After another "friendly" argument in the gazebo for a while, the two returned to the lobby of the hotel together. According to their plan, everyone was going to take a hot spring this morning.

And they chatted in the courtyard for so long just now, the others should have woken up, right?

Just like what they thought, when they returned to the hotel lobby, everyone was almost there, even Izumi Sagiri, who said she was going to go back to sleep, was sitting on a sofa obediently.

Although her expression looked a little upset, as if she was being forcibly pulled up by someone.

"Alright, alright, everyone is here. It's okay to take a hot spring this morning, right?" Seeing that Imari Maria and Yuuki Asuna finally came back, Megumi Kato, who was already fully dressed, also asked. .

"We won't go. We already soaked in the hot spring last night. If we soak again, we will die." However, before anyone agrees, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu just shook his head and refused to come out. At the same time, he pulled Xuezhi beside him. Xia Yangnai, "In the morning, let's go outside to see if there are any souvenirs."

"Tsk tsk, how about acting in unison?" He glanced at the two of them angrily, but Kato Megumi didn't say much, after all, what Kasumigaoka Shiwa said was right, things like hot springs can really hurt after soaking for a long time. What happened, "The two of them won't go, what about you, who else won't go?"

"I..." looked at Kato Megumi in embarrassment, and Izumi Sagiri also said it.

The reason is naturally the same as Kasumigaoka Shiyu, she spent a little longer in the hot spring yesterday than Kasumigaoka Shiyu and the others.

"Hey, Sagiri, you haven't even soaked in a hot spring with me yet!" Hearing Izumi Sagiri's words, Imari Maria became dissatisfied instantly.

You must know that Yuuki Asuna sneaked away last night, soaked in the hot spring with Izumi Sagiri all night, while she was sleeping...

Now that Hequan Sagiri doesn't soak anymore, isn't he a blood loss?

"Anyway, we don't go back until tomorrow afternoon, so why don't I accompany you tomorrow morning?" Looking helplessly at Ivanie Maria, Izumi Sagiri could only come up with this way, "Only The two of us."

There's no way, she really doesn't want to take a hot spring at all now.

"Okay, okay, then what are you going to do if you don't go to the hot springs now?" Heizumi Sagiri said so, what else can Ivanari Maria do, she can only agree first.

"Me, should I play games in the room?" After thinking about it, Izumi Sagiri said it with some uncertainty.

"I'll stay in the room too." Hearing the word "game", Asuna Yuuki immediately became interested.

"You two are serious, I don't care about you, I'm going to take a hot spring." She gave the two of them an angry look, and Evan Li Maria didn't want to stay in the room without soaking in the hot spring to play games with the two of them. , Immediately he said it unhappily.

With her leadership, the other girls also decided to go to the hot springs one after another. After all, only the Kasumigaoka Shiyu duo who were going shopping and the game duo who stayed in the room did not go.

But Sagiri Izumi had just returned to the room with Asuna Yuuki, before even opening the laptop, there was a knock on the door.

Puzzled to open the door for the people outside, Izumi Sagiri saw Haiwei standing upright at the door, and immediately asked curiously: "Haiwei? Why are you here?"

"This time you came out with Yukino and Asuna. Tomorrow you will be with Maria again. You haven't been with me yet. Now they all go to the hot springs. Let's go shopping with me on the street." Looking at Asuna Yuuki who was still fiddling with the computer in the room, Umi also said it lightly.

Even she doesn't want to see her girlfriend accompany other girls all the time.

"Okay, then I'll go and talk to Asuna." Thinking about it, it was true. I haven't been alone with Haiwei in the past two days. Now that I finally have a chance, I'd better not play this game.

As for things like Yuki Asuna's dove, it doesn't matter, anyway, I only stayed with her for so long last night, and she is not my girlfriend, so there is nothing I can do about it.

As for why Haiwei suddenly appeared at the door of his room when he said he was going to soak in the hot springs, Izumi Sagiri didn't bother to ask, anyway, he was just looking for a reason.

Thinking of this, Sagiri Izumi also turned around and returned to the room, and explained to Asuna Yuuki who was about to pull her into the dark with great interest.

Just now on the way back, Asuna Yuuki told her that Maria agreed, so although Izumi Sagiri has not promised Maria to be with her yet, it doesn't matter if she tells her about her relationship with Kai Wei of.

Hearing that it was Izumi Sagiri's girlfriend who wanted to ask her out on a date, and the reason Izumi Sagiri said was really reasonable, no matter how dissatisfied Yuuki Asuna was, she could only nod her head.

Anyway, Izumi Sagiri just came to tell her, and didn't mean to ask for her opinion, so it's better to agree directly.

"But Maria, it's not that I don't want to help you watch Sagiri, I really can't watch it." Seeing Izumi Sagiri and Kaiwei leave the room arm in arm, one person silently clicked on the game. Yuuki Asuna also sighed helplessly.

"Didn't you travel with Sagiri? Why did you suddenly play games?" Just as she was thinking about such and such a thing, a message suddenly came.

Knowing this, and being friends with Yuuki Asuna, it is naturally a black cat.

"That guy went shopping with her mistress, and I can only play games by myself." Regardless of whether the black cat knows that Izumi Sagiri has several girlfriends, Yuuki Asuna is directly dissatisfied complained.

"Tsk, what's the big deal for me? Come on, come on, I happen to be free, let's play together."

"Okay, I'm too lazy to think so much, let's play games!" Of course, Asuna Yuuki agreed without hesitation.

ps: The second update ~ daily tickets

Chapter 224: Which Rin?

Leaving aside Yuuki Asuna who has already started playing games with the black cat, on the way out of the hotel with Kaimi, Izumi Sagiri didn’t care if Yukinoshita Yukino said anything, and directly reported what happened in the past two days He told Haiwei everything.

She didn't mean to hide it from Haiwei.

"So, Haiwei, you think the same as Yukino?" After finishing talking, Izumi Sagiri also asked curiously.

"Originally, I discussed this matter with Xue Nai, and of course I think the same as her now." He nodded amusedly, and Hai Wei naturally did not mean to deny it, "Let's not talk about this today, Now go shopping with me."

While saying these words, Umi also dragged Izumi Sagiri into the largest shopping mall in Yokohama.

Of course, shopping is only secondary, and Hai Wei simply wants to go out with Izumi Sagiri and spend some time alone.

It's just that the two of them had just entered the shopping mall when they noticed something was wrong.

There are some pedestrians, but they are all concentrated in the passage. Few people enter the shops on both sides of the passage, and most of them are rushing towards the center of the shopping plaza.

Generally speaking, people who go shopping in the mall do not behave in this way.

"What's the situation?" He looked at Haiwei beside him in doubt, and Sagiri Izumi was a little confused.

"It's probably because there are some celebrities or performers over there. I don't know the specifics, but anyway, we didn't come here to buy things. Why don't we go and see it now?" He pondered for a while After a while, Hai Weicai spoke out.

Compared with Izumi Sagiri, she still has more knowledge.

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