"Really? Your business sister and Xiao Zhai also said the same." An Zhiyuan smiled and said, "Do you remember the old days?"

"Yeah." Odin nodded, "I remember the time when I was fishing for cod at the pier."

Although the two of them could catch submarines, they still caught ordinary fish most of the time. How could there be so many submarines for them to catch?

Among them, Odin likes cod the most. According to her, cod can be caught at their door at that time.

Some Master Su of Ma Daha also found that this place seems to be somewhat similar to the previous tutelary fort.

"Admiral, Admiral, I want a secret base!" Lord Su was stunned for a while, then hugged An Zhiyuan's thigh, and said excitedly.

"Secret base? Okay." An Zhiyuan thought for a while, which place is more suitable for the two little guys... Well, after the construction is completed, all the little guys will probably go there...

You have to choose a good place for them to use as a secret base.

Let's discuss it with the company and Belfast at that time. The head maid should know the tutelary mansion very well, so she probably knows the most suitable place for them to use as a secret base.

Seeing that An Zhiyuan agreed, Master Su smiled even more happily. After laughing for a while, Master Su suddenly became quiet. An Zhiyuan lowered his head to look at her, not knowing what happened to Master Su.

I saw Mr. Su put his feet on An Zhiyuan's waist tightly from the side, and said in a light tone: "Admiral, I miss you..."

Odin also came over and hugged An Zhiyuan from the other side. She didn't speak, but looked up at An Zhiyuan with bright eyes.

An Zhiyuan rubbed Master Su and Odin's heads, and said softly: "I miss you too, I miss you."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the human world that An Zhiyuan stayed in before, there was a rule, that is, as the admiral, An Zhiyuan, on the day when the girls came, he had to stay with the girls who had just returned to him all day.

After coming here, let's say I have followed this rule well.

It had been a while since Belfast had gone out to buy a fishing rod.

"This kind of fishing rod..." Master Su fiddled with her new fishing rod. Obviously, she was not particularly satisfied, but now where can I find a fishing rod that can satisfy Master Su? What can satisfy her is that she can fish Special fishing rods for submarines, but they are not for sale here. It seems that there is no setting for fishing submarines.

If you want to get that kind of fishing rod, you can only order it from the academy, or let Yubari make one and bring it over next time... No, Yubari and Odin said that you can't bring it, so I guess you can't bring it. I have to ask the academy to order two, one for Mr. Su and one for Odin.

But ordinary fishing rods are also fishing rods and can be used.

Anyway, I only catch ordinary fish now.

An Zhiyuan brought Mr. Su and Odin to the pier, ready to fish at the pier. An Zhiyuan and the company had fished outside before, and they caught a lot, because An Zhiyuan used to accompany Sukhbaatar and Odin fishing, in terms of fishing, Mr. Su and Odin said that they are the first and second in the tutelary mansion. No one disagrees. Therefore, both Mr. Su and Odin teach you how to fish. There are many things about Anzhiyuan.

But An Zhiyuan's patience is not very good, if he doesn't hook the fish for a long time, and does not do other things, An Zhiyuan can't concentrate.

So An Zhiyuan simply put Odin on his lap and let her fish like this, holding the delicious Odin by himself, how comfortable and not distracted, the fish can only be seen when they bite the ditch.

Fishing is indeed a very boring thing. Even Mr. Su doesn’t want to stare at the float all the time. Anyway, she can hear any troubles. She is a ship’s mother, her senses are more sensitive than humans, and she can selectively block It is quite convenient to eliminate noise.

Master Su rested his head on An Zhiyuan's lap, and lazily pulled An Zhiyuan's clothes to block the sun.

"Don't you look at your fishing rod?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

"No need, I can hear it all." Lord Su said lazily.

In fact, in terms of what she is good at, Mr. Su doesn't say that she is very good. In the past, it was someone who fought very well by herself, but before she changed, she was just a little supply sauce. How could she be so good?

Maybe it's because I feel guilty, so I brag about how good I am, and because I think it's normal, I don't have anything to brag about.

But fishing is really a very powerful skill, especially if you can catch fish, it directly saves the construction resources, which is great.

Well, but now, Lord Su and Odin have transformed, and they are indeed very powerful, so it's nothing to brag about.

"Admiral, the weather here is so hot...it's not suitable for fishing." Master Su was a little irritable from the sun. Although she wasn't afraid of the heat, the sun was shining on her head, which still made her feel a little irritable.

"When I was in Yuqing, it was quite hot? It's hotter than here." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"That's different. I used to fish at home, and if I went to the beach, the temperature wouldn't be so high." Master Su curled his lips.

If you say it's hot, don't you want to get into my arms?An Zhiyuan is a little helpless, I don't feel hot anymore, do I?

Odin didn't say anything, just sat on An Zhiyuan's lap to catch his own fish, and she had already caught one.

It feels like two people, Mr. Su is more like a real child, and Odin is sometimes more like a little adult. He feels very reliable and won't make you worry.

So, why did Odin become Lord Su's follower?An Zhiyuan thought about this question again, but he still couldn't figure it out.

"Admiral, there is a fish on your fishing rod." Master Su raised his head from An Zhiyuan's arms, pushed An Zhiyuan who was distracted, and reminded.

An Zhiyuan came back to his senses, only then noticed that there was a fish biting the ditch, he quickly pulled the hook and caught the fish, it was just a small fish.

"Sister Fusang's sashimi is delicious. I want to catch more fish so that Sister Fusang can make more sashimi." Master Su said, "I haven't eaten sashimi made by Sister Fusang for a long time."

"What's the matter? Isn't sister Yixian's cooking delicious?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

Odin helped to answer: "Sukhbaatar has always wanted to change his appetite. In the past, he had a Chinese meal, a Japanese meal and a fast food. After Fusang sister came over, there was no such thing as sashimi to eat."

"You let Akagi Kaohsiung...except Kaohsiung, they can do it without any problem." An Zhiyuan said: "Your Chicheng sister's cooking skills are actually pretty good, don't you know?"

"Let sister Chicheng do it, maybe sister Chicheng will finish the meal by herself before she finishes cooking." Sukhbaatar whispered.

An Zhiyuan almost laughed out loud when he heard the words. This is not Master Su's exaggeration, it is true. Who came before...it seems to be the Raiders or South Dakota. They took a lot of ingredients and asked Chicheng to help make a Japanese meal Cooking, because Fusang is busy making lunch, here is a small stove.

Then after the ingredients were handed over to Chicheng, after waiting for a while, Chicheng didn't see the dishes coming out. It was very strange. When I walked in and looked, the dishes seemed to be ready?Why not bring it out?Taking a closer look, it turns out that Chicheng is destroying these prepared dishes with his mouth.

Since then, no one has dared to let Chicheng cook, maybe only when Chicheng and An Zhiyuan are together, helping An Zhiyuan to make supper will not steal it, because she will eat with An Zhiyuan and feed it in that way. An Zhiyuan, the girls in the guardian mansion can feed with their mouths, they were all trained by An Zhiyuan.

However, since Chicheng cooks more dishes every time, after An Zhiyuan is full, the rest has to go into Chicheng's stomach. Sometimes Kaga is also there, so he eats more.

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