ps: The first update~ I found that other authors like to put a picture of a silly dick in this place, so I decided...

I still don't let it go, I need to be a little special...

Chapter 220: It's My Nose's Crime

Hearing Megumi Kato's words, Izumi Sagiri was in a bad mood, so what is Megumi Kato going to do?

Please, Yukinoshita Yukino is still on the side. Although she doesn't mind what she said, what if she says "you smell like Megumi Kato" after she takes a shower later?

But she refused Kato Megumi to come in to take a bath... Izumi Sagiri is not so courageous, she had no choice but to turn around and back out after Kato Megumi entered the bathroom...

"You wash first, I'll wait until you finish washing..." After saying this, Izumi Sagiri went back to her bed and lay down, then picked up her mobile phone, and waited silently for Kato Megumi to finish taking a shower.

Seeing Izumi Sagiri like this, Kato Megumi just showed a faint smile on his face, didn't want to say anything, and then silently closed the bathroom door.

Her purpose was not to take a bath with Izumi Sagiri, but she simply didn't want Izumi Sagiri to finish the bath so early and then sleep on the same bed with Yukinoshita Yukino.

After all, Evanli Maria went to bed so early today, what if she came to wake Hequan Sagiri tomorrow and saw the two sleeping together?

And when he finished washing himself, Hequan Sagiri would almost fall asleep.

Thinking of this, Kato Megumi also took off her clothes silently, and then slowly took a shower in the bathroom. As for the fact that the bathroom in this room is transparent...

I have done this kind of thing with Izumi Sagiri, and I have clearly told Izumi Sagiri that I really like her. In addition, Izumi Sagiri must have told Yukino Yukino about this, Kato Megumi is naturally I wouldn't mind taking a bath in front of Izumi Sagiri and Yukinoshita Yukino.

The matter was indeed similar to what Megumi Kato thought. At the beginning, Sagiri Izumi had been watching her bath with great interest, but after Yukinoshita Yukino gave her a white look, and she kept looking at her with a smile, she quickly It was just cowardly, and then covered with a quilt.

And how could she, who was already very sleepy, last long in this situation, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

After seeing this scene through the glass of the bathroom, Kato Megumi sped up the speed of taking a bath.

Now that the goal has been achieved, why are you still dawdling?I've been playing with my phone on the bed before, so I'm a little sleepy now, okay?

And after taking a bath, Megumi Kato didn't communicate with Yukino Yukinoshita, and just fell asleep under her own quilt.


"Wake up!" Early the next morning, Izumi Sagiri was still in a drowsy sleep, and suddenly felt a chill all over her body...

Then she found that her quilt had been lifted completely by someone.

Please, she slept naked last night, it would be embarrassing to be lifted up like this.

And the person who lifted her quilt obviously also found the same problem, just now she lifted the quilt, and quickly put the quilt back.

"What are you doing so early in the morning? It's still dark..." I looked at the sky by the window, which was only pale with fish belly, and then at Ivanie Maria who appeared in front of my eyes. All right.

She didn't go to bed so early last night like Evanli Maria, and she didn't wake up at all now, okay?

"Isn't it boring to wake up too early..." After embarrassingly replying to Izumi Sagiri, Imari Maria also asked doubtfully, "But Sagiri, why are you sleeping naked..."

While saying this, Evanli Maria also looked at Megumi Kato and Yukinoshita Yukino on the other two beds in the room, the meaning she wanted to express was self-evident.

"I'm used to it, I can't sleep without taking off my clothes, and last night when I came back from the hot spring, both of them were already asleep, and they were not seen..." It took a second to think about the reason for the cover-up, and Izumi Sagiri said Wouldn't it be foolish to tell Evanli Maria that she hasn't worn clothes since entering the hot spring last night...

"Emmm... your habit is too strange, forget it, it's not important, get up and go for a walk with me." After complaining helplessly, Evanli Maria urged Izumi Sagiri again.

"Okay, okay~" She smiled dotingly, thinking that she didn't spend much time alone with Ivanari Maria all day yesterday, and Izumi Sagiri also forced herself to get out of the bed with her sleepiness, and then she didn't have any scruples. She changed her clothes directly in front of Evanli Maria.

As for that Yukinoshita Yukino who is still pretending to be asleep after being woken up, Izumi Sagiri will naturally not expose her.

Soon, Izumi Sagiri changed her clothes and finished freshening up, and she didn't intend to disturb Yukinoshita Yukino and Kato Megumi. After finishing these things, Izumi Sagiri left the room directly with Ivani Maria.

As Evanli Maria said before, the two of them just went for a walk. As for where they are taking a walk...

As couples, they naturally want to choose a more romantic place. Just yesterday, after Izumi Sagiri came back early, the remaining girls went to the beach in Yokohama. This time, Evanli Maria naturally did not hesitate. He set off towards the beach with Izumi Sagiri.

It is a very romantic thing for Evanli Maria to watch the sunrise with the person she likes on the deserted beach.

It would be even better if there is no Yuki Asuna by my side...

But there is nothing Evanli Maria can do about this kind of thing, who made her accidentally wake up Yuki Asuna when she got up?

Fortunately, although Yuuki Asuna has been following them all the time, she didn't intend to rush up to destroy the time they finally got alone together, but when they finished their walk and came back to the hotel again to prepare for breakfast That's when he came to the two of them.

"Hoo...good morning, you guys woke up really early." As if she didn't know that she had been discovered long ago, Yuuki Asuna also pretended to just get up.

"You are all boring... What are you pretending to do with us all the way?" Unfortunately, Evan Li Maria has no intention of giving Yuuki Asuna face at all. Nye was exposed.

Fortunately, it's still early. Although the hotel owner has already prepared breakfast for the group, the other girls haven't woken up yet, so they haven't been able to see this weird scene.

"I don't want to bother you two..." But even if it was exposed, Asuna Yuuki didn't mean to be embarrassed, and just ate breakfast silently, "By the way, Maria, wait a while Are you free, I have something to tell you."

While saying this, Yuuki Asuna also gave Izumi Sagiri a look.

ps: The second update ~ daily tickets

Chapter 221: Are you about to be robbed again?

Yuuki Asuna's eyes can be said to be obvious. Anyway, Izumi Sagiri noticed it. Thinking of what Yuki Asuna said last night, and what she said just now, Izumi Sagiri didn't think too much. He just stood up with his own breakfast: "It happens that I woke up too early in the morning and didn't wake up much. If you have anything to say, just say it first, and I'll go back to sleep."

Although it is very strange why Yuuki Asuna didn't tell Evanli Maria about this last night, but since she chooses to say it now, she should give her the time.

"What is so mysterious..." Asuna Yuuki noticed Ivanari Maria's eyes just now, and then she was speechless when she heard Izumi Sagiri's words, "Just now Just say no?"

"Ahem, Sagiri is still there, it's inconvenient, inconvenient." Although thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Sagiri Izumi being here, but Asuna Yuuki felt that it would be better for the two of them to talk about this kind of thing alone.

"It's really inexplicable..." After glancing back at Yuuki Asuna angrily, Ivanari Maria nodded helplessly, "Forget it, I don't have anything to do when Sagiri goes back to sleep anyway, so you can say whatever you want." Speak."

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