"Don't worry on our side. Sukhbaatar and Odin are here now, and the combat power is sufficient." Enterprise said: "If you are going, you can rest assured... If there are many commanders as you said, It shouldn't be a problem... Sigh, it doesn't feel safe not to be by your side."

Enterprise frowned and said.

An Zhiyuan smiled, "Dedechan and the Duke of York are enough, and the Sirens are not that strong. Haven't you already proved it?"

"Yes, it's not that strong, but that's for me and Tangyu, but it's also a difficult enemy for Dedejiang and the Duke of York, and you haven't controlled the air yet..." Enterprise was a little worried.

An Zhiyuan stretched out his hand and rubbed the face of the enterprise, and said with a smile: "Where are there so many dangers, and I have to travel with many commanders, everyone will bring their own ship girls, so many ship girls, the number is enough Scared the Sirens to death."

Enterprise looked at An Zhiyuan, stretched out his hand and removed the admiral's hand from his face, "...Okay, okay, don't worry, there will definitely be no problem with the town guard mansion, just be careful yourself Now, don't let us worry you, if you are in danger, I don't care about this sea area, if you dare to die, I will sink myself immediately, do you hear me?"

"Don't talk to such an extent, it's like parting for life and death..." An Zhiyuan was a little dumbfounded, "It's just an ordinary trip."

"Don't forget, there is also the problem of the epidemic." The company rolled its eyes and said, "Even if you haven't met the sirens, who knows if those commanders have gotten sick? If it spreads, you commanders will all suffer. .”

"...How is this possible? The commander won't go out, how can he be so easily infected..." An Zhiyuan was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard the words, and then smacked Enterprise's face, "Then it's settled?"

Enterprise touched the place where he was kissed, and sighed, "Really, I actually asked you to do such a risky thing. If Lexington and Missouri find out, you might be scolded..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Speaking of which, let's ask the three of them, Guanghui Shengli and Kewei, if they want to go back?Originally, I came here in a hurry, maybe there are still some things at home that I haven't brought, just hold on for these three months, it's considered a travel date, when the three months are over, I can almost join the town guard's mansion. When he came back, he would directly live in the tutelary mansion, An Zhiyuan touched his chin, the plan worked out.

As a result, when An Zhiyuan asked, Guanghui and the others really planned to go back when they heard it.

"Well, there are some things that need to be collected. When I came, I only took some of the things, and there are still many things that I haven't brought." Guanghui said: "Well, is it really okay to add the three of us?"

"Of course it's no problem, and there is no set number of people. It doesn't matter if there are more ship girls. Anyway, more ships mean stronger combat effectiveness. After all, the matter of the sirens..." An Zhiyuan said.

"If that's the case, let's go back to Bilan College with you. We won't live there anymore, and we should have packed up our things." Guanghui's tone was gentle, but An Zhiyuan listened to Guanghui's tone A little bit shy, she snickered in her heart, after all, this was equivalent to admitting that she would definitely settle in the Solomon Islands in the future, and to be more direct, she would say that she would live in the tutelary mansion of Anzhiyuan.

After the arrangement was made, the day of the trip soon came. Jiang Wanqiu was also one of the commanders, and of course they had to go to Bilan Academy together.

The two traveled together.

Seeing a large group of people behind An Zhiyuan, Jiang Wanqiu was stunned, looked back at her own London, and rubbed the back of her head.

"Are you traveling? Or are you going to fight? Bring a group of people?" Jiang Wanqiu couldn't help asking.

"Aren't I here to ensure everyone's safety?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Let me introduce, Hood, a special ship, and also a wedding ship. My name is usually Dede, the Duke of York, a special ship, and also a wedding ship. Then you should know Guanghui and the others."

Jiang Wanqiu knew Guanghui and the others when they were in the academy. They are notoriously difficult to salvage ship girls. It seems that An Zhiyuan is about to succeed, yes.

As expected of you.

"Gui'an, Commander Jiang Wanqiu." Dedejiang is a British ship, of course the etiquette is in place, the Duke of York is also a British ship, and the etiquette is also in place.

"Hello, um, let me introduce my ship girl, London, the royal ship, who is in the same camp as you two." Jiang Wanqiu pulled her ship girl up and introduced with a smile.

"Gui'an, I am London, the lead ship of the London-class heavy cruiser." London is also a British ship, and the etiquette is also very good.

When Dedechan and the Duke of York heard this name, their faces were a little weird, because they both thought of the London where they guarded the mansion, and it was as lovely as the London in front of them, but she cooks so well that even the ship's wife Can poison, the nightmare of British cuisine, the culprit who makes everyone look at British cuisine with colored glasses, of course it is not all her problem...

However, the main reason is that she is completely fine. I don’t know if this London’s cooking is the same as their London’s.

After introducing themselves, An Zhiyuan and Jiang Wanqiu also started to board the ship. They will go to Indonesia to change trains. Now they are departing from the Solomon Islands, and there is no accompanying commander yet.

"Hey...Miss Enterprise is still here, there shouldn't be any problem...I let Ai-chan stay at home, I hope that if the sirens attack here, I can help a little." Jiang Wanqiu said , there was some resentment in her tone, "Really, what kind of meeting is still being held at this time..."

"Don't worry, there are not only companies in my tutelary mansion, there is no need to worry too much about the safety of the sea area." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Relax a little, just treat it as a trip."

"It would be great if I went on a trip..." Jiang Wanqiu curled her lips, she felt a little relieved after hearing An Zhiyuan's words, she sighed, "Speaking of which, I haven't been back to Bilan Academy for a long time, I don't know if anything has changed."

"There shouldn't be any obvious changes." An Zhiyuan thought for a while and said, "Well, I don't know what it was like when you left Bilan Academy. It's time to get on the boat, let's go."

"Well, you have a relaxed attitude." Jiang Wanqiu shook her head and sighed helplessly.

London on the side smiled and said: "Didn't the commander say that? Life is like that. Since you can't resist, just accept it and enjoy it."

"Hey, hey, don't remember such words..." Jiang Wanqiu couldn't laugh or cry, "It's just a joke, don't take it seriously... Besides, it's negative words..."

London looked at Jiang Wanqiu carefully, didn't you say that?

After Jiang Wanqiu boarded the boat with London, not long after, the yacht started to start.

Now because of the epidemic situation, everyone is not allowed to travel. Of course, An Zhiyuan and Jiang Wanqiu are special cases. The two of them are sitting on a private yacht, but the yacht is quite big. ...

Moreover, there is no driver, and they need to drive by themselves, which is indeed very personal...

The private yacht that An Zhiyuan and Jiang Wanqiu sent from the guard house is not big, after all, it is only for daily travel, if there are many people, they have to take a cruise ship if they want to sail far.

An Zhiyuan took the helm.

While sailing, An Zhiyuan thought of a very important thing. Their lineup doesn't seem to have anti-submarine ships...

Both Dedechan and the Duke of York are battleships, they can’t anti-submarine, Glorious Victory and Terrible don’t know if they have anti-submarine aircraft, although the aircraft carrier in the game can’t anti-submarine, it doesn’t mean that the real aircraft carrier can’t anti-submarine, of course the aircraft carrier It is anti-submarine.

Should I bring it?perhaps...

Moreover, their yacht does not eat torpedoes, the draft is so shallow... No, it cannot be viewed with the torpedo draft of the normal world, this is a magical world...

The girls have all found their own rooms. This yacht is indeed quite big. There are twelve rooms. These are provided by the college office. It will not overlap with Jiang Wanqiu's life, but the room is a little smaller. An Zhiyuan is actually a little tired of drifting on the sea in a boat, which is a bit too monotonous, but he likes the tone of this kind of travel. In my own world, I often take the girls to travel around in the author's RV. During those days, every time I think about it, I feel very happy. Hehe, it should be said that all the memories with the girls are very happy when I think about it. .

Chapter two hundred and twelve

Starting from the Solomon Islands, it takes almost three days to reach Indonesia.

The yacht is quite big and has an automatic driving system, but it is obvious that it needs to correct the course frequently. It is better to ride on them, fully automatic, and you don’t even need to use a little effort at all, and you don’t have to do anything.

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