"I'm awesome!" However, Heizumi Sagiri obviously didn't have the time or mood to care whether her fat was wet or not. After boasting, Heizumi Sagiri also picked up the pressure-sensitive pen again.

But this time, before she had time to start painting, there was the sound of the door opening.

He didn't mean to look back, and Izumi Sagiri just casually asked "Where did you go?" and continued to pick up the brush.

"The house under Yukinoshita." It was naturally Haruhi Suzumiya who replied to Izumi Sagiri. Anyway, this is also a high-end apartment, and the storyline of being broken into the house by gangsters will not happen, but Haruhi Suzumiya's words are directly from Izumi. Sagiri was so shocked that she forgot to move.

What's the situation?The relationship between Suzumiya Haruhi and Yukinoshita Yukino should not be good. Why did Suzumiya Haruhi go to Yukinoshita Yukino's house?

And it looks like it's not too long to go?

"What are you doing at that guy's house?" I looked at the folder named "Yukoshita Yukino" on the desktop, and thought about the fact that I drew Yukino Yukino's book by myself. It seems that I told Haruhi Suzumiya and Sagiri Izumi. Suddenly, there was an unpleasant smell.

Isn't this Suzumiya Haruhi going to be the second or fifth child?

"Secret~" Heizumi Sagiri panicked even more after hearing Haruhi Suzumiya's answer.

If it happened to Yukino Yukinoshita, I would definitely be finished.

"You wouldn't tell her about my drawing of her book, would you?"

"Huh? Who would be so boring?" An angry white glanced at Heizumi Sagiri, and Haruhi Suzumiya lay down on the sofa again, picked up the book that had been on the table since yesterday and read it, " I just discussed something with Yukinoshita."

"You guys still have things to discuss? Could it be that you want to mess with me?" Shu and Izumi Sagiri said bluntly, she really couldn't think of anything Haruhi Suzumiya could discuss with Yukino Yukinoshita.

"Are you suffering from persecution delusions?" Probably due to Izumi Sagiri's delusion, Haruhi Suzumiya seemed to pause for a second before saying this, but she hadn't thought about it yet. He asked, "Speaking of which, you really just came back after sending that Evanri? I thought you guys would play for a while."

"I think, what is this called? The period of love when you first started dating?"

"What the hell is that, I have something to do when I come back, how can I play for a while..." Heizumi Sagiri will never admit that she came back so early after she went to KTV to sing and was disliked. It is too much to say such a thing. It's embarrassing, "Okay, keep watching, it's too late if I don't paint."

"Tsk, since you know it's too late, don't send Ivanli." After giving Izumi Sagiri an angry look, Haruhi Suzumiya calmed down, and now it's best not to disturb Heizumi Sagiri. clearly.

Seeing that Haruhi Suzumiya was quiet, He Izumi Sagiri naturally would not take the initiative to chat with her. After silently saying "I'm so mad" in the bottom of my heart, he started to draw with all his strength.

ps: At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the second update is on time ~ there is a third update in the evening.

Crazy for tips and blades on the edge of 404.

Chapter 35: Leaving evidence of a crime

Although Haruhi Suzumiya didn't look at Izumi Sagiri's screen, he wanted to draw Yukino Yukino's book, and he didn't know what Yukino Yukino would do after seeing this book.

Today, I almost told Yukinoshita Yukino about it, but fortunately, I finally held back.

While thinking about the book that Heizumi Sagiri was drawing, Haruhi Suzumiya also looked at the book in her hand. When she came back to her senses, it was almost eleven o'clock.

"Well, it's so late, go to bed~" Suzumiya Haruhi went to bed at about this time yesterday, but at that time Kazumi Sagiri had already washed and locked the door, but today...

"Huh? Sagiri, you haven't slept yet? It's already eleven o'clock." Looking at the lights that were still on not far away, it was obvious that Heizumi Sagiri still hadn't slept today.

"Today's task hasn't been completed yet, I'm only halfway through drawing, at least five more pictures..." Speaking of this, Izumi Sagiri also stood up and poured herself a cup of instant coffee.

Today, He Quan Shawu's state is actually quite good. He completed five pictures in four hours, which is a little faster than yesterday.

But it's just a little bit faster. On the premise of ensuring quality, the speed can't be too fast.

"Are you sure you can still have class tomorrow?" Although Haruhi Suzumiya doesn't understand so much, she will still count the time. It has been four hours since Izumi Sagiri came back, and I have only painted half of it, which means Izumi Izumi Sagiri won't be able to sleep until at least three in the morning...

"No problem! I've seen it. There will be no class with that old woman from Hiratsuka Shizuo tomorrow, and I'll go to school to sleep."

"It always feels like you're going to have an accident tomorrow. Anyway, come on, I'm going to bed." She didn't mean to persuade Izumi Sagiri. She Suzumiya Haruhi was not a good student who obeyed the rules. After saying this, Suzumiya Haruhi It's time to wash up.


Early the next morning, Haruhi Suzumiya pushed open her door on time, and she saw Iizumi Sagiri who was still in the same posture as last night.

Could this guy have not slept all night?

"So you've been painting until now?" Looking at the two dark circles on Izumi Sagiri's eyes speechlessly, Haruhi Suzumiya was also shocked...

Only half left?

"Actually, I already drew yesterday's pictures, but I thought that if I fell asleep, I might not be able to get up in the morning. There was also a touch of excitement in his voice, "This way, you don't have to stay up late tonight."

"It seems to make sense..." Although I always felt that something was wrong, Haruhi Suzumiya really couldn't find out what was wrong...

"That's right, if I go to bed at four o'clock, I won't get up at all."

"Then you're great, but can you tell me what it's used for..." Looking at Izumi Sagiri, who was complimenting me, Haruhi Suzumiya suddenly pointed at the computer desk in annoyance. A wad of paper towels…

The moment she heard Haruhi Suzumiya's words, a thick blush appeared on Izumi Sagiri's face, but she quickly recovered and said in a serious tone: "I was excited when I was drawing a book. Is it normal?"

Haruhi Suzumiya is not a primary school student who doesn't know anything, and Sagiri Heizumi doesn't think he can fool her, so if he can't fool her, tell the truth.

"Then why don't you guess what would happen if Evan Limaria knew you were facing Yukinoshita Yukino?" Seeing Izumi Sagiri who admitted this kind of thing aboveboard, Haruhi Suzumiya couldn't bear it. She asked in a funny way, "It always looks like it's going to be interesting."

"Only this, please let me go..." The picture that Haruhi Suzumiya said was so beautiful that Izumi Sagiri couldn't even imagine it...

"Tsk, I don't have that interest." He replied to Izumi Sagiri amusingly, Haruhi Suzumiya directly pulled her up from her seat, and then pointed to the bathroom, "Hurry up and take a shower, I don't want to be late. "

Nodding decisively, Heizumi Sagiri also knew that it was getting late, and if it was delayed, it would really be late.

He didn't care about the unimportant matter that Haruhi Suzumiya was still beside him. Heizumi Sagiri took off the uniform he had not changed since yesterday morning, and quickly ran back to his room to get a set. A clean uniform walked into the bathroom.

Seeing Izumi Sagiri disappear into the bathroom, the smile on Suzumiya Haruhi's face gradually disappeared, and then she suddenly took out her mobile phone from her pocket and took a picture of the half-drawn book on the computer screen. , By the way, I also took a picture of the tissue on the computer table that Izumi Sagiri didn't have time to throw into the trash can.

"Hey, I don't seem to have the contact information of Ivan Limaria..." Then Haruhi Suzumiya, who had been operating the phone for a while, said to himself naturally, "Forget it, anyway, there will be more opportunities in the future. , I'll let you go this time for the sake of your liver."

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