
The moving things went very smoothly. Yukinoshita Yukino's house seemed to be suppressed by Yang Nao as well, and they didn't come to trouble them. Soon, four people lived in the newly bought villa by Izumi Sagiri.

Aside from Kai Mi and Evan Limaria, who were far away in Chiba, they hadn't moved in yet, and the rest of Haruhi Suzumiya, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Asuna Yuuki had already found their own rooms.

Although they don't sleep in their own rooms most of the time.

"Huh, it's almost time to draw a book." After spending a few days in the new home, Izumi Sagiri remembered the large sum of money she owed Maki.

Although Maki wasn't in a hurry at all, but with the precedent of Haruhi Suzumiya, Izumi Sagiri doesn't want to owe others anything now.

It's better to pay it back sooner.

And Izumi Sagiri's way of making money is of course by drawing a book. As for the protagonist of the book, she has long thought of this, Shibuya Rin from the idol master.

There is no need for classes during the summer vacation, and the script on Kasumigaoka Shiyu's side is still being revised because of the sudden addition of Haruhi Suzumiya. Izumi Sagiri has enough time to draw Shibuya Rin's script in just two or three days.

"Cough cough, I've been cooing for a long time, I will announce a new work~ Shibuya Girl, I hope everyone likes it." The first time after the drawing was drawn, Izumi Sagiri posted a new update under his live account. .

"Sofa, by the way, did Erromanga-sensei finally reach out to the idol?"

"Surprised, Shibuya Rinwu is miserable? He started just after he quit the entertainment industry, Mr. Erromanga. It's too much. By the way, I'll order three copies first."

In short, unlike the previous comments on the new work released by Izumi Sagiri, this time her fans did not discuss the plot of the book, but discussed the protagonist of the book.

Izumi Sagiri was stunned for a moment. To be fair, wasn't she drawing Shibuya Rin?It's not Tohsaka Rin, what are these guys doing?

However, based on the principle of being careful and not making a big mistake, Heizumi Sawu honestly googled it, and then she was speechless...

There really is a Shibuya Rin in this world, and this Shibuya Rin... She still knows.

"I really believe your evil, she is not Tohsaka Rin, but Shibuya Rin..." After reading the introduction about Shibuya Rin on the webpage, Izumi Sagiri only felt that [-] mythical beasts ran past in her heart. Shibuya Rin is deceiving himself with Kai Mi?

No wonder Shibuya Rin wasn't angry at all when he saw the Tohsaka Rin book he drew...

The current situation is very embarrassing. I have already drawn my own book and announced the news, even if I don't want to sell it.

But fortunately, Shibuya Rin now has something to ask herself, even if she draws her book herself, she doesn't dare to trouble herself.

If that's the case, then it's better to continue selling the book as if nothing happened.

Just as Heizumi Sawu was thinking about how to deal with this matter, in a movie theater not far from Heizumi Sawu's new home, Hai Wei's mobile phone suddenly vibrated gently.

Picking up the phone in doubt, a new dynamic from Hequan Shawu appeared in front of Hai Wei's eyes, and her complexion suddenly changed.

"Rin, did you tell Sagiri that you are Shibuya Rin?" Just now that Shibuya Rin was beside him, Haiwei asked suspiciously without thinking.

"No? What's the matter?" He turned his head with a confused look, and Shibuya Rin didn't follow Heizumi Sagiri's account again. How could he know what happened.

"Sagiri drew your book, not Tohsaka Rin, but Shibuya Rin." Hearing Shibuya Rin's answer, Hai Mi didn't say much, and just handed her mobile phone to Shibuya Rin.

"...But I really didn't tell Sagiri about this. Could it be that she discovered it herself, and then thought we were lying to her, so I would use this to retaliate?" After reading the content on the phone, Shibuya Rin She was even more confused, she couldn't remember when she told Heizumi Sagiri about it.

"It's also possible. After all, you have a lot of information on the Internet, and Sagiri can find it with just a look." Thinking that this kind of thing is completely possible, Hai Wei also nodded, "But this book... or I'll let it go. Sagiri, don't sell it?"

"Forget it... I really don't mind this kind of thing, and we lied to Sagiri first, right?" Of course Shibuya Rin wouldn't bear it if it was before, but just like Iizumi Sagiri thought, she is now But I have something to ask for Sagiri, why would I go to Izumi Sagiri now because of such a thing.

It's just a book, and if you draw it, you will draw it. Anyway, this guy Izumi Sagiri has even drawn Hai Wei's book.

ps: daily midnight update

Chapter 272: Opportunity

"Hey, this is not like what you would say, Rin, and don't you hate Sagiri very much?" However, after hearing Shibuya Rin's words, Haimi frowned directly, "Or are you actually behind my back? Quietly have a good relationship with Sagiri?"

No way, with the precedent of Yukinoshita Yukino, it is inevitable that Kai will think things in this direction.

"I really hate Sagiri, yes, but she is your girlfriend Haiwei after all. It's really unnecessary to go to her for such a thing." That's why people always break out in times of crisis. Amazing wisdom, almost in an instant, Shibuya Rin came up with a reason to explain, "And Sagiri didn't want you to come out with me, Ms. Haiwei, if you go to her because of this..."

"That's right...but why do I always feel like you're hiding something from me?" Looking at Shibuya Rin suspiciously, Hai Mi always felt that something was wrong.

"I've always liked you, doesn't that count?" Shibuya Rin, of course, did not hesitate to use a trick to change the topic at this time, as long as the topic wasn't about her transaction with Izumi Sagiri, what else would it be? She dared to chat with Hai Wei.

"It's a ghost, you have said this kind of thing several times." Sure enough, after hearing Shibuya Rin's confession that was not a confession, Haiwei directly ignored the previous topic, "But there is no way. Yeah, I already have Sagiri, so I can't."

"Why not? You have so many girlfriends in your family, Sagiri, and you can have two. Sagiri definitely doesn't dare to say anything." Thinking of the content of the deal he made with Izumi Sagiri before, Shibuya Rin was decisive. Induced by good manners.

It's just that this time, Haiwei didn't refuse to come out as decisively as she used to... Of course, the reason is not because she likes Shibuya Rin, but because of the book just now...

Even if Shibuya Rin said that he didn't care about Sagiri's book, but in the end, Sagiri is sorry for Shibuya Rin.

But Shibuya Rin said that it was not easy for him to find Sagiri and not sell this book. In this case, he could only compensate Shibuya Rin in other ways.

Like...give her a chance?Anyway, it was Sagiri's own problem from the beginning, so even if she was a little sorry for doing so, she was justified.

Thinking of this, Haiwei also fell silent, and then continued to think about how to give this opportunity to Shibuya Rin.

After all, it is too much to agree directly.

"Then see if Sagiri will say anything. If she has no opinion, I will agree to you." After hesitating for a long time, the movie was almost over, and Hai Wei Cai suggested, "But you don't have to have any hope. , seeing Sagiri like that, she probably won't agree."

"No... I don't even have any hope that you will say that. Sister Haiwei, if you are willing to ask, it would be better." Forcibly suppressing the urge to laugh in his heart, Shibuya Rin pretended to be plain. come out.

It's like there's really no hope for this.

Shibuya Rin answered so quickly, to be honest, Haiwei still felt a little strange, but after all, it was what she said, and she didn't mean to go back, she just nodded: "Okay, after watching the movie, I will Just ask Sagiri."

Not long after, the movie that was about to end came to an end, and the two who were completely absent from the movie naturally wouldn't wait for the Easter eggs at the end of the movie, and left the movie theater directly.

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