-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Shengli didn't play for too long, and went back after afternoon tea.

Anyway, there is no rush, she is now a member of the tutelary mansion, and she will have plenty of time to be together in the future, so there is no rush for this moment.

Later, everyone came back, and Gascony was not injured. Although it was her first time to attack, and she did encounter Siren, but with Enterprise and Tangyu, she was not so easily injured. , Moreover, Gascogne also sank some siren armor.

Although she didn't have much training, thanks to the good performance of the equipment that the Duke of York lent her, Gascogne even hit the core area on the first attack and hit the soul with one shot.

Gascogne really feels quite strong, should it be said that it was built with a strengthened construction core?

"Admiral, we sank two Siren transport ships today, and..." After returning, Dedejiang, as the flagship of the fleet, reported the situation to An Zhiyuan.

The main purpose of their attack today was the Siren transport ship, so the first report Dede-chan came up was the number of transport ships sunk.

"Two ships? Very good. If you sink this number every day, you can get an equipment box in ten days. Do you feel the pressure? Go deeper?" An Zhiyuan thought for a while, then said .

"There's no pressure." Dedejiang said: "There are companies here, anyway, we don't need anti-submarine. It's very easy. In terms of firepower, we are not afraid of them."

Isn't that right? Dede-chan increased the speed and critical strike. Dede-chan's buff is good after eating. It's no wonder that Gascogne's first attack level directly hit the core area and directly destroyed it.

"That's good." An Zhiyuan nodded. In fact, at this time, Victory had just left. Calculating the time, it took about two hours for the girls to attack.

Usually the patrol takes about an hour. Although the time is doubled, it is still acceptable.An Zhiyuan didn't want his daughter to be too busy, as long as she could ensure her safety, she could touch her as much as she could, and she could be dedicated, but it wasn't necessary.

After that, An Zhiyuan let Gascogne and Xili stay.

"Gascogne, how does it feel to attack for the first time?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

"It's easier than I imagined." Gascogne still looked the same, speaking extremely flat.

Gujing Wubo was talking about you, right?

"Really? That's good." An Zhiyuan nodded.

"It's other people's credit, Gascogne didn't help." Gascogne added that she really didn't help much, and it was because Belfast stepped forward to attract the humanoid siren. She got the other party's attention, and Hood and Dede-chan kept her from firing, so she had a chance to complete this devastating blow.

Hearing this, Xi Li glanced at Gascogne, and said in a low voice, "I think Sister Gascogne is very powerful, she was the first attack to destroy her..."

Xi Li also sank some Siren armor today. Her torpedo hit rate is quite high. The main reason is that these Siren armor are slow to hide and easy to hit. The ship sank after a few shots. Of course, she dared not leave It's getting close, and everyone doesn't dare to let her get too close. Her training level is too low. If her training level is about the same as that of the head maid in Belfast, maybe everyone will let her get closer.

Because of the long distance, it is more of a test of prediction. Xi Li can thunder down some siren armors, which is already very powerful.

An Zhiyuan smiled, "I originally asked you to go out and improve your training. Whether it helps or not, as long as you are not injured, it is a good thing. Moreover, the first attack is to destroy the attack, and the opponent is still a Siren battleship. There's no need to be humble."

Belfast must be credited. Dedechan and Hood did give Gascogne the head, but if Gascogne can't hit it correctly, it's still useless, let alone Gascogne. It can't be said that the shot was accurate, it was a shot into the soul.

In the final analysis, if you don’t have hard power, no matter how others help you, you won’t be able to do it. Various problems will arise in the actual combat, but you have hard power yourself, no matter whether others help you or not.

"Where's Xili? How do you feel?" An Zhiyuan asked while rubbing Xili's head with a smile.

It was not the first time for Xili to go out, she had already done so many times. When she came back for the first time, Xili told An Zhiyuan that she was a little nervous going to the battlefield.

"It's much better, and I've almost gotten used to it." Xili nodded, squinting her eyes, as if enjoying An Zhiyuan's touch, Xili must be a dog girl, that's right, Solomon's loyal dog.

Speaking of which, Xili's equipment is not complete... It seems that the tutelary mansion is still lacking in equipment...

If there is an equipment box for ten days, judging from this frequency, it will indeed take a while to fill up Gascogne's equipment and Xili's equipment.

However, maybe one day you can inherit more ship girls?Who's to say?Of course, it is also possible that you will not encounter a Siren transport ship, and it is also possible to be a bachelor for a day.

In addition, the Siren transport ship does have spoils to take, of course...not the kind of deep-sea supply sauce, but some real supplies. I didn't see the furniture, but there are a few resources. But it's not enough to add that the girls are attacking, well, it's better than nothing, and it can be regarded as a little recovery, although the current An Zhiyuan can afford it.

Xili soon went to find Xiaozhai to play, while An Zhiyuan and Gascogne went to the hall.

As she walked, shaking and shaking... That's right, what An Zhiyuan was talking about was the cross hanging around her neck. It was quite big, almost as long as a palm, and looked very heavy.

An Zhiyuan asked, "Gascogne, is your religion Catholic?"

In this way, An Zhiyuan thought of Sister Li, because she was the archbishop, and also made him think of the Duke of York, because she was the knight Ji, and he had grudges because she was a nun.

Gascogne shook his head, "Gascogne has no faith."

Although there is a big cross on the neck, Gascogne is really not a nun or the like, it is just a simple decoration.

Not only the cross hanging around the neck, Gascogne's ship suit also has a huge cross, which seems to be used to beat people, the weapon is a cross, and there is a cross hanging around the neck, and you said you no faith?

Not pious, Gascony, obviously your sister is the archbishop, of course, you don’t have to believe in any god, your admiral is a god, an ancient god, believe in me and you’re done.

When your sister comes over, you must let your sister impose sanctions on you, an ungodly believer.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You shipped?!" At night, An Zhiyuan suddenly received a message from Jiang Wanqiu. After seeing the news, An Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, then blinked, realizing something.

This girl probably knows that she built Gascogne.

"It's out, what's the matter? Gascony, the fourth Richelieu-class ship, a special ship." Now that it's out, it's out. Now that it's known, An Zhiyuan will not hide it. Anyway, he is the one who shipped the ship. What does he have? I'm so guilty, that's how people's luck is, if you are tricked, who told you that your luck is not as good as mine, then you can only be exposed by me?

"..." Jiang Wanqiu sent a few points over, "Do you guys have some construction cheats? Why do you think it's so easy for you to ship?!"

"There is no secret book. If there is one, the secret book is Ou. Luck is more important than anything else." An Zhiyuan replied.

"Look at you, are you speaking human language? If I have your luck, do I need any cheats?" Jiang Wanqiu was so sour, this stinky guy, she will sharpen her spearhead later, Apply the poison and go stab the European dog.

"Haha, but how did you know that I built Gascogne?" An Zhiyuan was a little surprised. Although the name Gascogne was introduced by himself, it was obvious from Jiang Wanqiu's first message that he already knew it. This song is the case.

"I heard what others said." Jiang Wanqiu said.

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