The luck of the company is outrageous. Even if it is just fishing, the company can show her ridiculously high luck value. The fish bite the hook crazily. Basically, the fish takes the bait as soon as the fishing rod is thrown out.

No... You just got hooked and haven't stabilized yet?The fish is hooked?This is too outrageous, right?

However, someone gradually recognized her as the ship's wife, the ship's wife of one of the two command posts guarding the Solomon Islands, so needless to say, the man next to her must be the command post commander.

Many people are very envious of the commander, because they almost don't have to pursue him. So many loyal partners are waiting for him to be lucky. As a man, it's really cool.

Naturally, there are also those who are jealous of the commanders, sour, there is no way, many people get married now, don't have a house in the city, and can't get a wife without a lot of savings. What's more, being able to sleep with each other every day, or even play with sister ships, how can they not be sour, but, although these people around them dare not go up to talk to them, let alone cause trouble, after all, the ship's mother Powerful they all know.

An Zhiyuan and the company are also happy and leisurely, enjoying a rare leisure time, fact, it's not so rare...

When there is no big sweep, every day has the opportunity to be so leisurely.

Added a lot of ingredients to the tutelary mansion, An Zhiyuan temporarily raised the fish caught by these companies on the yacht, and then went to have a meal with the company... No matter how many times I said it, I still disliked it. The taste is not as delicious as that made by Fusang. This may be the most uncomfortable point in dating. In the future, I will ask Fusang to make bento.

Afterwards, An Zhiyuan went to the movies with Enterprise.

Well, the quality of the movie this time was not good, An Zhiyuan was drowsy after watching it, and the company simply fell asleep, leaning on An Zhiyuan's shoulder, well, it fell asleep earlier than me, but this movie is indeed hypnotic, Before he knew it, An Zhiyuan also fell asleep.

There were not many people watching the movie, and it was a relatively young movie. There were no big scenes, and there were no sudden loud moments throughout the movie.

After the show ended, the staff went into the movie hall to clean up, only to find that An Zhiyuan and the company were still sleeping in their seats. The staff were a little dumbfounded, and were about to approach them to wake them up, as if they sensed someone approaching, and they were sound asleep The company in the middle opened its eyes in an instant, and looked at the staff member sharply. The aura frightened the staff member so that he dared not move again.

Enterprise is a ship girl, her aura is no joke, she has sunk so many deep sea and siren armors, according to human logic, she is a wounded and bloody murderer, full of murderous aura, very horrifying.

However, after realizing that the other party was just a staff member, the company relaxed, retracted its gaze from staring at the other party, and gently pushed An Zhiyuan who was still sleeping beside him, "Admiral, admiral, wake up, it's time to wake up, don't sleep .”

Only then did An Zhiyuan open his eyes in a daze, looked around, and found that the theater seemed to be lit up, he asked a little dazedly, "Is the movie over?"

"It should be over, it's time to go." The enterprise said with a smile.

An Zhiyuan nodded when he heard the words, and then noticed the staff who still didn't dare to move, thinking that he and the company had caused trouble to them by sleeping here, so he quickly said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I have caused you trouble, we Here we go."

A smile appeared on the staff member's face, looking very reluctant. An Zhiyuan didn't think about it, and left with the company. It obviously hurt her a lot...

What a terrifying girl, one look makes her feet go weak, she looks so beautiful, is she the ship girl?

Neither An Zhiyuan nor the company were affected by this incident, but the quality of the movie this time is obviously not as good as when I went out with Hood last time, well... there is no way, we can't expect good movies all year round Want to watch a movie?

"That movie is really boring. They obviously like each other, but then they have to make a lot of accidents. It's really boring." Enterprise said, she really thinks that movie is not good, it is not as good as the movies played by Admiral and Missouri.

An Zhiyuan and Missouri have acted in several movies together. Missouri likes acting. She likes acting, but she doesn't like being a star.

"It can't be helped, some people, if they don't make some contradictions, there is nothing to write about? In fact, can't you just make sweets? It's like the movie I made with Missouri? Is it different?" An Zhiyuan nodded. She nodded, and said helplessly: "What kind of love triangle, five-corner love is going to be messed up, and it's disgusting to watch."

"Yes, I don't understand human feelings very well. Could it be that you humans just like to mess around like this?" Enterprise asked.

"No, there are still many people who stick to one goal. My parents are, I can only say that people nowadays always want to pursue excitement while pursuing happiness." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "They don't You know, most of the time, people can only choose one.”

"What about the admiral?" Enterprise and An Zhiyuan interlocked their fingers and asked with a smile.

"I'm just a lucky person. I just happen to be able to feel happiness and excitement at the same time." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, and he hugged the enterprise, "Enterprise wife, we Yala How about going to the rooftop over there and shouting loudly that you like each other?"

"Aren't you ashamed?" Hearing this, Enterprise supported An Zhiyuan's shoulders. Although the admiral could definitely hold her with his strength, but the admiral's arms were on her hips, and her center of gravity was a little unstable.

"What's there to be ashamed of? I said I like my wife, but I didn't say I like other people's wives." An Zhiyuan said seriously.

That's right, the admiral is thick-skinned, which is his advantage.

"Then you've said that, let's go?" The enterprise asked An Zhiyuan to put himself down, and said with a smile.

An Zhiyuan put Shi Shi down, and patted her on the buttocks, um, it feels really good, then nodded, took Shi Shi's hand, and said with a smile, "Let's go~"

Enterprise let An Zhiyuan pull him forward, looking at the smiling side face of the admiral, he felt warm in his heart.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An Zhiyuan and Enterprise climbed to the rooftop of the mountain.

There are still many tourists on the rooftop, and I don’t know where they came from. However, during the raid, except for some specific passenger transport companies, that is, those ships with relatively strong security work, all of them were out of service. Tourists who have stayed at this place before.

But after so many years, everyone has gotten used to it. Moreover, there is no border in the first place. It is not impossible to really stay here, even for a short period of time.

Staring at the big sun, An Zhiyuan pulled the enterprise to the edge of the roof, looked down, still trembling, although it is not particularly high, it doesn't matter if the enterprise jumps down...

"Get ready, I'll come first, and then you call after me." An Zhiyuan pursed his lips and said with a smile.

Enterprise nodded and said with a smile: "As long as you dare to shout, then I will too."

"Heh, you don't think I'm joking, do you?" An Zhiyuan looked at the company and asked.

"No, but you shout, I said, if you shout, I will follow you." Enterprise said with a smile.

Who do you look down on?Do you think I dare not shout?

An Zhiyuan let go of Enterprise's hand, made a trumpet shape with both hands, and then shouted down: "I! Hi! Love! You! I! Love! You! My! Of! Enterprise! Enterprise! Old! Mother! Me! We! Want! Lucky! Blessed! Fast! Happy! One! Life! Son!"

Not to mention, An Zhiyuan's voice was quite loud. With such a roar, many people in Yala Town below heard it, and then moved their eyes to the rooftop. Shangri-la, who was processing documents in the office, also heard it. She is the ship's wife. , her hearing is much better than that of ordinary people, but she can selectively block some noise, otherwise the surroundings will be too noisy, but this sudden shout is obviously not within her shielding range.

Shangri-La was stunned, enterprise?This voice... sounds like An Zhiyuan's, right?Is An Zhiyuan confessing to her company?Shouting so loudly?

What are you doing?These two?

Then Shangri-La heard another shout.

"I! Also! Hi! Happy! You! Love! You! Me! De! Waving! Officer! Prompt! Governor! Ann! Zhi! Far! We! We! Want! Lucky! Blessed! Fast! Happy! One generation! !son!"

This is the voice of business, right?Where are these two yelling?Not ashamed?Shangri-La walked out of the office, flew the carrier-based aircraft, and then found An Zhiyuan and the company on the rooftop, a little dumbfounded, are these two people playing some shameful game?

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