-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hello, I am Gascogne, the fourth ship of the Richelieu-class battleship. Due to the outbreak of the war, the construction was forced to be cancelled, but this time, Gascogne will fight for the master and destroy any enemies who stand in front of the master. " Gascogne took the initiative to stretch out his hand, instead of bringing his small face close to An Zhiyuan like he did to An Zhiyuan, An Zhiyuan also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Ah..." The company froze for a moment, it was really a formal introduction...

Enterprise stretched out his hand and shook Gascogne, then smiled and said, "Welcome, Gascogne, welcome to this big family. I am Enterprise, the Yorktown-class aircraft carrier USS Enterprise."

"Identity registration, Yorktown-class aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, Enterprise." Gascogne said softly.

Hearing the words, Enterprise had a slightly strange expression. She turned her head to look at An Zhiyuan and asked An Zhiyuan what was going on with her eyes. Why did the newly built ship girl seem weird? An Zhiyuan shrugged and said that she didn't clear.

After taking Gascony to get to know the company, An Zhiyuan took the company to other people, just happened to meet Belfast, An Zhiyuan quickly stopped the footsteps and seemed to be a little busy, "Belfast ,and many more."

Belfast, who was walking towards the hall with his back turned to An Zhiyuan, paused, then turned around and saw An Zhiyuan and Gascogne beside him.

She walked over quickly, then bowed slightly to An Zhiyuan, "Good morning, master, and this is..."

"Hello, I am Gascogne, the fourth ship of the Richelieu-class battleship." This time Gascogne did not say anything about fighting for the master, but introduced himself very briefly, and then offered to extend his hand .

Belfast looked at Gascogne's outstretched hand, and then reached out to shake her hand.

The head maid is not used to shaking hands, because there is no need to shake hands with the admiral, and there is no need to shake hands with the sisters of the tutelary mansion, at least they didn't shake hands when they first met, everyone is a tutelary Sisters in the government, there's no need to be so pretentious.

It is even more impossible to shake hands with outsiders. Even for a woman like Jiang Wanqiu, only the admiral can touch any part of the ship's body. If the admiral allows it, the sisters guarding the mansion can also touch it, and everyone else can't touch it.

My admiral definitely doesn't mind the sisters guarding the mansion touching their bodies. After all, when the admiral asks them to be together, he will let them lily...

Not to mention these ship girls who joined the tutelary mansion, those ship girls who did not join the headquarters, those ship girls in the academy, would not allow other people to touch their bodies, so the ship girls basically did not have the habit of shaking hands.

But since Gascogne reached out to shake hands, Belfast certainly couldn't let Gascogne's hand hang in the air, so he shook hands with her.

"I am the admiral's exclusive head maid, Edinburgh-class light cruiser, Belfast, hello." Belfast said with a smile: "If you have any troubles, please find me, although I am the admiral's exclusive maid Chief, but the admiral authorized me to be in charge of the entire tutelary mansion, so if you need help, please feel free to contact me."

"Okay, identity registration, Edinburgh-class light cruiser Belfast, head maid of identity." Gascogne's tone was still calm, without any emotional fluctuations, but unlike the strange expression shown by the enterprise, Belfast did not What expression did he show, still smiling.

"Then, admiral, you can take Miss Gascony to meet other people, and I'll leave to do housework." Belfast leaned over and kissed An Zhiyuan's lips lightly, then smiled Pulling away the distance, he bowed slightly to An Zhiyuan and said.

An Zhiyuan licked his lips, then nodded, "Thank you, Belfast."

"Master, please don't talk about hard work, this is all my job." Belfast said with a smile, then turned and left.

"Master, do you want to kiss your lips when we part?" Just as An Zhiyuan turned to face Gascogne to meet other people, Gascogne asked suddenly.

An Zhiyuan paused when he heard the words, the desire in his heart told him that he should answer "Yes, that's right, that's it."

But the rationality in his heart told him that he should answer "That's not the case, it's just because I have a good relationship with Belfast, so she kissed my lips when she left."

An Zhiyuan struggled in his heart, and then said: "No, there's no need...Belfast kissed my lips because she is my fiancé, it's just a normal act of intimacy."

"Master, what is a wedding ship?" Gascogne asked.

"Well... the wedding is just waiting for my wife, my wife means... because you are mothers, so after marrying you, it will be a wedding." An Zhiyuan blinked his eyes and said, obviously feeling a little bit more Skogne does not lack common sense, but some people feel that she doesn't seem to understand anything... It seems that the logic should be correct, but she really doesn't know this knowledge.

"Marriage, what is marriage?" Gascogne continued to ask.

"Well... it's two people who love each other and sign a contract to be together forever." An Zhiyuan blinked and said.

Of course, this is not accurate, but it is more or less what it means... probably.

"Two people who love each other, love each other, love, what is love?" Gascogne seemed to have pondered for a while, but she couldn't tell from her expression and tone at all, but from her words, it seemed that she was in deep thought a bit.

"Love is not a thing, it is a kind of emotion, a very complicated emotion... I can't tell what the specific expression is for a while..." An Zhiyuan said, there are many ways to express love, not a sentence or two can express it. Say something clearly.

"Very complicated feelings, Gascogne can't understand." Gascogne said.

"If you don't understand, then don't understand. You will know later." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Let's go, let's continue to meet other people."

"Continue to carry out the master's instructions, Gascogne will complete the task very well." Gascogne said.

An Zhiyuan thought to himself, you take the order so seriously, I don't know if I will give you an order to stay with me overnight, will you agree...

An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin, thought carefully about the possibility, Gascogne might not refuse...but it is impossible for An Zhiyuan to give such an order, An Zhiyuan is lustful, there is no way, man, every night Kai Hun, she is in good health, how can I hold back, but this does not mean that she can be shameless and shameless, Gascogne may carry out his orders, but she has only joined the tutelary fort on the first day, An Zhiyuan will not As for being so hungry and thirsty, secondly, An Zhiyuan hates this kind of thing when you just sit on it before you have cultivated your relationship. Doing that kind of thing is a way of expressing the pinnacle of emotion, not for that kind of thing. Yes, to do that kind of thing if you don't have feelings, it's an insult to his own admiral's status, it's also an insult to the ship's mother, and an insult to their feelings for him.

People can be thick-skinned, but they can't be shameless. After all, thick-skinned has a bottom line, but there is no bottom line for shamelessness.

"Gascogne, may I give you an order?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Master, please order." Gascogne said calmly.

"How about learning more about the word love afterward?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "There is no time limit, there is no need to force yourself to understand the meaning of this word and what it represents in a short time, but if you understand this word , just tell me."

"Love, according to the instructions given by the executive director, Gascogne will understand the meaning and meaning of the word 'love'." Gascogne said.

"Well, good." An Zhiyuan smiled and looked at Gascogne, this seemingly emotionless and robot-like ship girl, if she said to herself, I love you, master, I think I would be very, very Are you satisfied?

An Zhiyuan suddenly looked forward to it, looking forward to Gascogne hugging him, saying to himself "I love you, master" with this mechanical voice, but with a rich and emotional tone.

It must be very interesting and emotional.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Considering that Jiang Wanqiu's little heart might not be able to withstand another blow, and the matter of strengthening the construction core has not been made public, An Zhiyuan finally refrained from going to expose Jiang Wanqiu.

Alas, I am just too kind. As a seal, how can I be so kind?

Seals are ruthless and indifferent. Among a hundred seals, no one is innocent if they are killed. The seals rely on their own prostitution or European spirit to make Africans lose their love for life, and finally they are hit hard by reality. defeated.

An Zhiyuan is not a qualified seal.

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