An Zhiyuan is a male commander... No, he can actually be called an admiral now. An admiral is a man. Generally speaking, a male admiral will have a relationship with his ship's wife. As long as they are married, it is normal to have a relationship.

So Guanghui is not disgusted with this kind of thing... It's just that there are still Commander Jiang Wanqiu and London on board... Admiral, Hood, Duke of York and the others don't pay attention...

The deliberately suppressed voice seemed more captivating than the unscrupulous voice. Guanghui tightened his legs, and his breathing gradually became rapid. In a trance, he seemed to see the admiral, Hood, and the Duke of York messing around. , Guanghui quickly shook his head, bit his tongue to wake himself up, and then patted his red and hot cheeks... What's wrong with me...

Guanghui hastily blocked the voice, not daring to listen to it anymore, if he listened any longer, something would really go wrong...

Victory Room...

Of course Shengli heard it clearly, her face was also very red, "This guy..."

Shengli knew a lot from the company. He had discussed with An Zhiyuan about his XP before, and of course he was the one who knew the most about the night in the port area.

Shengli couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning, so he simply got out of bed, hugged his pillow, went outside Guanghui's room, and knocked on Guanghui's door.

"Sister, it's me, open the door." Guanghui lowered his voice and shouted. If my sister was not asleep, she might be able to hear it. Judging from the movements coming from An Zhiyuan's room, she probably was not asleep.

Soon, Guang Hui, who was only in his pajamas, came to open the door, "Shengli, why are you here..."

"Also? Did Kewei come here too?" Shengli had a strange expression upon hearing this.

"Yeah...she also said she couldn't sleep..." Guanghui blushed slightly as she spoke, and she didn't dare to look at Shengli. Although she blocked the sound, Shengli and Kewei couldn't sleep and ran to their room The reason must be because of that voice.

"Then the three of us should sleep together?" Shengli whispered.

Guanghui nodded. The beds in each room are quite big, double beds, and three people can sleep in a crowded room. No, isn’t there only three people in one bed next door?

Shengli walked inside and found that Kewei was really lying on the bed. She walked over and got under the covers, patted Kewei's buttocks, "Come in, big fat girl..."

"Who are you calling a fat girl? My flesh is growing where it should be." Kewei didn't fall asleep, and couldn't help but said after hearing Victory's words.

"It's growing where it should be, but where you and your sister should be plump, they are too plump." Shengli said.

Guanghui, who had just laid down beside him, smiled slightly when he heard Victory's words, "It's not something we can change. Once we appear in this world, we will be like this now."

"Yes, I think you are jealous of me and my sister." Kewei couldn't help but said, although she is the youngest, she is more plump than Shengli.

"There's nothing to be jealous of. My own figure is just right." Shengli said, she really doesn't envy her older sister and her awesome figure. Of course, she doesn't mean that she really feels bad, but her older sister and her awesome figure... It belongs to the level where you can't see the toes when you lower your head. For her, you can still see the toes if you lean forward a little...

This kind of voice came from the next door again, and Kewei blushed, "Really, don't stop for a while... Is this going to be until dawn?"

Guanghui slept on the edge, and when she heard the terrible words, her face became rosy again, she closed her eyes, and forced herself not to think about these things.

Shengli whispered: "If you block it, it's over?"

Kewei paused when he heard that, "I blocked..."

Then close your eyes and get ready for sleep...

Shengli didn't block it, she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep well if she didn't block it... But... even if it wasn't blocked, she found that there was something wrong with the awesomeness, her face was still very red, and every time there was a bigger sound coming from the next door When the sound was heard, I couldn't help but cover my ears with my hands...

you blocked?Victory smiles...

However, her hand couldn't help but move down...

Valentine's Day special short story (really short)

"Belfast?" An Zhiyuan put his hands behind his back and walked behind the busy maid with a smile.

"Huh? What's the matter? Master." Belfast put down the housework in his hands and asked with a smile.

For her, the master is everything.

"Today is Valentine's Day." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's Valentine's Day. In the morning, I put the gift I prepared for the master on the bedside of the master. Did the master see it? I poured my love slowly." Belfast voice gentle. .

"Not yet, but..." An Zhiyuan took the hand that he had been hiding behind his back all the time. In his hand was a bouquet of roses, 99 roses, a very large bouquet. He didn't know that he was hiding behind his back just now. Were you seen by Belfast when An Zhiyuan noticed that Belfast didn't seem very surprised, did he know what he was thinking?It feels like the surprise is discounted.

"For you, Happy Valentine's Day, Belfast, wife~" However, if you find out, you will find out, An Zhiyuan smiled and handed over this large bouquet of roses.

Belfast took the rose with a smile, and kissed An Zhiyuan lightly on his lips, "Thank you, master husband~ Happy Valentine's Day, you should like the gift I gave you~"

"What gift?" An Zhiyuan blinked and asked.

Belfast leaned close to An Zhiyuan's ear, and whispered something, An Zhiyuan suddenly became excited, "Then let's go, let's try that gift."

"Master is really impatient~" Belfast chuckled, "But, who made you my master?"

PS: Originally, I thought that it would be charged after 500, but when I uploaded it, I found out that it was 1000 words, um...but I have written it all, you can think about it yourself, besides, although Valentine’s Day has already passed, But according to Shuke’s time, it’s still today before [-] o’clock in the morning, so it’s still Valentine’s Day. In addition, I really like Dido and Sirius, I’m crazy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An Zhiyuan didn't get up until about nine o'clock, which is probably the standard wake-up time.

But Jiang Wanqiu will not cook for An Zhiyuan like An Zhiyuan's girls, and she doesn't even cook breakfast, because she wakes up not too much earlier than An Zhiyuan.

Seeing Jiang Wanqiu who was having breakfast, An Zhiyuan felt a little strange, "Eh, you got up so late?"

Jiang Wanqiu put down the spoon in her hand, looked at An Zhiyuan silently, and finally said, "Do you have the right to criticize me?"

An Zhiyuan rubbed the back of his head, "Yes...but I usually wake up quite late, today is not a special case..."

"Besides, you seem to have circles under your eyes. Did you not sleep well last night?"

An Zhiyuan and Jiang Wanqiu were the only two in the small dining room, and the other ship girls were chatting and drinking tea on the deck.

Jiang Wanqiu rolled her eyes, "Yes, I didn't sleep well."

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