Hearing Ivan Li Maria's words, Izumi Sagiri still didn't know what she meant, she just patted Ivan Li Maria's butt gently, and then laughed and scolded: "Really , you want to come to my house and tell me earlier... I'll pretend to be angry and tired along the way."

She was not very angry at first, she just wanted to be angry with Evan Li Maria on purpose, but after hearing Evan Li Maria's words, this little anger also dissipated.

She pretended to be so self-willed, and she still wasn't angry, so what's the point of continuing to pretend?

"Who told Sagiri-chan to go to any KTV... If I had said earlier, what if you said that you had to go to KTV?" She stared at Izumi Sagiri with a red face, and was patted on the buttocks. This kind of thing, Evan Li Maria still feels very subtle.

She wants to be shy but there is no reason to be shy. After all, the person who plays hooligan to her is her girlfriend, and she is also desperate.

It's impossible to take it back, just like Izumi Sagiri's small body, there's something in the chest, and the butt looks like it doesn't feel like it.

"Forget it, today you are a model for me and I won't mention the matter of going to KTV." Heizumi Sagiri was speechless for a while when I heard that Ivan Limaria actually wanted to mention KTV now.

It seems that he can no longer sing.

After chatting with Ivan Limaria for a while, the two also came to the door of Heizumi Sagiri's house, but Heizumi Sagiri had just inserted the key into the door when she thought of a very crucial thing. Thing: "Wait, Haruhi Suzumiya should still be at home now, it might be very dangerous if you go like this."

"She's at home...what's the danger?" Evan Limaria really didn't know much about the girl Suzumiya Haruhi, only that she didn't seem to want her to associate with Izumi Sagiri.

Oh, by the way, there is also a middle school. After being able to chat with him on the topic of middle school for so long, this Suzumiya Haruhi is obviously also a middle school student with a middle school disease.

"Of course she wouldn't do anything to you in normal times, but if you were to be a model for me..." Speaking of which, Izumi Sagiri suddenly remembered the pile of toys that Haruhi Suzumiya showed him before that could make people blush , "All in all, it's very dangerous."

"It's too late to say this after you've come all the way here." Ivan Limaria saw it at a glance, but it would be too embarrassing to look back now. .

And this Suzumiya Haruhi was always just a high school girl, how dangerous could it be?Is it possible that I can still ask myself to take maternity leave?

Thinking of this, Ivan Li Maria's face also showed a fearless expression, and then decisively held the hand that opened the door of Izumi Sagiri, and then twisted gently.

With the turning of the key, the door slowly opened. As Izumi Sagiri guessed, Haruhi Suzumiya was lying on the sofa in a home clothes and reading a novel.

But didn't this guy put on his daily clothes when he went out this morning? Why is he now wearing home clothes?

Could it be that she actually went out today?He just came back before he went home.

As for the reason for Haruhi Suzumiya to go out?What else could it be other than looking for that guy, Yukino Yukinoshita.

These two guys have been discussing something secretly for the past few days. Maybe Yukino Yukino's actions today will have a share of Haruhi Suzumiya.

"Sagiri, are you back?" However, Haruhi Suzumiya, who was sitting on the sofa, didn't know what Heizumi Sagiri was thinking. Seeing her coming back, he just put down the novel and turned his head curiously.

It was as if he really didn't know that Heizumi Sagiri would come back at this time.

"Well, it's raining outside, so Maria and I went home to play." While saying this, Izumi Sagiri also pulled Evan Li Maria into the apartment.

"Tsk, this woman is here too." At this time, Haruhi Suzumiya noticed Ivan Limaria who had been following Izumi Sagiri, and she smashed her tongue, "You two need to hide from the rain. Can't you go out and have a room appointment. Can't you?"

What about a good fight?Obviously five minutes ago, when you two were at the station, you still looked like no one wanted to talk to anyone, why did it become like this when you came back?

"It's a ghost in the daytime, I brought Maria back to paint, and the hotel doesn't have any tools for painting." He glanced at Haruhi Suzumiya speechlessly, this guy really dares to say anything...

About. Cannons or something, can things between lovers be called about. Cannons?

"You? Painting?" What painting Haruhi Suzumiya painted by Izumi Sagiri couldn't be clearer, but now Izumi Sagiri said to bring Evanri Maria back to paint?

Could it be that she still wants to draw her girlfriend's book?

Surprised, what is this operation, draw your girlfriend's book for others to see?Isn't this looking for green for yourself?

"Well, I promised Sagiri-chan to be her model." At this time, Evan Li Maria also stood up and said with a blush on her face.

Obviously, she also knew very well what the words of Heizumi Sagiri were painted.

"Hurry up, hurry up, draw quickly, and I will also watch." A minute ago, Haruhi Suzumiya was still thinking about how to drive Evan Li Maria out, but heard that Evan Li Maria was going to be Heizumi Sagiri. After modeling, she suddenly became curious.

Compared to this, the matter of driving Evan Li Maria out is not that important, after all, no matter how you think about it, the next thing the two of them are going to do is more interesting.

"Hey, is it really okay for you to watch this kind of thing?" Although he had already guessed that Suzumiya Haruhi would say so, Heizumi Sagiri still had to struggle.

Evan Li Maria's movements when she modeled for herself can be seen by herself.

"Our relationship is so good, let me watch what happened?" Then Haruhi Suzumiya said it in a natural tone.

It sounds like, "You and your girlfriend applaud love, let me see what's going on?" that kind of feeling.

ps: The third update, there will be two more later.

keep coding

Chapter 58: Do I really need to use it? (fourth more)

"I think the problem is very big. At this time, you should go to your Yukinoshita Yukino. She just had a fight with me, and she should be very upset now." However, how could Heizumi Sagiri agree to such a thing, if Suzumiya If Haruhi doesn't leave, she would rather choose not to paint.

She is not the legendary green hat pioneer, how could she promise to let others see Evan Li Maria doing that kind of action.

"You're still fighting with her? Are you a primary school student?" Of course Haruhi Suzumiya knew about the fight between the two, but she must pretend she didn't know anything at this time. Haruhi Suzumiya also stood up, "Forget it, I'll go see her first."

Looking at Izumi Sagiri, Suzumiya Haruhi knew that there was no chance this time, but it was not a big problem. Anyway, there will be more opportunities in the future, and I can make a surprise attack later.

Thinking of this, Haruhi Suzumiya walked directly towards the door, but before she even went out, she suddenly turned around.

"What's the matter?" Looking at Haruhi Suzumiya, who turned back with a confused expression, Heizumi Sagiri thought this was done. Who knows what this guy wants to do again?

"It's okay, I just want to give you something." With a weird smile, Haruhi Suzumiya returned directly to his room.

Soon, she walked out of her room under the puzzled gazes of the two of them.

He also carried a uniform bag in his hand.

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