An Zhiyuan thought so, and then heard Belfast say: "It's Miss Gascony."

"..." An Zhiyuan thought to himself, his luck seemed a little too good...

"Did Gascogne react?" An Zhiyuan asked curiously again.

"No response, I think she doesn't seem to be resisting, but she is a little bit at a loss, master, is this the first time you have such intimate contact with Miss Gascogne?" Belfast asked with a smile .

"Well, yes..." An Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, "It's fine if you don't resist, she hasn't understood the meaning of love yet, don't fall in love with me, hate me first, then it's over .”

"Master, Gascony is the ship's wife, and I am also the ship's wife. Under normal circumstances, the ship's wife will not hate her admiral or commander. Even if she makes a big attack, she will not lose her favor. Of course, if she handles it improperly , It is also possible that the ship will sink." Belfast said.

But without a commander, the ship girl will make a big attack.

When An Zhiyuan used to play games, even if there was damage control, the girls would not make a big attack. After a long time, he also stocked up a lot of damage control...

"That's what you say..." An Zhiyuan thought for a while, and came to his senses. Since he didn't resist at the time, he shouldn't lose his favor. I've seen your operations that lose your favor, they are all positive benefits, and you can always return with your wife in the end.

"Master, don't worry..." Belfast said softly, "I heard from Miss Enterprise this morning that they seem to have witnessed the presence of sirens. Maybe we can sink the sirens again. It's time to get a new enhanced construction core to build a new sister."

It is superfluous to worry that the ship girl will lose her favor. Belfast is the ship girl herself, so she understands that this is completely impossible.

An Zhiyuan was a little surprised when he heard this, "Have the sirens started haunting again? Enterprise and the others need to be more careful."

"Miss Enterprise's strength, you help me understand better than those, master, there is still an hour before lunch." Belfast hugged An Zhiyuan's head and said with a smile, with a hint of flirtatious.

A perfect head maid will also want extra love. An Zhiyuan is an old stick, of course he knows what the head maid means.

"Belfast, I'd like to drink a deluxe." An Zhiyuan thought for a while and said.

Belfast paused when he heard that, and then he was about to get up, "I'll go get the milk for the master."

An Zhiyuan quickly grabbed Belfast and said, "I want to drink the Belfast special."

PS: I posted the wrong chapter just now, friends who have already subscribed refresh it, sorry, sorry....

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Of course, there is no Telunsu. After all, Yubari is not here, and she can only drink Telunsu with her medicine.

Speaking of which, there is also a story about this drug. Veneto found Yubari and entrusted her to help develop a drug that can grow up. At that time, Yubari, who had nothing to do, did so. It's useless to eat it, but it can produce milk milk. An Zhiyuan remembers that Veneto always needed to change his coat every half a day...

Dr. Yubari.jpg

However, after An Zhiyuan discovered this medicine, he took it and used it extensively, creating a lot of fun.

Speaking of which, Yubari still has a lot of interesting inventions, but none of them can be brought here. Except for the ship girl and ship equipment, it seems that they will be destroyed when crossing, but when he crosses, there is nothing wrong with it. up.

It's a pity, without Yubari's medicine, we can't produce Trensu.

After waking up, although Belfast put on a maid outfit today, she did not leave An Zhiyuan to do housework. She said that today, she would accompany An Zhiyuan alone.

Well, a sweet day with the maid, not bad.

Speaking of which, from the day the head maid was built, the head maid has been busy every day, and An Zhiyuan couldn't persuade him. He couldn't use his status as an admiral to restrain Belfast in such a matter, right?

Today, seems to be the first time Belfast said to serve An Zhiyuan alone...

It made An Zhiyuan happily look at Belfast every second or two, and then smiled like an idiot.

"Master...are you so happy?" Belfast blushed when she saw An Zhiyuan's strange behavior. Although the head maid was generous, her master's strange behavior made her a little embarrassed...

"Of course I'm happy, Belfast, this is the first time you'll be with me all day, can I not be happy?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Even when building a good relationship with the head maid, the two of them didn't date much. After all, when the head maid was first built, the head maid said that if you need to solve your physical problems, you can find her...Of course, the friendship is not in place. An Zhiyuan still didn't do that.

However, when it was time to push, An Zhiyuan was absolutely unambiguous.

Belfast heard the words and said: "If the master wants, there are reasons for me to be by your side every day and every moment."

An Zhiyuan thought to himself, that's the thing, as long as he opens his mouth, he might be able to keep Belfast, but obviously, just like Belfast knew that An Zhiyuan could do this, both of them knew that An Zhiyuan intended to stay Going down to Belfast, once or twice is okay, but it’s not good if you really want to keep the head maid.

The girls doted on him so much, should he repay them by preventing them from doing what they like to do?

Of course, both parties know that whether it is An Zhiyuan or the girls, they don't pay attention to returns for their contributions, but when both of them are giving, do they still need returns?

An Zhiyuan didn't do that in the end, he respected the chief maid's own thoughts.

As an admiral, his words could indeed have an impact on his wife, but An Zhiyuan didn't want to take advantage of the girls' feelings for him.

This is defilement.

"Even if not, wouldn't you still be by my side today?" An Zhiyuan put his arms around Belfast's waist and said with a smile.

Belfast looked at his master with a gentle expression on his face.

The dashing head maid, in front of her master, always looks like a maternal character who pampers him too much...

In fact, An Zhiyuan thinks it is defilement, but from the perspective of Belfast, the master is everything. If he really hopes so, Belfast will certainly respect his opinion, because the master is to her is the most important.

Of course, that's fine too. She loves her master and pampers him, and the master loves and respects her too. This kind of cycle is very good.

"Because, I always feel that I have neglected my master because of my willfulness." Belfast said softly, and then gradually rested his head on An Zhiyuan's shoulder, with a bright smile blooming on the corner of his mouth.

"How can you be willful? You have always been responsible and never ignored me. As long as I need you, I can always see you." An Zhiyuan turned his head sideways, and the corner of his mouth touched the maid's long silver hair, feeling a little itchy.

"Master, I want to ask you a question." Belfast had already closed her eyes, enjoying the sweetness brought by this solitude, but thinking of her own question, she opened her eyes again and turned her head seriously looked at An Zhiyuan intently.

"What's the problem?" An Zhiyuan asked.

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