "If you feel shy... I can help you... "

"But... Sagiri, don't you have a girlfriend? Is it really good to do this kind of thing with me?" To be honest, Yuuki Asuna was really moved, and she couldn't be ruthless to let her do it alone. But if Izumi Sagiri helped...it doesn't seem so unacceptable.

But the problem is that he has a girlfriend with Izumi Sagiri, and what I want to do with Izumi Sagiri now is not like taking a bath together, which can be explained by the excuse of "normal interaction between good girlfriends".

No matter how good the relationship is with friends, it is impossible to do this kind of thing.

"Of course it's bad, but I can't just watch you suffer so much and do nothing, can I?" Angrily replied to Yuki Asuna, if possible, Izumi Sagiri didn't want to do it, but in the end she She is also good friends with Yuuki Asuna, and she is willing to do something that can make Yuuki Asuna feel less uncomfortable by "sacrificing" herself a little.

And I have to admit that I have been drawing Yuuki Asuna's original characters before, and now I see Yuuki Asuna like this again, Izumi Sagiri is also a little emotional.

Of course, it is impossible for Heizumi Sagiri to say such things on his own initiative. At this time, he must not put the pot on his head.

Yuuki Asuna naturally didn't know what was going on in Izumi Sagiri's mind. After hearing what Izumi Sagiri said, she was silent for a while, and then nodded helplessly: "Then... well, Don't worry, I won't tell Maria about this."

ps: wandering on the edge of 404 again...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Izumi Sagiri soon regretted it.

If she had known that this kind of thing would happen, she would never have said something stupid like a fool to Yuuki Asuna to ask herself to help her.

Leaving this sentence aside, the few hours of sleep she had spared so hard to spend was completely wasted. These are all trivial things. The most important thing is that she really didn't expect that when Yuuki Asuna was doing something indescribable will be like this.

Except for the fact that she had the upper hand at the very beginning, she completely changed her identity with Asuna Yuuki in the following time, and she never successfully resisted below.

For Yuuki Asuna's blessing, Izumi Sagiri felt like she was about to become dehydrated.

Although it is very comfortable.

But obviously tonight I should be going to Asuna Yuuki by myself, what kind of drama is going to happen in this kind of strong ○ can't be defeated?

"Are you poisonous? What did you agree to let me help you?" Lying on the bed weakly, looking at Asuna Yuuki who was getting more and more energetic beside her, Sagiri Izumi asked angrily.

Fortunately, Yuuki Asuna didn't do anything more excessive under her own insistence, otherwise Izumi Sagiri really didn't know how to explain it to her girlfriends.

"Ahem...I can't control it." Looking awkwardly at Izumi Sagiri, who was put into a [-]-way pose by herself, Yuuki Asuna now really feels a little sorry for Ivanari Maria.

Originally, if I just asked Izumi Sagiri to help me, I wouldn't be sorry, especially Imari Maria, but now this situation...

I seem to have done something to Izumi Sagiri that even Imari Maria didn't do...

"Then what should we do now?" Sagiri Izumi asked helplessly as he sat up from the bed with his exhausted body.

Things have already happened, and it is useless to blame Yuuki Asuna again. Instead of doing this, it is better to think about what to do next.

"Just pretend nothing happened?" Sitting close to Sagiri Izumi, after a long silence, Asuna Yuuki made a suggestion that she didn't even think was very reliable.

After doing this kind of thing, she still wants to pretend that nothing happened. No matter how she thinks about it, it's impossible. But the problem is that she really can't think of any other solution besides pretending that nothing happened.

Regarding Yuki Asuna's proposal, Sagiri Izumi didn't even want to say anything, and just looked at her with the eyes of Kizuna Ai.

"Ahem, whatever you want, what do you want to do?" Yuuki Asuna, who has been looking at Izumi Sagiri, naturally felt this look. Thinking that she had done something sorry for Izumi Sagiri, she resolutely gave up on herself asked a question.

"I don't know either." If Izumi Sagiri could figure out the answer to this question, she wouldn't have asked Yuuki Asuna what to do just now, "But this time I have suffered a lot, so I definitely can't just treat it as nothing. It happened!"

I don't know what compensation I want, but you have to compensate me for being unreasonable.

"Then... next time I let you be on top? Absolutely no resistance?" After another long silence, Yuuki Asuna tentatively asked with a blushing face.

"I believe you ghost, if you say it now, who knows what will happen then?" I gave Yuuki Asuna an angry look, if Yuuki Asuna had said this to herself before, Izumi Sagiri might not I will believe it, but after what happened before...

He said it well now, but next time he gets on the bed, he might be shot again.

"What's the big deal... why don't you tie me up." It's probably because I read too many books, and Yuuki Asuna thought of a solution to this problem in an instant.

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