But An Zhiyuan shook his head, and said with a smile: "It's just a little tired, why are you afraid of sweating a little, Dede-chan, do you know that it's more fun to sweat a little? The clothes are wet and stick to the body, and then flushed..."

Before An Zhiyuan could finish speaking, Dedechan's face turned rosy. She gave An Zhiyuan a blank look, thinking that she was indeed an admiral...

He can always bring some serious topics to such colorful topics... He is worthy of the title given to him by Bismarck-Piledriver.

Tsk...Why did I think of Bismarck, cricket BSM.

Dedechan shook his head, throwing away the thoughts in his mind.Since the admiral said that there is no problem, let's go on...

The island where An Zhiyuan is located is actually quite big, with a large area of ​​forest.

Since coming here and living here for so long, An Zhiyuan seldom came here.

One is that the girls didn't let An Zhiyuan come here for safety reasons, and the other is that An Zhiyuan himself doesn't really want to go into this kind of forest. Although there are no wild animals, even if there are, the girls can handle them , But what kind of plants, such as those plants with thorns, these things are not easy for girls to clean up.

In the future, when everyone comes, we will transform this big forest into a private park, and then we will play wild and have picnics in it every day.

There is not a whole road behind, and the walk with Hood is a bit difficult, and you even need to climb a mountain, but An Zhiyuan enjoys it quite a bit. It has been a long time since I have exercised like this...Although the exercise at night is more intense, but that Most of the waist is moving, and other places are moving less.

An Zhiyuan can always think a lot about how to enjoy life... He has fallen, he was obviously a good young man who was willing to fight, but now he has become a depraved admiral who is full of pleasure... Of course, if you want to choose If it is, An Zhiyuan will definitely choose the latter, my girls support me, wishing that I would degenerate, why wouldn't I degenerate.

"Admiral, give me your hand." Dedechan climbed to the top of the stone hill first, and stretched out his hand for An Zhiyuan to grab. Although the two were climbing with bare hands and did not bring any safety measures, they were not worried about safety. It's okay to fall down if An Zhiyuan is low, but Hood can save the admiral if he is high.

Of course, in order to prevent the admiral from being caught by the height, Dede-chan will not let him climb up. Such a small distance belongs to the kind that will not cause trouble if he falls.

Holding Dedejiang's hand, An Zhiyuan also came to the top, looked back, the dense jungle covered the town guard mansion, and he couldn't see the location of the town guard mansion. Which direction is it coming from?"

"Over there." Hood pointed in one direction, but An Zhiyuan couldn't see the tutelary mansion at all, "Well...forget it, I can't see it, but it's pretty good here, Dede-chan."

An Zhiyuan looked around. This place is on a small rocky hill, which is a bit higher than the surrounding area. There is also a protruding cliff wall next to it, blocking the sunlight. It is relatively cool here...

It's just that the position is a little crowded, but it's okay to squeeze the jungle position a little bit.

Dedechan blushed slightly, she looked down at her slightly sweaty chest, and nodded.

An Zhiyuan was even more amazing. He sweated a lot, his clothes were already wet, and there were some small wounds on his arms, which made him feel a little uncomfortable from the sweat. Dedechan felt distressed, but An Zhiyuan's body recovery ability is very good. Strong, self-healing ability is also outrageous, these wounds will not even scar, and they will heal soon, they are just minor injuries.

But even though he said that, An Zhiyuan was not in a hurry, he actually sat on the side, then asked Dedechan to come over, sat on his lap, looked at the large forest below, and talked to her about the future with a smile The plan includes the idea of ​​transforming Senling into a private park, as well as the idea of ​​who and how to play, such as what terrain and terrain, and what kind of gestures to use.

The serious ones in the front are not good, and the absurd ones in the back are not good. Dedejiang's face is red when he hears it.

At any rate, there was still a bit of wind blowing on the stone hill, which made both of them feel very comfortable. Dede-chan was sitting astride An Zhiyuan's arms, An Zhiyuan was sitting on the side, and Dede-chan was sitting facing An Zhiyuan. In his arms, his legs were stretched out behind An Zhiyuan.

An Zhiyuan held Dedejiang's face, smiled and said, "You are so pretty."

Dedechan's face turned red, and he couldn't help turning his eyes away, not daring to look at An Zhiyuan, but An Zhiyuan didn't care about it, but kissed Dedechan's small mouth, enjoying the feeling of kissing.

Hood's legs wrapped around An Zhiyuan's waist unconsciously, as if he was worried that An Zhiyuan would miss her and not hold her firmly so that she would fall, or he simply enjoyed the feeling of being tightly attached to the admiral.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It's a bit subtle to do this kind of thing on the edge of a cliff... There is a different kind of excitement.

And it was very fun, An Zhiyuan himself didn't know why, because he didn't study psychology.

After returning from the forest with Dedejiang, An Zhiyuan and Dedejiang took a couple bath together. After all, he was sweating all over. It was okay at that time, he was sweating all the time, and his whole body was hot. The skin of the two of them was close Together, I didn't think about sweat at the time, but when the wind blew, the sticky feeling was uncomfortable. After sweating a little more in the bathroom, An Zhiyuan and Dedejiang came out together, put on After taking off his clothes, he looked refreshed, Dede-chan checked the time, and went to drink afternoon tea.

"Admiral, do you want to go with me?" Dedechan asked with a smile, her face flushed with satisfaction, and she was in a good state of mind.

An Zhiyuan shook his head when he heard the words, "I'll go and talk to the company about what I told you before, and see if I can make some preparations in advance."

What I said before is naturally what An Zhiyuan said about transforming the forest into a private park for a while.

This small island was originally An Zhiyuan's private territory. You can transform it at will, or even move it away. If you can do it, this small island now belongs to Bilan College. Of course, in reality, you can't move them away. what...

However, there is no need to move away, and I will live here in the future. When there are more ship girls, it is completely possible to renovate and expand this place.

After An Zhiyuan found the company, he chatted with her about his thoughts.

Enterprises are now secretarial ships, mainly dealing with official affairs, and there is nothing more powerful than enterprises.

The enterprise heard the words and said: "Yes, but, admiral, do you remember what I told you? It is about the establishment of the Governor's Mansion?"

An Zhiyuan nodded when he heard the words, "What's the matter? You mentioned that matter suddenly."

"We might have to move away in the future, for example, moving to Bilan College or something," said the enterprise.

"Ha...why did you move to Bilan College?" An Zhiyuan was a little strange when he heard this.

Enterprise smiled and said: "Because of various circumstances, if Bilan College is disbanded later, maybe there will be our future tutelary fort."

An Zhiyuan thought for a while, and then felt a little ridiculous, "It's unlikely to happen..."

"I think it's very likely to happen." The company said, you have ideas about those deans, and the entire senior management of Bilan Academy will become your backyard in the future, and you will take them away. Bilan Academy probably won't wait for the siren If you are eliminated, it will be automatically disbanded. At that time, you will not be able to be the governor... No one will replace them, and those deans will definitely not leave Bilan Academy. If you want to win the dean, you must find a way to replace them, either find a new ship's wife to serve as the dean, or the method they talked about before.

If it is still managed by other ship girls, then of course there is no problem, but if a human is to be pushed up, then the company only wants to let its admiral go to that position. First, they have the strength to guard the mansion, and second, they have the confidence to manage it well.

She worries about something like their world, which is bad... very bad.

An Zhiyuan rolled his eyes, "Don't say such unrealistic things, and even if we want to leave, it doesn't matter if we build this place? Anyway, we will live here for a long time."

"But if we want to leave here, maybe it will be cheaper for others." Enterprise said, it's okay to simply be cheaper for others, but she just doesn't want others to live in this place full of memories with the admiral.

That is a kind of defilement, not only the admiral has a strong possessive desire for Jian Niang, but Jian Niang herself also has a strong possessive desire, and they also have a very serious psychological cleanliness.

An Zhiyuan thought about it, also, if this place is lived in by others, he would really feel very uncomfortable, after all, there might be memories with the girls everywhere in the future - on the chair, by the beach, under the tree, by the cliff, All kinds of places, if other people live in, it will still be very uncomfortable.

But if you don't move away, it doesn't matter. Even if it really develops to the situation that the company said, it's fine to use this place as the Governor's Mansion.

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