Things like pouring a drink don't seem so important.

"Why is she here?" Just as Heizumi Sagiri thought, Yuuki Asuna frowned and asked in dissatisfaction.

It would be fine if Shibuya Rin was just a guest at the house, but looking at the way they were dragging their luggage, it was obviously not as simple as being a guest.

"Um... Well... Actually, Rin is Haiwei's girlfriend, so I moved here first." After struggling for a few seconds, Izumi Sagiri decided to sell Haiwei first.

"Huh? Sister Haiwei also went to find a mistress?" After being stunned for a while, Yuuki Asuna said it without any scruples.

Anyway, in this family, Xiaosan is considered a relatively high status...

"Almost..." I don't know how to explain it to Yuki Asuna, and Izumi Sagiri had no choice but to perfunctory, "Rin's room is also a room reserved for Haiwei."

Seeing that the direction the two were walking was indeed the room reserved for Kai Mi, Yuuki Asuna did not doubt the words of Izumi Sagiri, but she did not mean to let this matter go, but followed up curiously. : "But Sagiri, you would actually agree to such a thing?"

"Of course I don't want to agree, but who let this guy stalk my family, plus some special reasons..."

"What special reason?" Yuuki Asuna asked directly without waiting for Izumi Sagiri to finish her sentence.

"It's..." Looking at Yuuki Asuna in embarrassment, Izumi Sagiri, who told her that she would not find another girlfriend, didn't know how to explain it now.

"Just let me be this guy's girlfriend." However, Shibuya Rin on the side was not so hesitant as Izumi Sagiri, and directly followed the words of Izumi Sagiri, "I guess this guy never thought that Kai would not agree. , so it was a joke at the time, but now that Hai didn't agree, she wouldn't regret it, and that's how it happened."

"It's not important, it's important!" Without listening to the words behind Shibuya Rin's explanation for Sagiri, Yuuki Asuna directly pinched the tender meat around Izumi Sagiri's waist in dissatisfaction, "Sagiri, You promised me that you won't find another girl?"

ps: Ahem, how many days do pigeons spend during the Spring Festival, is it normal?

The new book "I, Shi Yu, Elegant and Easy-going", please collect~

Ahem, it's time for a happy new book launch, it's still the same fanfiction, the protagonist Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

The works involved are probably "Passers-by", "Spring Things", "My Sister", and "The Strange Classmate Next Door"

Then put an introduction:

Halfway through the spring break, tomorrow will be April, and the morning air is no longer cold.

The petals of the cherry trees flying along the road make people feel extra warm.

Pushed from behind by such a suitable wind, the wheels accelerated rapidly on the downhill where the slope suddenly became steeper...

Suddenly a white UFO covered Shiyu Kasumigaoka's eyes.

Behind him, there was a girl's sweet voice.

" hat...can you give it back to me, please?"

"You give me a paw!"

ps: Finally, put a link to the book, just click it directly.

"I, Shi Yu, Elegant and Easygoing"

Even if you don't like it, please help me to bookmark it~

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