An Zhiyuan shook his head.

"That's..." Fusang was about to speak, when An Zhiyuan suddenly reacted, "Why are you discussing it, don't discuss it, think of your own answer, give it within two minutes from now, Anyone who doesn’t give an answer is considered a failure, just give me a kiss.”

The punishment for winning or losing is very simple. The girl draws them to guess. If she guesses wrong, she will kiss the banker. If she guesses right, the banker will give her a light kiss. The girls are all sisters, so of course it doesn’t matter if they kiss. It doesn’t matter if An Zhiyuan is the admiral, anyway. Cheap admiral chant.

The company thought about it for a long time, but didn't come up with an answer, so it just gave up. Isn't it just a personal admiral?It's not that I haven't kissed before, I have kissed a lot.

The Duke of York didn't even think about it, so he just gave up. Anyway, he couldn't tell what the admiral's abstract painting was, so he just hugged the admiral himself later.

In the end, no one guessed the answer, but Fusang guessed the whole part, such as "berry, sky, get up..."

Then the head behind him couldn't read it anymore.

"It's time, but no one answered?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Then hurry up, kiss me honestly, kiss on the mouth for adults, kiss on the face for minors."

Enterprise rolled his eyes, then sat down and kissed the admiral actively, the old couple is old, this matter must be nothing, even in front of other people, after all, everyone has even passed the naked tea party...

In short, after the kiss, the company asked: "Then what do you mean by this?"

"It's not easy? Berry, sky, get up, younger brother, one, chrysanthemum, shovel, gay, word, chicken, fight, pigeon, 7, the first thing you say when you wake up every day is to cheer yourself up first." An Zhiyuan said.

"...." The enterprise was silent for a while, and decided not to play with the admiral again, I guess...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The advance operation is continuing. Recently, humanoid sirens have often been seen, but just as they intentionally avoid fighting each other, the humanoid sirens also seem to deliberately avoid fighting with the ship girl. Every time the ship girl intends to attack , the humanoid siren will disappear, but this is good, avoiding the war with the humanoid siren may be a good thing for them, at least so far, the humanoid siren has not shown any hostile behavior.

The girls attacked, An Zhiyuan and Xili and the head maid were at home, and the head maid cleaned up the guard house on a daily basis, while An Zhiyuan and Xili went to the beach to look for wild seafood.

An Zhiyuan, Xiao Zhai and Tang Yu had caught crabs at the seaside before, not to mention, they caught a lot of them, and they took them back to make a pot of soup for Fusang, which was delicious.

Today An Zhiyuan also planned to solve the food problem of the tutelary mansion.

"Can you really find crabs and the like?" Xi Li asked.

"Of course, pay attention to those protruding places on the beach, and some places with breathing holes. There are either sea whites or crabs." An Zhiyuan said: "Your sister Fusang is very good at cooking, wait a minute We caught crabs or sea whites, let your Fusang sister stew a pot of delicious food."

Yuli is a Japanese ship, and Fusang is a Japanese ship from another world, but they are both sisters of the same tutelary house now, and Yuli is still very affectionate to Fusang.

"Admiral, tell me about your previous tutelary mansion?" Xi Li knew about the admiral's super big tutelary mansion. The admiral told her about it, but he didn't elaborate.

"Huh? It's a... very warm big family, similar to what we have now, except that there are more people." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "I really want to know, won't we know when they come over? It won't take long, just a little patience."

"Admiral, were there many destroyers in the guard house before?" Xili asked.

"A lot, a lot, you can meet a lot of good friends, and your same ship, the same destroyer as Xili." An Zhiyuan said: "But it looks different from you, you are you, she is her .”

Although Xi Li has a good figure, some people want to commit crimes, but she is a child after all, she is very playful, so she just wants to have more playmates. Now her playmates are only Kotaku and Tangyu, but Tangyu Yu often likes to go diving alone. Xiaozhai mostly plays games alone in the room. Sometimes when he sees her, he pulls her to play games together. But in fact, Xili doesn't like playing games so much. I'm very happy.

If you have more friends, you can do other things, such as catching cicadas. Although I don’t know if there are cicadas here, it’s also interesting to go to the jungle to explore. Unfortunately, she is alone, she She doesn't dare to go, although she knows that she is the ship's mother and no one can hurt her, but she just doesn't dare...

Well, it's also quite interesting to walk around the beach with the admiral and catch crabs.

An Zhiyuan and Xi Li were walking by the seaside, the waves lapping gently on their feet made them very comfortable.

Xili walked forward slowly, looking for the target, and then with sharp eyes, she immediately spotted the big crab crawling in the water, and rushed over, hit the water surface with a slap, and grabbed the big crab , the crab hurriedly clamped Xili with its pliers, but unfortunately, the crab found that no matter how hard it tried, the other party didn't seem to know the pain, and it didn't intend to let go of it at all. Of course, its strength was equal to Xili's. No strength.

"Admiral, Admiral! Look, I caught a big crab!" Xili said with a smile as he held up the crab.

But An Zhiyuan's eyes were obviously not on the crab in her hand...

Xili, do you really have no common sense, or are you trying to seduce me?I don't smelt copper, do I?If you really want me to smelt copper, then I... really can smelt copper...

An Zhiyuan has always been a person with a firm will, who is always in a mess.

The clothes on Xili's body were wetted by seawater and stuck tightly to her body. It was obvious that Xili was not wearing a bra. After all, she was a child. What kind of bra should she wear? Not so appropriate.

When the clothes get wet, they become translucent.

An Zhiyuan touched his chin and said, "Well...I saw it."

Xili thought that her admiral was still happy when he saw the crab in her hand, but who knew what An Zhiyuan meant when he said he saw it?

"However, Xili, don't jump into the water so directly when you catch crabs in the future, you see your clothes are all wet." An Zhiyuan said seriously, who would have known that he was a little bit fixed, although he wanted to look away, But his head wouldn't allow it.

Xi Li looked down at his wet clothes, and said nonchalantly, "It's okay, I won't catch a cold anyway."

"It's not a question of whether you will catch a cold..." An Zhiyuan said helplessly when he heard the words, so did Xi Li really have no common sense?

"I see you like this, I say, I am your admiral, but if others see you, you will suffer a lot, and I will suffer a lot too." An Zhiyuan said earnestly.

"...Why?" Xili asked in confusion as she tilted her head a little cutely.

"Because, haven't you noticed that your clothes have become a little transparent?" An Zhiyuan had no choice but to explain the benefits. Unfortunately, after explaining, he probably won't be able to see this beautiful scenery later.

" what?" Xili still didn't seem to understand.

"So... Tsk, anyway, you just need to know that no one can see you like this except me, that's fine." An Zhiyuan said sternly.

Xi Li snorted, and asked, "Then... what about Xiao Zhai, Sister Fu Sang?"

"Oh, they can watch it, because they are all sisters of the tutelary mansion, but others can't, except for our tutelary mansion, they can't let others see it." An Zhiyuan coughed twice and said.

Damn, I feel so guilty, I feel like I'm cheating on a silly and sweet loli.

Xili nodded, "From now on, I will show it to the admiral, not to anyone else!"

An Zhiyuan was very moved when he heard the words, she deserves to be the girl who apologized and wanted to show her belly, don't worry, you will definitely have a share of the ring in the future, if I feel so good, I will marry, I am not a lolicon, and Xili is not a loli either. Even if Xi Li still belongs to the category of loli, it is because the person I like happens to be a loli.

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