"I don't believe it, the organization has already decided, it's you." Missouri said: "Besides, it's been so long, haven't you gotten used to the feeling of being with the deep sea? I remember, didn't you and Fortress Ji get hugged by the admiral? A bed? What's there?"

"That's what the admiral forced me to do..." Hood pressed the tips of his index fingers together, and said weakly, "Will this give me a feeling of being appointed?"

"It's the imperial appointment. I came here to tell you about our decision, not to discuss it with you." Missouri crossed her arms and said with a smile. Although it is the glory of the Royal Navy, Hood, who is actually a weak girl with glasses, is super nice. Bully.

"...Okay, then I'll go... woo woo woo, I just can't drink black tea..." Hood whimpered. Of course, she didn't cry. Although she was a weak glasses girl, she wasn't Fragile.

"Others are eager to go to the admiral's side as soon as possible, but you are fine. If you really don't want to go, I can change someone." Missouri said with a smile.

"Well... I'll go." Hood said hastily.

"Oh, I knew it." Missouri smiled charmingly: "Get ready yourself, and set off tomorrow."

"Oh, okay..." Hood nodded.

Lexington came to look for the fortress Ji Pachina.

"Pachina." Lexington knocked on the door of Fortress Ji, reminding the drowsy Fortress Ji in the room.

Sergey came back to her senses, saw Lexington at the door, and stood up, "Um...what's the matter? Mrs. Lexington."

"You make preparations. Tomorrow, you and Hood will go to the admiral's side." Lexington said with a smile: "Let's say goodbye to everyone, after all, it will take some time before we can meet again."

"Let me go?" Fortress Ji nodded upon hearing this, "But let me go, is there any special thing to do?"

Lexington told her about the dream between her and Missouri. Fortress Ji blinked when she heard the words, it was really something metaphysical... But it's really hard to say, I have to believe it, after all, between them and An Zhiyuan After building the bond, sometimes even if you don't read the admiral's thoughts, you can know what the admiral is thinking from a long distance...

"Well, I'll be ready." Said Saiji.

Although it is the ship girl and the deep sea flagship, because they have lived together for a long time, they were not used to it at first, but after all, the deep sea flagship is different from the ship girl, they are usually trained by the admiral... um... , Therefore, I got along very happily by accident. Even if there were some entanglements in the past, I almost forgot about it. Maybe the matter of grabbing fat times will often be brought up for a few words, and Yamato often confronts Missouri, Yamato The relationship with Hindenburg is good. The two often singled out Missouri, and the two singled out Missouri.

The other people get along quite happily. Although Hood seems to be a little concerned, it is really just a look. After all, the appearance of being pressed on the bed by the admiral has been watched by the other party, so what does it matter? Okay, for the ship girl, is there any rival in love?

Of course, when they meet the ship girl from ship B, um... that’s not necessarily the case. It may not matter if they are not from the same ship, but Hood from ship R and Hood from ship B collide. ship...

After Hood and Fortress Ji finished their preparations, they prepared to send Yubari the next day.

"Have you brought everything you should bring?" Yubari asked: "You should bring the fuel rods of the company, right? And the spare intercontinental missiles of Tangyu, didn't you forget?"

"It's in Fortress Ji's ship outfit, don't worry." Missouri said, "Okay, let's go there quickly, I guess the two of you can't wait to see the admiral."

Hood pushed his glasses, it's been a long time since he saw the admiral...

Fortress Ji rolled her eyes, that perverted admiral...but she really misses him...

"In this case, this, you have to hold it." Yubari handed an electronic device similar to a mobile phone to Fortress Ji, "Give it to the admiral at that time, if there is no problem with my conclusion, then the admiral You can use this thing to have some text communication with us."

Fortress Ji took over the electronic equipment, put it in the containment space of the ship, and carefully protected it, "Okay, is there anything else?"

"It should be gone, get ready, I will send you there." Yubari said.

"Well, well, see you later." Yubari said, and then Saiji and Hood were teleported away.

Missouri wanted to wave at first, but she walked too fast, and there was no time to wave. She slowly put down her hand and let out a soft breath, "I don't know when it will be our turn..."

"It won't be long, now my understanding of teleportation is getting deeper and deeper." Yubari said: "You can consider dealing with the company's affairs. After we leave, the company will stop operating. Of course, it will not continue to operate. does not matter."

"Let's leave it to someone to manage it, and leave it to the admiral's parents, so that the admiral's parents will have no worries in their off-duty life." Missouri said: "I will talk to Miss Bai about this matter, and she should be able to find someone. "


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A burst of white light flashed in front of his eyes, and immediately, Hood and Fortress Ji appeared in a strange place, which seemed to be the seaside.

Just like coming from their world to the admiral's world, this feeling of teleportation.

The sun in the sky is a bit big, through the glasses, it is a bit dazzling...

"Is this the seaside?" Fortress Ji looked around and said.

Shenhai likes the sea more than the ship girl. After all, the sea used to be the fate of Shenhai. They were born there, were sunk there, and then resurrected there. Fortress Ji still likes the seaside environment very much. It's good for everyone to live together in the town guard's mansion, which is an office building they built in Yuqing City, but it really is the seaside that makes people feel more relaxed and happy.

"It looks like it is... I seem to have felt the presence of the Admiral..." Hood looked around, and there was a large forest next to it. It seemed that the island was not small.

"I feel it too. It seems to be on the other side of the island. Let's sail along the coast." Fortress Ji nodded and said to Hood.

"Hmm..." Hood pushed his glasses, seeing the admiral he hadn't seen for a long time, it was somewhat exciting...

"How long has it been since the admiral left us?" Hood asked.

"It seems that this bastard admiral has been away from us for almost half a year." Saiji said, "When I find him, I will beat him up."

"Really?" Hood looked at Fortress Ji in surprise, "Are you really going to beat the admiral?"

Saiji thought for a while, then pouted, "Forget it, anyway, it's not the first time he bullied me, and if I beat him now, he will definitely bully me twice in the future..."

Hood has a weird expression upon hearing this, but even if you don't beat him up, he will still bully you... I think you are addicted to being bullied by the admiral, why don't you find an excuse not to resist?

In short, Hood and Fortress Ji sailed along the seashore to the front of the tutelary mansion. Looking at this familiar building, both fortress Ji and Hood were stunned. This is really similar to the tutelary mansion where they lived together before. It is simply carved out of a template.

Although Fortress Ji had never lived in that tutelary mansion, they personally attacked An Zhiyuan, who is now their admiral's tutelary mansion, and destroyed it. Seeing this strange and familiar building, I was somewhat in a mood Complicated, it was still an enemy at the time, who would have thought that after being caught...

Anyway, his admiral An Zhiyuan is a pervert.

Forget the past.

Then Hood and Fortress Ji saw a person standing at the port, that familiar figure who had disappeared for half a year.

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