What does it feel like to get rich overnight...

An Zhiyuan would come to the warehouse every day to look at the resources that were about to explode. It was refreshing to look at, even just to look at it.

Moreover, although there are a lot of resources, the monthly supplies will not stop, and it will not stop sending supplies just because he has a lot of resources.In this way, you can gamble on the boat.

Enterprise and the Duke of York walked behind An Zhiyuan, "You have to come and have a look every day, Admiral."

asked the Duke of York softly.

"Tsk, it's comfortable to look at." An Zhiyuan turned his head when he heard the words, noticed Enterprise and the Duke of York, and said with a smile, "Even if you don't use it, just looking at it makes you feel very satisfied."

That sentence is not a good one. You can use it, but you can’t.

The enterprise said: "Aren't you going to build? Didn't you say before that you will build twice after the big sweep is over?"

"Well, yes, but I feel that Xi Li has not been built for a long time, so I want to wait a little longer, and I feel that if I am busy with the construction, I may not ship it." An Zhiyuan said: "We will wait until the CD is ready."

"CD?" The company was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard the words, playing games, and CDs.

"By the way, I haven't seen a humanoid siren in this attack. Admiral, we haven't been able to find any information about the humanoid siren. I feel that your idea of ​​arresting the humanoid siren has to be delayed again." The company said: "It is estimated that we have to wait until everyone comes over."

"Not necessarily. If Shen Hai and the others come here, it's fine. Let Shen Hai manage the relationship with the Siren, and then trick her into the tutelary mansion. It's not at our mercy." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, looking Very kind.

The Duke of York blinked, "It's very similar to how the admiral handled it."

"If Shangri-La hears what you said, maybe it will lock you up." Enterprise said.

"It's okay, the humanoid siren is an enemy. If the enemy is captured, it will be my prisoner. We have not signed any captive treaty. If we catch it, it is ours. It is not at our mercy." An Zhiyuan said seriously: "We won't do anything excessive, will we?"

Not too much?The company thought of the methods he used on the deep-sea flagships. His admiral was indeed a little perverted in some respects, but these perverts are not too outrageous, so it is acceptable...

"Who do you think they will bring over?" An Zhiyuan asked. "Guess both of you, Duke of York. Enterprise."

The Duke of York thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's a prestige counterattack or something?"

"Maybe it's a deep-sea flagship." The company said, "Well...the scope is too big, it's hard to guess at all, maybe it's possible to send a destroyer over."

After all, there are so many warship girls in the town guard mansion, it is possible to send anyone here, such as the Duke of York, the company did not expect that they would let the Duke of York come over beforehand, the person from Missouri is indeed very considerate for the admiral... various aspects.

No one would refute that she was the wife who knew the admiral best, because it was true, even Lexington couldn't keep up with her understanding of the admiral.

Maybe Missouri will let the deep-sea flagship come over. Now the admiral wants the deep-sea flagship most. There is already a special bond between the admiral and them. If there is any special induction, there is nothing to be surprised about.

"I think my wife and Missouri will understand me. The next one, I think, will be Yamato or Kasai Ji." An Zhiyuan said.

The Duke of York heard the words and said: "No way, the admiral thinks of who needs who, so they let who come over?"

"Let's make a bet?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Okay, what's the bet?" The Duke of York nodded when he heard the words, and she asked with a smile as she brushed her hair around her ear.

"Well, let me think about it..." An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin and thought about it carefully. At this moment, the company said: "Don't bet with him, you will be the one who will suffer at that time. If you win or lose, the cheap ones will be the ones you win." he."

The Duke of York smiled and said, "It's different. If the admiral wins, it's the admiral's reward. If the admiral loses, it's my comfort to the admiral."

The enterprise opened its mouth, well, as expected of you, the appointment of the admiral cannot be offended...

When An Zhiyuan heard the words, she almost couldn't hold back and pushed the Duke of York to the ground. She always spoke like this. Although her tone was light, it could instantly ignite the flame in An Zhiyuan's heart.

"Well, Duke of York, if I win, you can treat me to a cake, and if I win, I can treat you to a cake too." An Zhiyuan said seriously.

The enterprise frowned upon hearing this, a little surprised that the admiral actually made such a serious bet, unexpectedly.

But the Duke of York clearly knows more about this than the business.

"How and where?" asked the Duke of York.

An Zhiyuan leaned close to the Duke of York's ear, and said softly, "If I eat...butter cream, it must be in the milk...cough cough, eat it on it."

Although An Zhiyuan said it in the Duke of York's ear, but the enterprise is the ship's mother, of course she can hear it, and the enterprise's face is slightly red, she knows that the admiral will definitely play these tricks... Well, it really adds to life. It's a lot of fun.

"What about me? How do I eat it?" The Duke of York asked softly, his eyes watering.

"That's why I don't need to say more?" An Zhiyuan laughed. The Duke of York is old Siji, of course she understands the admiral's meaning. She ran her fingers through her ears and hair, her face was slightly hot, but it wasn't because she was shy. But because of emotion, "Well, good."

"Ah." Enterprise sighed, these two people knew nonsense all day long.

"Why are you sighing, you come too." An Zhiyuan said.

"I don't want to mess around with you." Enterprise pressed his navy cap and said with a reddish face.

It's fine for one-on-one, it's a little unbearable to play these shameful games with other ship girls.

"Let's come together!" An Zhiyuan put his arms around Qianye's waist, smacked her on the face, and said with a smile.

"Don't!" Enterprise struggled slightly, but didn't struggle to move away, and didn't continue to move, because the admiral obviously didn't want to let go, and she would definitely hurt the admiral if she tried too hard.

"Come on, why are you shy." The Duke of York came over, kissed An Zhiyuan on the face, and said to the enterprise with a smile: "We spend a lot of time with the admiral now, and when there are more people in the future, we don't have so much time Accompanying the admiral."

Enterprise bit his lip and moved his gaze to other directions, "...just... this time..."

An Zhiyuan snickered, once a company is established, it will be twice, and if it is established twice, it will be tens of thousands of times, my big baby, as long as it starts, it will never end.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Shangri-La and the others have arranged the rest of the matter, and they will officially set off tomorrow.

As the local commander, An Zhiyuan was of course going to see him off. He just wanted to confirm the situation of Glorious Victory and the three awesome sisters.

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