Yukinoshita Yukino is also under a lot of pressure.

"Yang Nai's clothes got wet, I'm here to help her with the clothes to wear." Pretending that nothing happened, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu directly stated his purpose, and then directly moved towards the house. go.

Yukinoshita Yono's house is very big, and even Yukinoshita Yukino, a frequent visitor, occasionally gets lost, but Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't take half a step to reach the door of Yangnao's room.

Seeing this scene, Yukinoshita Yukino was completely relieved. Sure enough, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't lie to herself. She and her sister were really good friends, and they even knew this place so well.

"Then sister, please ask Kasumigaoka-senpai, and I will go back first if I have something to do at home." After confirming that Kasumigaoka Shiyu was his sister's friend, not some robber who robbed the house, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't stay any longer. It's necessary here.

Yukinoshita Yukinoshita, who still carried this kind of book on his body, felt that it would be better for him to leave early.

"Okay, I'll go after I get my clothes, don't worry." Yukinoshita Yukino didn't want to talk more with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, why would Xiazhiqiu Shiyu want to talk to her?She also understands the truth of talking too much.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if I accidentally exposed what I knew about the book?

After saying this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu decisively opened Yang Nai's bedroom, and then found a set of daily clothes from inside.

By the time she came out, Yukinoshita Yukino had disappeared, so she must have been eager to go back and read her book.

Well, literally "her book".

I didn't expect Yukinoshita Yukino, who looked so serious, to actually watch this kind of thing in private... Tsk tsk, what would happen if Yukino Yukino knew?

Well, let's forget it. After all, this is Xuenai's private matter. It's not a good thing to tell Yang Nai without authorization.

ps: The first update, it's estimated to be two updates today, I'm going back to update my sister...

Chapter 47: Flowers of Gaoling (laughs)

Yukinoshita Yukino waited for the courier at her sister's house all morning today, just to prevent others from seeing the courier when she picked it up.

I didn't expect to be seen in the end, but fortunately, I just saw myself receiving the courier, and I didn't find out what I bought, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn't want to care about it.

By the way, since when did my sister have such a friend?

But it doesn't seem like it has anything to do with what friends my sister has made. Now I'd better go home and take a good look at what this guy Heizumi Sagiri has drawn, and then confront her.

While thinking about this question, Yukinoshita Yukino also returned to the apartment she rented. After carefully locking the door, she sat down on the desk and carefully opened the courier in her hand.

Seriously... It's hard to find anyone other than Yukinoshita Yukino who can sit on the desk and read the book...

"The Fall of Kaolin's Flower?" The cover of the book is the picture of her when she was in school that Izumi Sagiri drew during the live broadcast. After a careful look, Yukino Yukino still couldn't find anything wrong.

If I have to say something wrong, does the R18 mark in the upper right corner count?

But the title of the book... Kaolin's Flower is referring to herself?Fallen?What's the meaning?

Although Yukino Yukinoshita is not very good at communicating with people, the classmates in the class still know a thing or two about his title. Among them, there is this "Flower of Gao Ling of Sombugao" with full of malice.

What is difficult to approach, tsk, a group of guys who only know how to cater to others and have no opinion.

"This guy, Izumi Sagiri, actually calls me by this name..." Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino was a little more dissatisfied with Izumi Sagiri.

Although this thing was full last night when Izumi Sagiri ate the curry from his plate and drank the water from his glass...

As for the fall, Yukinoshita Yukino knew exactly what it meant, but the scope of the fall was too large, so it would be better to first see what it was talking about.

So Yukinoshita Yukino didn't bother to think so much, so he just opened the book and read it seriously.

There was nothing wrong with the first few pictures, except that she had a quarrel with her family because of her friends. In a fit of rage, she cut off all contact with her family, and returned all the things her family gave back.

"Maybe I can really do such a thing..." Seeing the girl in the book who looked similar to herself sleeping on the street, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't help but mutter to herself. In fact, it started a long time ago. Yukino Yukino was very dissatisfied with the arrangement of the family.

He has been receiving the so-called "elite education" of his family, and then grew up to marry a man he did not know at all, a political marriage without freedom.

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't accept it at all.

Soon another woman with a different style of painting appeared. She had silver-white chest-length hair and a red ribbon on her head. She was less than [-] meters tall...

So this person is Heizumi Sagiri himself, right?Do you think that if you pick a random name on the book, I won't recognize you and you draw me?

"But if it's Izumi Sagiri, it should be a joke at this time, right?" After speculating about Izumi Sagiri with malicious intent, Yukinoshita Yukino turned to the next page.

The plot is a little different from what she imagined. Heizumi Sagiri did not mean to mock her, but took her to solve the problem of food and clothing, and then brought her back home.

Obviously just said that the two are enemies, why did Iizumi Sagiri in the book do this?

Soon Yukino Yukino got the answer, and the "self" that followed Izumi Sagiri back to her house on the previous page was suddenly tied to the bed...

All her clothes were stripped off by Izumi Sagiri... And Izumi Sagiri was sitting on the edge of the bed with something she couldn't understand.

Seeing this... Yukino Yukino's cheeks instantly turned red, and there was no doubt that the purpose of Izumi Sagiri was not to help "self" at all, but to take revenge on "self".

No wonder he brings "myself" home.

But what are those things for?

While blushing shyly, Yukinoshita Yukino also read it seriously, and as the number of pages remaining in the book gradually decreased, the blush on her face became deeper and deeper, but Yukinoshita Yukino just couldn't control it. His hands that kept turning pages.

She was bullied by Izumi Sagiri who had no resistance, and she spoke ill of Izumi Sagiri until she finally gave in... Yukino Yukino was ashamed to find that she had actually finished reading this book...

She finally knew what those things were used for, and she couldn't help but fantasize about what it would feel like if those things were really used on her body...

Looking at the drawing in the book, it seems to be very comfortable?

"Damn, this guy actually draws this kind of thing!" After thinking about the mess for a long time, Yukinoshita Yukino realized that what he should do now is not to think about this, but to find Izumi Sagiri It's right to count.

However, as soon as she stood up, she found that there was a sudden moist feeling in her fat times...

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