No way, she doesn't know where Haiwei is either.


Since Ivanari Maria has not been in Chiba recently, Haiwei doesn’t have to worry about her relationship with Izumi Sagiri being exposed, so this time the movie theater she chose is in a commercial building very close to Izumi Sagiri’s home , In just a few minutes, Sagiri Izumi and Rin Shibuya saw Umi who was bored playing with his mobile phone at the entrance of this commercial building.

"Obviously this place is relatively close to you, why is it so slow?" Seeing the two walking slowly, Hai Wei said with some dissatisfaction, "The movie is about to start, okay?"

"Blame me, who told this guy to go out and insist on changing his hairstyle?" Regarding this kind of thing, Izumi Sagiri of course pushed the blame on Shibuya Rin without hesitation.

Hearing Izumi Sagiri's words, Kai Wei also took a curious look at Shibuya Rin's hairstyle, and after finding that this hairstyle was the same as Tohsaka Rin, she also understood that Shibuya Rin would rather be late and change her hairstyle reason.

She still remembers what she said, she wants to pretend to be Tohsaka Rin in Izumi Sagiri.

In this case, it is naturally impossible for Kai Wei to blame Shibuya Rin, and after she casually smiled and said that she didn't mind, she also took the initiative to walk to Izumi Sagiri's side.

Normally, Kai Wei would have held Izumi Sagiri's hand at this time, but this time, thinking that Shibuya Rin was still on the side, she didn't deliberately go to hold Izumi Sagiri's hand.

Although what Izumi Sagiri said is right, it is best to behave a little closer to her now to make Shibuya Rin give up, but Shibuya Rin is his good friend, and he still likes himself so much, it would be too embarrassing for Shibuya to do this Gu Lin was sad.

However, even if Kai Wei didn't take the initiative to hold Izumi Sagiri, Izumi Sagiri would take the initiative to hold her. After being held by Izumi Sagiri, even if Kai Wei didn't want to make Shibuya Rin sad, it was impossible to break free from Izumi Sagiri Hands of fog.

And since it is impossible to break free, Haiwei can only keep this posture and walk towards the cinema with Izumi Sagiri.

Seeing Izumi Sagiri and Umi's intimate appearance, Shibuya Rin who was walking behind could only shake his head helplessly, although he wanted to imitate Izumi Sagiri and hold Umi's other arm , but this is obviously unrealistic.

But even if Shibuya Rin thought clearly about this kind of thing, she was still very unwilling. She could hold Haiwei's hand before, but now there is Izumi Sagiri.

The more I look at it, the more I hate it, and the more I look at it, the more I envy it.

"No, I can't just watch the two of them show their love. If this continues, I will definitely have no chance in the future." After hesitating for a while, Shibuya Rin still couldn't control the impulse in his heart, and walked forward directly , Under the dubious eyes of the two, they held Haiwei's other hand.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Shibuya Rin's action, Izumi Sagiri couldn't bear it anymore, she asked out of dissatisfaction before Kaimi broke free from Shibuya Rin's hand.

"It's just... just holding hands, isn't it normal between good friends?" Looking at Izumi Sagiri with a guilty conscience, Shibuya Rin can only use this reason.

"It's okay to hold hands between good friends, but Rin... I'm Sagiri's girlfriend, you're like this..." Taking advantage of Shibuya Rin's guilty conscience, Kai Wei also took back his hand, feeling a little helpless looked at Rin Shibuya.

"Of course I know about this kind of thing, but as long as this guy agrees, it's fine?" As if making up some kind of determination, Shibuya Rin said it seriously.

"Huh? Why should I agree to such a thing?" Looking at Shibuya Rin with a puzzled expression, Izumi Sagiri felt that this guy was getting more and more inexplicable.

ps: The first update~The third update will start tomorrow~

Chapter 258: There is an inner ghost, stop...intensify efforts

Not only Sagiri Izumi, but after hearing Shibuya Rin's words, even Hai Wei looked at Shibuya Rin in doubt, she didn't understand what Shibuya Rin had the confidence to say.

No matter how I think about it, Izumi Sagiri has no reason to agree to Shibuya Rin's request.

"Anyway, sister Haiwei, you also know that the condition for me to come here is to be a model for this guy, so I'll just say it right now." Showing a look of "I don't care", Shibuya Rin is too lazy to think about Hai I didn't hear what I would think after I heard what I was going to say next, so I said it directly to Izumi Sagiri, "As long as you let me hold Haiwei in the future, you can touch my legs as you want, okay no?"

"This..." Looking at Rin Shibuya in embarrassment, Izumi Sagiri had to admit that she was moved again.

So there is no way to do this. Who made Shibuya Rin's legs so good? It's just like playing with your legs.

"Wow, Sagiri, don't you really want to say yes?" Seeing Izumi Sagiri's hesitation, Hai Wei, who was standing aside, was in a bad mood, "Didn't I tell you, don't be sorry Rin makes a move."

"That's right, that's right, I can't promise you this kind of thing." Hearing Haiwei's words, Izumi Sagiri remembered what Haiwei told him before, and quickly refused.

She was so arrogant before because Haiwei and Yukino didn't mind her being with other girls, but now if Haiwei would get angry because of this incident, Izumi Sagiri would naturally not mess around.

At least he won't mess around in front of Haiwei.

"Tsk..." Seeing that Izumi Sagiri still didn't agree, Shibuya Rin could only click her tongue in displeasure, and then retreated behind the two of them.

But she obviously didn't intend to give up. Although Sagiri Izumi didn't agree this time, she was obviously moved by seeing her like that, but she didn't agree because of Haiwei.

In this case, I just need to wait until Hai Wei is gone, and then negotiate terms with her alone.

Isn't it just to eat tofu for Izumi Sagiri, a guy I hate very much, anyway, she is just a girl, not a man I hate, and it's not too bad if she eats tofu in exchange for being intimate with Haiwei.

While thinking about how to make a deal with Izumi Sagiri, Shibuya Rin followed the two into the cinema.

Then she discovered that the movie ticket that Haiwei bought for herself was not beside the two of them at all, but behind them...

How could she accept this?

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to change places. Anyway, the movie that Hai Wei bought is a romance movie that few people watch. There should not be many people.

Just when Shibuya Rin was thinking about what reason to sit next to Umi, the movie also started. Just as she thought, no one else was sitting next to Umi or Izumi Sagiri, so she just had to change it directly. Just get over it.

But Sagiri Izumi would definitely not agree if he sat directly next to Haiwei, in that case...

After thinking about the feasibility, Shibuya Rin quietly sat next to Izumi Sagiri.

Since it's not good to sit next to Haiwei, wouldn't it be good to sit next to Izumi Sagiri?It's not the best outcome, but it's fine as long as Li Haiwei gets closer.

"Why did you switch?" Seeing Shibuya Rin suddenly appearing beside him, Izumi Sagiri also turned her head in doubt, and asked curiously.

"It's boring to be alone in the back, and you don't like sitting next to Haiwei, so it's okay for me to sit next to you, right?" Izumi Sagiri glanced at Izumi Sagiri, and Shibuya Rin wouldn't have anything to do with Izumi Sagiri complexion.

"Tsk, it's up to you." After Shibuya Rin said so, Izumi Sagiri couldn't find any reason to refuse, so she nodded and let her sit beside her.

After saying this, Izumi Sagiri didn't intend to say anything to Shibuya Rin, and just watched the movie seriously, and occasionally chatted with Kai Wei on the other side of the movie plot in a low voice.

Watching a movie is definitely interesting if you watch it while chatting.

And half of the time of the movie passed like this, during which Shibuya Rin sat quietly next to Izumi Sagiri, and didn't intend to chat with Izumi Sagiri as she said.

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