
Probably thinking that there were two people waiting at home, Yukinoshita Yukino took a bath quite quickly, and soon she changed into Izumi Sagiri's clothes and came out of the bathroom.

"Well, Yukino, you finally came out." Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino coming out of the bathroom and sitting next to her, Sagiri Izumi also stopped chatting with Megumi Kato, and turned to look at Yukino next to her Under Yukino, "So you are going home today? Why did you come back suddenly, and you even dressed yourself up like this?"

"Even if I have to go home today, I can't leave you with a birthday present." Different from the sad look of the previous two days, the expression on Yukinoshita Yukino's face was much more relaxed after returning from her own home. The incident made her a little embarrassed, but now she is obviously in a good mood, "But the time is a bit rushed, but fortunately I have already prepared the gift box, otherwise it may be too late."

"I forgot my birthday myself, but I didn't expect you to remember it, Yukino." Seeing that Yukinoshita Yukino was already preparing her birthday present, Izumi Sagiri was also a little moved, "Speaking of which, today you go home Did you tell your mother about us?"

"This is the purpose of my going back this time, of course I said it." Nodding, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't mean to be tricky, and explained it directly, "After I told my mother about you, she I was just angry and asked me to transfer schools, no matter how much Sister Yangnai persuaded me, it was useless, so I ran out directly."

"But as the price for running away... I have nothing but myself now, Sagiri, you should take me in, right?"

"Eh? What does it mean that there is nothing?" Looking at Yukinoshita Yukino puzzled, Izumi Sagiri was a little confused about the situation.

Although she and Yukinoshita Yukino had long been prepared to elope, she did not expect this situation.

"My mother said that everything I enjoy now is given by Yukinoshita's family. Since this is the case, I will return them all." While saying this, Yukinoshita also pointed to the clothes she was wearing. The clothes of Izumi Sagiri, "Give her back the bank card, wallet, mobile phone, and apartment. I only need Sagiri and you now."

After listening to Yukinoshita Yukino's explanation, Izumi Sagiri was also very moved, but before she could speak, Kato Megumi who was sitting on the other side suddenly said: "Although it is a bit inappropriate to interrupt you at this time, But Yukino, you can't do this."

Together with Izumi Sagiri, she turned her head in doubt, obviously Yukinoshita Yukino didn't quite understand what Kato Megumi meant.

"Even if Yukino and Sagiri both of you have the capital to live independently now, the relationship with your family should not be so tense. Doing so will not benefit everyone."

"But there's nothing I can do about it. My mother doesn't agree with me and Sagiri..." Hearing Kato Megumi's words, Yukinoshita Yukino also knew that she had a way, and immediately showed a hint of pleading for help. gaze.

"If you don't agree now, it doesn't mean you don't agree in the future. You should live with Sagiri for a while, and you can get back together with Sagiri Izumi when they get anxious." Looking at Yukinoshita Yukino and Megumi Kato speechlessly I don't think this kind of thing should be difficult to imagine.

"Of course I know about this kind of thing. How could I have been in a stalemate with my family... I thought Megumi had a better way." Speechlessly replied Kato Megumi, Yukinoshita Yukino thought she had something What a brilliant idea.

Isn't this the same as what I thought?

ps: The second update, the December update is complete~~

Chapter 268: The Return

"If you came to me to ask about this before, maybe I could help you to pay attention." Finding that Yukino Yukino thought of herself as Zhuge Liang, Kato Megumi was also speechless, "But now you all put Things have become like this, what else can I do..."

As soon as Kato Megumi finished speaking, the room fell into a dull atmosphere, and for a while, several people didn't know what to say.

"Okay, today is Sagiri's birthday, so don't talk about it." After a while, Megumi Kato took the initiative to speak, "Now let's celebrate Sagiri's birthday first."

"Hmm..." Hearing Kato Megumi's words, Yukinoshita Yukino realized that today is Izumi Sagiri's birthday, so it's better not to talk about such topics that ruin the atmosphere.

And although the method Kato Megumi just said is not very good, it is not impossible, just follow this method and implement it.

The boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge.

After that, the three of them chatted about why Kato Megumi appeared here today, and then celebrated Izumi Sagiri's birthday according to the process of ordinary people's birthdays. .

Fortunately, Izumi Sagiri's bed is big enough to sleep three people without any problem.


Early the next morning, after a "breakup kiss" with Izumi Sagiri, Kato Megumi also announced that she and Izumi Sagiri had broken up their relationship, but she didn't mean to leave Izumi Sagiri's house in a hurry .

After all, today is already summer vacation, and Izumi Sagiri's time to move is today, thinking that Kato Megumi, who has nothing to do today, naturally stayed to help the two move.

But it is said to be helping, but in fact it is just helping to pack things. The real moving work is still handled by the moving company. After all, the new villa Izumi Sagiri bought is quite far away, and her sports car can't hold anything...

It took a whole morning, and the three of them finally finished packing up the new villa, but Izumi Sagiri and Yukinoshita Yukino did not plan to move there directly, but planned to wait for Yuuki Asuna to come back in the previous apartment After that, the three of them moved there together.

According to Yuuki Asuna, she should be back this afternoon.

It's a pity that Izumi Sagiri and Yukinoshita Yukino didn't wait until Yuuki Asuna, the two of them had just finished lunch outside, separated from Kato Megumi and returned home, and were about to lie down on the bed and take a comfortable nap. The door of the apartment was opened.

But the person who came in was not Asuna Yuuki as they expected, but a person who should not be here at all...

According to Haruhi Suzumiya, she herself is not sure when she will come back, and Izumi Sagiri naturally defaults to her not being able to come back, who knows that it is only the first day of summer vacation, and she came back with a big suitcase ah?

And at this time, Izumi Sagiri and Yukinoshita Yukino were still leaning on the sofa and sitting intimately.

"Unexpected! I... came back..." Haruhi Suzumiya, who was standing at the door, saw this scene, and the voice that originally wanted to surprise Izumi Sagiri suddenly hesitated. This situation was a bit different from what she had expected. the same?

It's fine if Ivanari Maria isn't by Izumi Sagiri's side, after all Izumi Sagiri doesn't hang out with Ivani Maria every day, but why is Yukinoshita Yukino here?

And it seems that the relationship with Izumi Sagiri is quite good...

"Well, Suzumiya, listen to my explanation." At this time, Sagiri Izumi didn't have time to think why Haruhi Suzumiya came back suddenly. In a panic, she directly let go of the hand on Yukino Yukino's shoulder, and then some Embarrassed to say it.

As for what to explain... Izumi Sagiri didn't have time to think about this question, anyway let Suzumiya Haruhi calm down first.

"Explain what? Explain when the two of you got married?" After Izumi Sagiri finished speaking, Suzumiya Haruhi almost recovered from her stupefied state, and immediately a smear appeared on her face. Sneered, "And Yukino, is this what you told me you hate Sagiri the most?"

"I..." The two people on the sofa were rendered speechless by Haruhi Suzumiya at the same time, there was no other way, the facts were all in front of them, how could the two of them explain this?

"Why aren't you talking? Sagiri, don't you want to explain?" Seeing Izumi Sagiri's expression of not knowing what to say, Suzumiya Haruhi also asked.

"Explain, explain!" Originally, Izumi Sagiri had that kind of stubborn personality, but now she was provoked by Haruhi Suzumiya, and there was no other way to do it, so she suddenly became hardened.

Then, in the sneer of Haruhi Suzumiya, she explained everything about her and Yukinoshita Yukino to Haruhi Suzumiya. Of course, the time that Sagiri Izumi said could not be the time when the real incident happened, but after Haruhi Suzumiya left.

If I told Haruhi Suzumiya that I had already fallen in love with Yukinoshita Yukino when she was still there, Sagiri Izumi felt that she would die today.

"Tsk, so, does Evanie Maria know about this?" Suzumiya Haruhi naturally knew that Yukinoshita Yukino liked to read books, and she didn't have much doubt after hearing Izumi Sagiri's explanation. It seems that this is almost the only reason why these two people can be together.

Compared with the fact that Yukinoshita Yukino is already with Izumi Sagiri, it is more important to find out whether Yukinoshita Yukino has implemented his plan well.

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