That's why An Zhiyuan said before that most normal people can't bear his possessiveness, but the girls not only don't care, some girls with special hobbies will also feel very excited by An Zhiyuan's strong possessiveness.

To put it bluntly, this is the king... Forget it, let's not talk about the ugly, but to put it bluntly, this is a match made in heaven.

But in fact, the other commanders are not much better than An Zhiyuan, everyone will cherish their ship mother very much.

After buying many sets of clothes for them, An Zhiyuan returned to the temporary residence with the contented Dido and Sirius.

As soon as he returned to the temporary residence, Sirius took An Zhiyuan's hand, looked at him with a rosy face and moist eyes, and wanted him to fulfill what he said just now.

An Zhiyuan didn't refuse, he is a gentleman, he wants to prove it in front of her, for example, a gentleman can have a two-hour...

However, An Zhiyuan looked at Sirius with some hesitation, does it really matter...

It didn't happen when it didn't happen when it happened, it was blowing up the dam, flooding...

If Sirius is really ready, An Zhiyuan will not refuse, he has never been a hypocritical person, anyway, he will live his whole life in the future, and there is plenty of time for the sweetness of love.

When An Zhiyuan was dragged into the bedroom by Sirius, Dido also grabbed An Zhiyuan's sleeve, her face flushed.

Shengli, who was watching TV next to him, kept shaking his head, "Tsk tsk tsk...the world is going downhill..."

"Tch, I said how much better you were than them back then..." Ke Weiwenyan gave her a blank look, "Don't forget, when it was built, there was a relatively high degree of affection. You and them are super When you don't have much favorability, you still hug and chew with your brother."

For the first time, the awesome spy sister Shengli and her brother An Zhiyuan were bumped into kissing... Shengli blushed slightly, "What's wrong with the kiss... Do you think they just went in for a kiss?"

"Even if you really want to do something, it's okay, right?" The Duke of York said: "The future is still long, the admiral has too much time to accompany them, and I think it's not that the admiral is impatient, but Dido and Sirius should be impatient, the admiral never refuses anyone."

"But..." Shengli hesitated for a moment, wanting to say something else.

Guanghui glanced at her with a smile, "Okay, okay, the two of them, and the admiral himself, don't care, what do you care about?"

"I think it's Miss Shengli who is jealous. Why did it take us so long to get together? You can have sex with your brother as soon as you build it, right?" Kewei said with a smile.

"Damn girl, what are you talking about...!" Shengli blushed and gave a terrible look.

"Look, are you guilty of talking about the central issue?" Kewei grinned.

PS: The title is read four times.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An Zhiyuan has never been an impatient person, um... Although he said that, many people probably wouldn't believe it, but he really felt that he was not an impatient person.

He was pulled into the bedroom by Sirius, followed by Dido...

An Zhiyuan's expression is also so subtle... To be honest, he did it after the first meeting. For example, the constellation of Ship R. Of course, the so-called first meeting was for him. The constellation is in the game but he The marriage ship, the marriage ship with 200 favorability points, for the constellation, An Zhiyuan has liked it for a long time, and married her husband, brother-in-law, and admiral.

An Zhiyuan didn't give rings to Dido and Sirius, because he didn't know that the friendship between Dido and Sirius didn't reach 100. After all, this is not a game, and the friendship degree has no value.

Maybe you can get married without getting 100 favorability at all?After all, no matter if it was Dido or Sirius, they were too enthusiastic and proactive. An Zhiyuan, as a real gentleman who can easily mess around, really couldn't stand it.

An Zhiyuan is a carnivore, of course he will not let go of the meat that is brought to his mouth.

But... An Zhiyuan didn't prepare rings, what should I do... I didn't put rings on the girls first, and then put them to bed. This is the first time, do you want to create this precedent?

It's like, when doing that kind of thing, you find that there is no condom, so do it or not?

Of course, An Zhiyuan doesn't use that thing, and the ring is not a condom, it's just used as a metaphor... It seems a bit inappropriate...

But An Zhiyuan really doesn't have a ring, and I don't know if it's a bit bad to start this...

He knew that Dido and Sirius didn't care, they could give the ring whenever they wanted...

But he can't be so perfunctory, but he was pulled in by Sirius and Dido, and he can't leave now to buy a ring. As a man, an admiral, he can't run away when he boards a ship!

Hmm... If you can't go out, let's replace the ring with something else...

An Zhiyuan looked around, and saw a potted plant in the corner of the room, planted with some green plants, some grass, it looked quite fresh...

Hmm... just use that as a makeshift ring...

Sirius pulled An Zhiyuan to the side of the bed, and then looked at An Zhiyuan with a flushed face, moist eyes... Dido held An Zhiyuan's other hand, still reluctant to let go.

There is one thing to say, after all, An Zhiyuan is an old man, and he has seen many scenes, but this scene is really the first time...

An Zhiyuan pulled Dido and asked her to sit on the edge of the bed with Sirius, then walked to the potted plant, pulled two pieces of green grass, and slowly weaved them into a grass ring. This was not the first time An Zhiyuan used this Rings, men, there are always times when you can't find a condom. In a hurry, plastic wrap is actually good, just like this grass ring ring. Although An Zhiyuan never wears condoms, things like rings can't be worn. negligent.

After making sure that it would not fall apart, An Zhiyuan turned around and looked at Dido and Sirius beside the bed.

Dido and Sirius also looked at An Zhiyuan.

An Zhiyuan let out a sigh of relief, then walked to the bed, looked down at the two grass rings of different sizes in his hands, An Zhiyuan looked up at Dido and Sirius beside the bed, took a deep breath, and When the two people on the opposite side were slightly nervous, they knelt down on one knee...

Dido watched An Zhiyuan's movements, opened her mouth, and her eyes were full of happiness and touch, and her whole body began to tremble in excitement. Although Sirius was better than her, it was not much better, and they all looked happy. with her...

An Zhiyuan thought... thanks to the fact that you met me, other commanders would probably be frightened when they saw a slutty ship girl like you, and I would be different, I would just push you down.

But then again... this ring is a little disturbing...

Seeing the enthusiastic eyes of Dido and Sirius, An Zhiyuan shook his head, they didn't care, what did he care about, let's make up for it later, pure love is a noun, passionate love is a verb, the former is An Zhiyuan's initiative, The latter is the initiative of the girls. Of course, it will definitely become both a name and a verb later on.

An Zhiyuan knelt down on one knee, and handed the two rings to the two people respectively...

In fact, it’s not just getting married right after it’s built... Marrying two at a time, An Zhiyuan rarely does this. Some time ago, he just got married to the three Guanghui sisters. Among them, Guanghui and Shengli were married at about the same time, but how much There is still a priority, this is the first time for An Zhiyuan to hand over the rings together like this.

"Diduo, Sirius, although we are meeting for the first time today..." An Zhiyuan's expression was a little subtle when he said this, but soon he cleared up his expression and said with a smile: "Whether it is Love at first sight, or love at first sight, I feel like I like you all."

It's not that An Zhiyuan really has no feelings for Dido and Sirius. In fact, as long as it's his wife, An Zhiyuan generally accepts it quickly, and makes himself fall in love with them in a very short period of time. , but it took An Zhiyuan a long time to let the girls practice it, and An Zhiyuan didn't allow himself to respond to the girls' passionate love with perfunctory feelings.

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