After drinking afternoon tea, An Zhiyuan wandered around in the tutelary mansion.

Even though it was already afternoon, the sun was still strong. An Zhiyuan put on his navy cap and came to the room of the three Guanghui sisters.

The three sisters slept in one room, although in fact they could each share a room, but since it was their own idea, An Zhiyuan did not refuse, although it was a bit crowded for four people to sleep in one bed.

An Zhiyuan came to the door of the three sisters, without knocking, he gently pushed the door and walked in.

The air conditioner is in the room. Although the temperature is not too hot for the girls, why not turn on the air conditioner?How comfortable is it?They don't need to pay for electricity bills, which are all reimbursed.

An Zhiyuan quietly sneaked into the room of the three sisters, closed the door softly, and walked in on tiptoe. After a few steps, he heard Guanghui's voice, "Admiral? Is that you?"

Then An Zhiyuan saw a head protruding from Guanghui's bedroom, looking at An Zhiyuan with a smile.

Seeing this, An Zhiyuan was a little disappointed, "I said to sneak into the room and attack you, but you all found out?"

Guanghui blinked, and then said: "The next time the admiral comes, I won't listen, so I won't hear the sound of the admiral sneaking in."

An Zhiyuan laughed when he heard the words, walked slowly to the door of the bedroom, and said, "Are you alone? What about Victory and Fear?"

"They? I don't know where to play." Guanghui said with a smile, "Didn't the admiral see them?"

An Zhiyuan shook his head, and then said: "Maybe we should go to places like the tutelary mansion. The tutelary mansion is actually quite big. There are movie theaters and amusement parks. It's just that there were few people in the past, and they never opened."

An Zhiyuan walked into the bedroom with Guanghui, and said at the same time.

"Haven't you been here before? You should know these things too. I took you to visit the tutelary mansion. Of course, you visited it as outsiders at that time. Now you are also one of the owners of the tutelary mansion. "An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Guanghui bent down a little, helped An Zhiyuan straighten his slightly messy collar, and then said with a smile: "But I didn't remember much about it at that time. After I came to the port area, I seldom went out for a stroll."

The clothes Guanghui wears are low-cut, after all, they are home clothes. There is only one man, An Zhiyuan, in the town guard mansion, and this man is Guanghui's admiral. Of course, Guanghui doesn't mind his body being seen by his admiral.

An Zhiyuan didn't take a peek, he did it openly.

Guanghui blushed slightly, but he didn't try to hide it. After helping An Zhiyuan straighten his collar, he took off the navy cap on An Zhiyuan's head and hung it aside, then said: "The admiral also likes to wear a navy cap in the town guard mansion. Is it? It's handsome, but don't you think it's hot?"

An Zhiyuan said with a smile when he heard the words: "Being handsome is a matter of a lifetime. If you are not handsome, how can you be worthy of you?"

"You are already handsome." Guanghui said softly after hearing the words, she stretched out her hand to untie An Zhiyuan's payment coat, put it on the clothes rack next to her, and said, "In my mind, you are the most handsome. "

An Zhiyuan's heart fluttered, but in fact he still knew the facts. As for his appearance, he did have it. His appearance was not bad, but he certainly wasn't the most handsome. There are still many people with higher appearance than him. , but the admiral's good looks, anyway, I just show it to my mother-in-law. It's enough for the mother-in-law to look good-looking and handsome, although the eyes of the mother-in-law see her admiral with her own filter.

However, to be honest, I knew that Guanghui was coaxing me, but it was still very cool to hear. Who doesn't like to be flattered?

"Come to the guardian's mansion, are you used to it?" An Zhiyuan sat by the bed and asked with a smile.

"There is nothing difficult to adapt to. Everyone treats us very well." Guanghui said with a smile: "With the admiral here, it's like a bigger and warmer family than before. The three of us like it very much."

"Then why don't you go out for a stroll?" An Zhiyuan asked softly.

"I'm just staying at home today. Occasionally, I will drink afternoon tea with everyone, and sometimes go back to the port to fly the carrier-based aircraft for exercise." Guanghui said with a smile: "I'm not bored at home."

An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "I just ran into you?"

"Yeah, I was really bumped into by the admiral just in time." Guanghui nodded, then gently sat beside An Zhiyuan, put his palm on the back of his voluntary hand, clasped his hand, and smiled lightly He said, "The admiral came to see me, what's the matter?"

"I just want to chat with you and see if there is anything wrong with you three sisters." An Zhiyuan looked at her sideways and said.

"Then what's wrong with it?" Guanghui shook his head, then smiled and said: "If you say you're not used to it, maybe it's only at night. After all, when you were on the boat before, everyone slept with you. I’m in the house, and suddenly I’m sleeping in separate rooms, I’m not used to it.”

An Zhiyuan heard this, and thought to himself, is it sleeping?

Sleep is a noun, not...wait a minute, sleep seems to be a verb in itself...but it shouldn't be a verb for the waist anyway.

To be honest, it is still too much for eight people like that every day, with one needle to fix the sea... to fix the seven oceans.

"Admiral, I heard good news." Suddenly, Guanghui remembered something, and said with a smile.

"What good news?" An Zhiyuan was a little puzzled.

"A certain proprietress seems to be intending to hand over the dessert shop to someone, and she seems to be planning to open a branch in other places." Guanghui said with a smile.

An Zhiyuan raised his brows when he heard this, "The boss lady who is chasing you?"

Guanghui nodded, and then said with a smile: "It seems that the relationship between the admiral and her is really good. I didn't expect to be willing to give up the shop that has been open for so long and open a branch somewhere..."

An Zhiyuan smiled when he heard the words, but after thinking about it seriously, he said seriously: "It's just that it's intentional, and it didn't say that it will definitely come...Maybe it will be a joy in vain."

"She's still looking for a place, so if you offer her a place, she'll be able to come here. If you're interested, it will become a must." Guanghui came up with an idea.

An Zhiyuan looked at Guanghui in surprise when he heard the words, " are quite thoughtful..."

"She was looking for a ladder to get off. First, she is not your wife, and second, she has no ambiguous relationship with you. It is impossible to come to you to open a branch for no reason, right? What about you? There are too many branches here? Do you think so?” Guanghui nodded An Zhiyuan’s head and said with a helpless smile: “Admiral, admiral, I can’t even see this little thought, and I don’t know How did we fall..."

An Zhiyuan smiled, of course it's a long time love, I'm the best at this.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After getting bored with Guanghui for a while, An Zhiyuan took her hand and went for a walk outside.

Just happened to meet Victory and Terrible who were coming back with a cone, and Terrible was holding an uneaten ice cream cone in his hand.

Shengli is licking the ice cream cone with her little tongue, and Kewei is similar. Seeing An Zhiyuan and Guanghui holding hands, both of them showed strange expressions, but after getting married, Kewei Wei really became obedient, so he didn't say anything, Shengli said with a smile: "You two secretly dated us behind our backs? Did you still do it secretly?"

Guanghui's face was slightly red, and there was obviously nothing he could do about her two younger sisters. She couldn't bear to scold and beat her, so she could only turn slightly red and didn't make any excuses. Anyway, if she really wanted to do it secretly with the admiral, it didn't matter at all. Ah, she is the admiral's fiancé, doing that kind of thing is as common as drinking water.

An Zhiyuan looked at the ice cream cones in the hands of the two of them, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you do something, right? And you two, ran out and ate it?"

"What's stealing? Didn't I bring ice cream for my sister?" Shengli rolled his eyes when he heard that.

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