As for the reason, it is estimated that there is a lack of money, although Heizumi Sagiri can't figure out why people who can drive hundreds of millions of sports cars are short of money.

"I'll go downstairs to your house in ten minutes to meet and talk."

There was no intention of directly agreeing to Izumi Sagiri. After saying this, Shizuo Hiratsuka hung up the phone directly, and it seemed that he was going to pack up and prepare to go out.

But ten minutes or something... that's too fast, isn't it?A normal woman takes half an hour from waking up to going out, no matter what?As a result, it takes only ten minutes for you to go out and go downstairs to your own house?

No wonder he still hasn't found a man in his thirties.

Of course, Izumi Sagiri would not be stupid enough to say such a thing, and he would definitely be punished by Hiratsuka Shizuoka.

"Do you want me to go with you?" When Izumi Sagiri was on the phone before, Suzumiya Haruhi had been listening by the side. Seeing Izumi Sagiri hung up the phone, she also took the initiative to ask.

"No need? Hiratsuka-sensei's car can fit two people..." After thinking about it, Heizumi Sagiri still rejected Haruhi Suzumiya's proposal, "I guess I'll go to their house later, and you won't be able to sit there."

"That's right, then hurry up and take a shower, ten minutes is not too long." Haruhi Suzumiya would definitely not tell Izumi Sagiri this kind of reasoning, but in order to get her to buy a car, Haruhi Suzumiya agreed...

As for the benefits of buying a car with Izumi Sagiri?Does that even need to be said?Izumi Sagiri bought a car, can't she drive it the same way?

Not being able to drive is no big deal, just learn.

"If you don't tell me, I forgot... I came out of Yukino's house, and I didn't even wash my face." Heizumi Sagiri remembered when he heard Haruhi Suzumiya's words.

He is still wearing Yukino Yukino's clothes. As for washing, it can be said that he has not started at all. How can I have time to chat with Haruhi Suzumiya here?

Thinking of this, Izumi Sagiri also hurriedly ran to the bathroom.

"Xue Nao? Sagiri Why did she say this name?" However, what Izumi Sagiri didn't notice was the puzzled expression on Suzumiya Haruhi's face after hearing her words.

ps: The fifth update~

Chapter 86: My Xue Nai is still good (sixth update)

Facts have proved that for a girl, ten minutes of going out is really too short. When Heizumi Sagiri came out of the bathroom, she had enough time to change her clothes.

If it's someone else waiting downstairs, Izumi Sagiri can force the other party to wait a little longer, but this person is Hiratsuka Shizuo...

Izumi Sagiri didn't dare to let Hiratsuka Jing wait for a long time, otherwise, what should I do if I go down by myself and get an iron fist education?

And it's just wearing Yukinoshita Yukino's clothes, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?

Thinking of this, Heizumi Sagiri just grabbed her wallet and went out.

"Why are you still wearing this dress?" However, she had just walked out of the house, and Yukino Yukino's door was pushed open, and she saw that Heizumi Sagiri was still wearing her own clothes, looking like she was about to go out. , Yukino Yukino also asked silently.

Do you go out while wearing your clothes because you think your clothes are uncomfortable?what is this?Suspected of integrity?

"Hiratsuka Shizuka is waiting for me, and it's too late to change it..." After entering the elevator with Yukinoshita Yukino, Izumi Sagiri took the time to explain.

"Is that so..." She didn't even ask Izumi Sagiri what she was going to do to find Shizuo Hiratsuka now, Yukinoshita Yukino just nodded lightly, and stood quietly by the side.

Since Yukinoshita Yukino didn't plan to ask any more questions, Izumi Sagiri naturally wouldn't take the initiative to explain so much. After pressing the button to go to the first floor, she also stood on the other side of the elevator and waited quietly.

However, the elevator did not go directly to the bottom floor. It was just after the first floor, and the elevator stopped.

"You two are going out together? The sun is coming out from the west?" The person who entered the elevator was Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and she was shocked when she saw that the people in the elevator were Heizumi Sagiri and Yukinoshita Yukino...

What combination is this?

"It just happened to meet, what are you thinking?" Not to mention that the two of them met by chance, even if Kaizumi Sagiri really went out with Yukinoshita Yukino, she would not admit it.

After all, Yukino Yukinoshita will be the second or fifth child in the future, so he can't reveal his relationship with her after reconciling.

"Is it a coincidence? Then why are you wearing my sister's clothes, Sagiri?" However, just after Heizumi Sagiri finished speaking, a slightly smiling voice came from outside the elevator, "I gave this suit to Yukino. I bought it."

"...Sister, why are you still here?" Who else could be called Yukino Yukino's younger sister but Yang Nai?

"I stayed at Shiyu's house last night, can't I?" He walked up to Yukinoshita Yukino in a funny way, Yang Nao obviously didn't want to hide anything, "So, why are your clothes in Sagiri, Yukino? on the body?"

Silently looking at Yono under Yukino, Yukino never thought of encountering such a situation, how can she come up with an explanation at this time?

"We had a fight last night, and she damaged my clothes. I stole it." Fortunately, Izumi Sagiri was more witty. Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino's expression, she knew there was a problem, and she hurriedly grabbed it. Before Yang Nai suspected it, he made up a reason.

"It's as if you didn't rip my clothes to pieces..." Even though she knew that Heizumi Sagiri said that to fool her, Xuenai couldn't help but refute.

"...What are you fighting at such a young age, so you are going to buy clothes together now?" Hearing the reason for the two of them, Yang Nai's whole person is not good. Are the current high school students so good?Even if you fight, you can tear your clothes to shreds?

Although the relationship between my sister and this and Izumi Sagiri is indeed very bad, but the fight is too much, right? tore your clothes in a fight, why doesn't your body seem to be hurt at all?

Well, I guess they didn't greet each other in the face...

"Go shopping for clothes together? How is it possible, I'm going shopping, right? As for this guy?" Yukinoshita Yukino also gave Heizumi Sagiri a faint look while saying this, "How do I know what she's doing? "

"I'm looking for Shizuo Hiratsuka..."

"Hey, so you really aren't together?" After hearing Heizumi Sagiri's words, Yukinoshita Yangnai finally believed what she said before, "But why are you looking for Xiaojing?"

"Buy a car." After saying this, the elevator happened to reach the bottom floor, and Heizumi Sagiri didn't bother to explain so much, so he just picked up his skirt and ran out towards the road.

She didn't want to be hammered by Shizuka Hiratsuka.

"Buying a car? Xiaojing's Lamborghini seems to be for sale, but Heizumi Sagiri is your classmate, right? Is she so rich?" Yang Nai was also stunned when she looked at Heizumi Sagiri's back.

"I'm richer than me..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also explained in a funny way, "That guy makes black money."

" high school students, one is better than the other, but my Xuenai is more obedient." He didn't go to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu about what the "black money" was, Yang Nai just patted Xuenai's head beside him in a funny way, " Next time, don't fight with others, the gentleman speaks and doesn't do anything."

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