"Are you a devil?" Hearing Hiratsuka Shizu's threat, Izumi Sagiri was in despair. Why was he threatened by so many people when he drew a book?

Sure enough, painting a book should be as careful as Ying Lili to conceal her true identity, and then make a fortune in silence?

"The old lady is not a devil, otherwise I will give it to Yukinoshita directly. How about it? Have you made a choice? If Yukinoshita knows about it, or join the art department."

"Give you five seconds to think about it, five..."

"Don't wait for five seconds, I'll just promise." What else can Heizumi Sagiri do now?It's impossible for Shizuo Hiratsuka to give this kind of thing to Yukino Yukino, right?

I will definitely be killed, yes, physically kill...

Compared to this, joining the art department is nothing. As for winning an award in a month's painting competition... It shouldn't be a big trouble for me, right?

The only thing you need to pay attention to is how Haruhi Suzumiya explained that he had agreed to start the SOS group activities with her, but he joined the art department in a blink of an eye...

If an explanation is not in place, it is the rhythm of becoming a hot weapon at night.

"So you are still very good, so let's do it first, come to me after school today, and I will take you to the art department to report." Seeing the expression on Izumi Sagiri's face, she didn't want to agree at all but had to agree. The expression, Hiratsuka Shizuo not only did not mean any guilt, but even showed a big smile.

Fighting with the old lady, you are still too young, Hequan Sawu!


Fortunately, Haruhi Suzumiya is not an unreasonable person... Well, sometimes she is still very unreasonable, but this time, after Izumi Sagiri told her that she had been threatened to join the art department, she did not make trouble. what a temper.

I just set a condition with Iizumi Sagiri to spend the weekends to participate in the activities of the SOS group, and then I can go to the art department after school.

"Goodbye, my weekend..." Reluctantly agreed to Haruhi Suzumiya's conditions, and Izumi Sagiri regretted the painting book for the first time...

If I knew that things would turn out like this, I might as well go to help... Forget it, think about it carefully or draw a book to be more reliable.


A day passed in a blink of an eye, and soon it was time for school... No, it was time for club activities to be precise.

When I came to Hiratsuka Shizuo's office, the woman was already waiting there as she said, but at this time, Hiratsuka Shizuo was not the only one in the office.

Besides her, there was another girl in uniform with an orange waist-length ponytail and two dumplings tied on her head.

Moreover, in terms of appearance, this girl is almost the same as Yukinoshita Yukino, and looking at the smile on her face and the expected chest, it seems to be more reliable than Yukinoshita Yukino?

It is worth mentioning that the girl's right hand is still wrapped in several circles of bandages, it looks like she is injured?

"Who is she?" Curiously looked at the girl standing in front of Hiratsuka Shizuo, and after Kaizumi Sagiri was sure that there was no such person in her class, she asked suspiciously.

"Well, I joined you as a freshman in the art department. I'll introduce myself later. Now you two come with me." Without intending to introduce Izumi Sagiri carefully, Shizuo Hiratsuka just stood up and brought this The two walked towards the outside of the teaching building.

The art department is not in this building, and the community classrooms are generally arranged in another slightly older teaching building.

"My name is Izumi Sagiri, one year's group J, how about you?" Following Hiratsuka Shizuo all the way, Izumi Sagiri was not so honest that she had to wait until the art department to meet this beautiful young lady next to her.

You must know that the purpose of her special trip to the school to study is not to learn any knowledge. Her knowledge is purely to talk about a love that is not in vain.

No matter how you think this girl is a very suitable choice, right?

She has the same appearance as Yukinoshita Yukino, with a smile on her face all the time, plus she has a better figure than Yukinoshita Yukinoshita, as long as there is no problem with her personality, I think she is the best for a girlfriend. Candidate!

Oops, it's a heart-wrenching feeling.

"Eh? Me? One year E class, the name is Evan Li Maria." Sure enough, Evan Li Maria's character is much better than Yukinoshita Yukino, and she immediately heard the question of Izumi Sagiri. He just turned his head and introduced himself with a smile on his face.

"Ivan Limaria, what a nice name. By the way, what's wrong with your hand, is it hurt?" After thinking about it carefully, there seems to be no such person in the anime I've watched before, and Izumi Sagiri also asked curiously. come out.

Getting along with girls who don't know their personalities is like an unknown future, and you need to explore a little by yourself. Does this feel like a good feeling?

"This, it is indeed hurt." After being silent for a few seconds, and looking at Heizumi Sagiri again, Evan Li Maria covered her right hand with her left hand, and then she felt a pain in her face. "Before the start of school, when fighting against the Demon King who wanted to invade this world, I was accidentally burned by his Black Dragon Demon Flame, and it still hasn't healed."

Hearing Ivan Limaria's words, Izumi Sagiri silently supported her forehead...

You said that a beautiful big sister is so good, why is she a middle schooler?

And it looked as if he was terminally ill and couldn't be saved.

"So you are the brave man who defeated my Heiyanlong? Kukuku, you dare to show your true face in front of my Night Demon Queen, this time you are dead, brave!"

So Izumi Sagiri suddenly stretched out her right hand after being silent for a few seconds, covered her right eye, and laughed in a dazzling and cool tone.

She looks like an evil big devil... It's a pity that this identity obviously doesn't match the image of a loli like Izumi Sagiri. When Hiratsuka Shizuo just turned her head and saw her action, she immediately laughed "hahaha" up.

"What are you two doing? Are you acting in a drama? The relationship is so good so soon?" Ignoring the awkward expressions on the faces of Izumi Sagiri and Ivan Limaria, after laughing for a long time, she asked with a smile came out.


ps: The first update, by the way, the role of Evan Li Maria is from "This art department has a big problem! "~

Then... daily ask for blades~

Chapter 20: We have a traitor among us

In just one sentence, Izumi Sagiri affirmed that the girl in front of her had the same disease as herself, but what happened to the second disease, she should also fall in love with the second disease.

On a girl with a good personality, even if it is a terminally ill and incurable middle school disease, it is still cute!

I also thought of this, and Izumi Sagiri cooperated with Evan Li Maria just now, but accidentally forgot that Hiratsuka Shizuo was still nearby.

"Aunt Hiratsuka, you don't understand the world of girls!" Just when Izumi Sagiri wanted to explain something to Shizuo Hiratsuka, Imari Maria next to him suddenly said something to Shizuka Hiratsuka. .

How dare you call me Aunt Hiratsuka Shizuo, this child is so terrifying!

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