But An Zhiyuan also understands what Shangri-la said, be careful when sailing for thousands of years.

"Well, I know, I won't take any risks, my girl, I value more than you." An Zhiyuan said.

"Well, that's fine. The topic is far away. You just said about the equipment box. In fact, apart from the expedition, there is also an escort mission, which is to transport special material transport ships. However, the attack time is sometimes quite long. Because some materials are transported to the academy, it will take nearly three months from your side to the academy, and then go home after delivery, can you accept it?" Shangri-La asked.

"That won't work. I can't stand my girl being away from me for so long." An Zhiyuan said, the equipment box is not a necessary item, even if it were, An Zhiyuan would not be willing to let his girl leave him for so long.

It was too cruel for them, and it was also for An Zhiyuan.

"Oh... I knew it, and then there is another way to get it, and that is to sink the Siren's transport ship, but the Siren's transport ship will not come to the offshore. If you want to sink the transport ship, you need Go a little deeper, don't need to go too deep, lucky enough to meet a transport ship, sink 20 ships to get an equipment box, and sink the Siren transport ship, you have a chance to get some weird things, Of course, I don’t know if it’s useful to you.” Shangri-La said with a smile.

"Strange thing? What is it?" An Zhiyuan touched his chin when he heard the words, and asked.

Could it be fat times or something?But their transport ship doesn't seem to be a supply sauce, what kind of fat are the siren soldiers wearing...

"It's just some furniture and the like... It's strange. I don't know why the Sirens transport these things, but sometimes they can get some resources. Anyway, sinking a transport ship is very cost-effective." Shangri-La said.

An Zhiyuan suddenly thought of a question, "Since it's such a good deal, why didn't you tell me earlier."

"Well... well, because I think... you don't really need it... because you have so many full-fledged ship girls." Shangri-La said after a pause.

PS: It's been a long time waiting for multi-mode.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Gascogne was still trying to understand the meaning of "love". She asked all the people in the tutelary mansion, including Xiao Zhai, Tang Yu and Xi Li, but she still didn't get her own answer.

An Zhiyuan came to the large living room on the second floor. The second floor is everyone's dormitory, and the third floor is An Zhiyuan's room and the commander's office. Anyway, the above is almost An Zhiyuan's private territory, but it's too big to be honest. It is necessary, mainly because there are too few girls, the town guard mansion is too big, and there are too many dormitories on the second floor, but it will definitely be remodeled in the future. When Yuzhang and the others say they are coming, then An Zhiyuan will also start to reform the town guard It's the mansion, maybe we need to expand the town guard's mansion, after all, there are more than [-] people there.

How to renovate is a problem. An Zhiyuan feels that his territory on the third floor is too wide, and it is really unnecessary. Although he basically does not sleep on it alone every night, in name, it is really his own territory. It is empty like this So, maybe the higher-ups will have to make some changes in the future.

Then we have to build a new dormitory building, and it is best to link it together. It seems too unfamiliar to have another building alone, and it is convenient to sneak around at night.

Thinking wildly, An Zhiyuan heard someone calling him.

An Zhiyuan came back to his senses and looked forward, it turned out to be Dedejiang.

"Admiral, would you like black tea? There's also dessert, it's delicious." Dedejiang said to An Zhiyuan with a smile.

When Dede is not fighting or making trouble with Bismarck, she still looks like a British lady.

A coffee table, a chair, and a cat in her arms before, but because Dede sauce did not bring ginger fish cakes, that is, her two cats, so she has no cats to hug, and no cats to hug stuffed.

But in fact, Hood is not particularly small. An Zhiyuan has measured the B+ level, and it is almost close to C. It is a little bit reluctant to look at B when wearing clothes, but it is still more interesting when not wearing clothes. Of course, if you want to put those girls in groups of D and E, they are really set off a little...

But normal humans are at this level. Human girls generally have a figure like Dede-chan, and their breasts are generally not big.

Jiang Wanqiu's stature is about the same as Dedejiang's, but Jiang Wanqiu seems to be a C, right?Well, after all, people like Jiang Wanqiu are relatively rare among human beings.

But although he didn't hold the cat, he held a book and read it.

In addition to the pure temperament of Miss England, because of wearing glasses, Hood also has an intellectual beauty, a feeling of a literary girl. Of course, Hood is indeed worthy of this title, she has nothing to do Drinking tea and reading books when I was in bed, no matter what, I had more ink in my stomach than him.

Dede-chan is still very cute, especially when doing that kind of thing, he likes to cover his face, as if he is very shy, but if there is a Bismarck on the bed, Dede-chan will be very active, as if If you want to behave in front of Bismarck, An Zhiyuan is of course very welcome, so almost every time you do it with Dedejiang, you can bring Bismarck if you can. Dedejiang will compete with Bismarck, and then Bismarck will see If you don't care about it, you will actually compete and become more active.

An Zhiyuan nodded, walked over, and when he was about to drag a stool over, Hood stood up and moved out of the way, looking at An Zhiyuan with a reddish face, without saying a word.

An Zhiyuan paused when he saw this, and then understood Hood's meaning. He was a little surprised that Bismarck wasn't here, so he didn't expect Hood to be so proactive.

An Zhiyuan hesitated for a moment, and then sat on Hood's position just now, and then Hood sat on An Zhiyuan's lap with a little shyness.

An Zhiyuan put his arms around Hood's waist, and said with a smile, "So active today?"

Taking the initiative, An Zhiyuan even forgot that this is Dedejiang.

Dede-chan was a little awkward, she pushed her red-rimmed glasses and said, "Occasionally... I want to get close to the admiral."

An Zhiyuan laughed when he heard the words, Hood was not tall, sitting on An Zhiyuan's lap, his head was not much higher than An Zhiyuan, An Zhiyuan turned his head to the side, put his head on her shoulder, on her earlobe Kissed lightly, "Rare."

"It's not so rare...Didn't you often do this when you were in the tutelary mansion?" Dedechan felt An Zhiyuan's lips, and her face became more rosy. She was still different from Hood. Hood was still shy at the time, but later on, Hood was not so shy, and sometimes he even rebelled against An Zhiyuan.

"That's because Bismarck was there before, so you took the initiative and wanted Bismarck to feel uncomfortable?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "When you and Bismarck were fighting in private, you thought I didn't know?"

Dedejiang curled his lips when he heard the name Bismarck, "Cricket Bismarck..."

But she didn’t deny that it was because of Bismarck’s presence that she took the initiative. She and Bismarck are just a bunch of happy enemies. Because of the contradictions in history, Bismarck sank Hood when he fell into the soul, so Hood looked a little bit I'm not used to Bismarck, the relationship between the British and German families is inherently sensitive, of course, they are all from the same tutelary mansion, so of course they won't really quarrel.

The way they compete for the victory is very simple, that is, to find items to compete on An Zhiyuan.

Forget it, although it is the glory of the Royal Navy, but after meeting Bismarck, he is like a child. Thoughts, but I am still willing to mess around with Hood. On the one hand, the beneficiaries of the nonsense are the admirals anyway, so it doesn’t matter. , more like friends.

Dedechan is the "tsundere" side. While talking bad things about Bismarck, she can't do without him. She especially likes to provoke Bismarck. On the other hand, Bismarck is hard-spoken and soft-hearted. In fact, she really dotes on Hood...

It's no wonder that Bei Zhai often secretly draws the lily books of the two of them. Of course, there are more 3P books. Sometimes, Bei Zhai even draws himself in 4P games. It is probably these books that have made Xiao Zhai bad. ..

"Come on, admiral, ah~" Dede sauce pinched a piece of matcha cake with onion fingers and handed it to An Zhiyuan to pursue. An Zhiyuan opened his mouth and ate the matcha cake, and licked the cream off Dede sauce's finger. After being licked by the admiral, Hood just blushed and did not withdraw his fingers. Obviously, she also enjoyed it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Speaking of which, Hood also likes to drink tea, so you didn't drink with her?" An Zhiyuan let go of Dedejiang's finger and asked.

"Aren't I the Hood? Ah... you're talking about another Hood." Dede-chan came to his senses and said, "She's always here, but today she seems to be out practicing with Gascogne. "

"She was practicing with Gascogne?" An Zhiyuan was a little surprised when he heard the words, "Isn't that bullying Gascogne? Gascogne doesn't even have any equipment."

"I borrowed the equipment from the Duke of York." Dede said, "And she will definitely show mercy."

"Yeah... that's right." An Zhiyuan nodded, and smelled the scent of Dedejiang, it felt so comfortable to hug Dedechan.

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