Bah, of course I knew it was yesterday!

"So that's not what I want to ask at all. I want to ask why the relationship between the two of you suddenly improved!" He sighed silently, how did Yukino Yukino become the same as Haruhi Suzumiya.

I clearly knew that I didn't want to ask this.


[-] ○○ horses walked through Izumi Sagiri's heart. She really wanted to show Yukinoshita Yukino the contents of the book she had drawn. God is such a secret.

Suzumiya Haruhi said the same thing, and you said the same thing, since it's so secret, don't call my old lady over for dinner, isn't it interesting to be curious without explaining it clearly?

ps: The first update is on time, and then I will update it all at night from tomorrow, and I will read it a little emmm at one time.

Chapter 39:算计?

"MD Aqua." No matter how dissatisfied Izumi Sagiri was, but now Haruhi Suzumiya and Yukino Yukinoshita are obviously on the side, if you scold Yukinoshita Yukino in this situation, something will definitely happen.

In this case, just find something to do to pass the time, and then go home directly after eating.

Thinking of this, Izumi Sagiri stood up directly, regardless of whether this was Yukinoshita Yukino's home, and walked directly to the edge of the bookshelf.

Speaking of killing time, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't have games or anything at home, so he could only read books.

I just don't know if Yukino Yukino has any good light novels here. If I remember correctly, Yukino Yukino occasionally reads novels, right?

It turned out that Izumi Sagiri was not mistaken. Although most of the books on the shelf were books she had never heard of, there were still some novels.

"The Overbearing President Falls in Love with Me", "Returning to the Warring States Period, Killing Every Step"...

Seeing the names of these novels, Izumi Sagiri really has no desire to open it up. What the hell is this?

Wait...this book?

Suddenly, a set of novels whose style of painting is obviously completely different from those of the previous novels suddenly appeared in front of Izumi Sagiri.

The title of the book is very familiar to Izumi Sagiri, and she has seen this book in the hands of Shiyu of Kasumigaoka today.

"I didn't expect that this guy, Yukino Yukino, would actually read "Metronome in Love"." Picking up the book from the bookshelf and making sure that this is the book written by Shiyu Kasumigaoka, Izumi Sagiri is funny. Muttered to himself.

And from the first volume to the fifth volume, could it be said that Yukinoshita Yukinoshita is actually a fan of Shiyu of Kasumigaoka?

Although Izumi Sagiri knew about this light novel, she hadn't read it yet, so she returned to the sofa decisively with the first volume of Love Metronome.

Heizumi Sagiri soon realized that he had guessed wrong. The book was very new, as if he had never read it, which meant that Yukino Yukinoshita had never read the book at all.

"You don't even read this book, why do you just buy a set?" Seeing this, Heizumi Sagiri also asked curiously.

You said it’s fine to buy one roll. If you don’t read it, why should you buy it all at once?

"This? My sister gave it to me, what about the book written by her friend." She raised her head and glanced at the book in the hands of Izumi Sagiri, Yukinoshita Yukino pondered for a while before explaining, "I'm going to wait for my hand. Read this book after reading it.”

"Your sister?" Yukinoshita Yukino's sister and Izumi Sagiri know, goat milk... Yang Nai, but listening to Yukinoshita's meaning, her sister is still friends with Kasumigaoka Shiyu?

One of these two is a sophomore in high school, and the other has graduated from college.

She didn't want to explain to Izumi Sagiri who her sister was, Yukinoshita Yukino just nodded and browsed the library book in her hand again.

Since Yukinoshita Yukino didn't want to talk to her, Kazuizumi Sagiri didn't bother to make fun of herself, and just slowly looked at the love metronome.

The novel written by Shiyu of Kasumigaoka should be pretty good, right?

And then Izumi Sagiri quickly felt something was wrong. The protagonist is a woman, which is no problem. After all, the author is a girl, and there is nothing wrong with the protagonist being a girl, but why are the characters in the book also girls?

Could it be that Shiyu of the Hill of Xia is actually a les?Is it that exciting?

Then you should stay away from this guy. She is so cute, what if she accidentally falls in love with him?

Although Shiyu of Kasumigaoka is not as troublesome as Haruhi Suzumiya, it is definitely not much worse.

Fortunately, yesterday, I was more witty, and did not agree to Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu to help her draw illustrations, and pulled out the flag that had not been planted.

But the writing is really good. Even if you don't want to have too much intersection with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, there is no problem with reading the novels she wrote.

Thinking of this, Izumi Sagiri was too lazy to tangle so much, and was decisively immersed in the world depicted by Shiyu of Kasumigaoka.


"Forget it, Izumi Sagiri, do you want to be a literary girl? Give it up, you are not that material." I don't know how long it took, but Haruhi Suzumiya's voice suddenly rang in Izumi Sagiri's ear. stand up.

"Why don't I look like a literary girl?" He raised his head speechlessly, he was just reading the book, do you want to complain about this kind of thing?

"It doesn't look like it anywhere." Funny confiscated the light novel in Heizumi Sagiri's hands, and Haruhi Suzumiya also pointed to the plain dining table not far away, "Okay, don't look at it, dinner is ready."

Looking in the direction that Suzumiya Haruhi pointed, a table that was not so sumptuous appeared in the eyes of Izumi Sagiri. To be precise, it was three dinners, and it was the kind that almost everyone would cook— Curry rice.

The ingredients are also a very common combination of chicken and potatoes. It can be said that the dinner made by Haruhi Suzumiya was unexpectedly ordinary, and it was not quite what Izumi Sagiri expected.

After all, what Haruhi Suzumiya hates the most is ordinary and boring.

In a sense, the same is true for Izumi Sagiri. As a transmigrator, she was originally "uncommon", and Izumi Sagiri naturally didn't mean to obliterate everyone.

But even so, she is still very interested in the curry rice made by Haruhi Suzumiya, and the source of this interest is naturally because of her understanding of Haruhi Suzumiya.

She believed that Haruhi Suzumiya would not cook ordinary dishes.

Thinking of this, Izumi Sagiri also sat at the dining table with Yukinoshita Yukino, picked up the plain ceramic spoon, mixed a spoonful of curry and rice, and slowly put it into her mouth.

"It's so spicy!" In the next second, Izumi Sagiri felt her brain trembling. In her previous life, as a person from a mountain city in China, Izumi Sagiri can be said to be very spicy, but in front of the curry of Haruhi Suzumiya, she still trembled. .

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