Hey...Damn, unintentionally spit out the dirty words...

Frederick blushed slightly, and gave An Zhiyuan a slight look, "Bad boy... But, if you want to, Mom, I'll ask the maid to help me buy another set tomorrow."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

To be honest, it's a bit shameful to be called the Emperor's mother...

Although, Frederick would feel very happy because of this.

After Frederick went to take a bath, An Zhiyuan thought about it carefully, and decided not to call him Mother Da Di in the future. In front of people, he should be called Frederick or Da Di, but in empress, it would be good to call him Da Di Mama, and it would be nice to call her mother. It is to impose a layer of restraint on oneself.

Frederick said that she was also his wife, not his real mother.

If he wanted to change his words, it would be better for Frederick not to feel sad because of it.

It was already more than ten minutes after Frederick came out of the shower.

Her long black hair was tied back and didn't seem to be wet.

Generally speaking, women with long hair wash their hair separately, and they don’t know how to wash it together with the bath. Like the Duke of York, the owner of Frederick’s pajamas, she always washes her hair separately, because she said If you wash together, it will take a lot of time to take a shower.

She is a ship's wife, and her hair doesn't get greasy, but because it is too long, it almost drags to the floor, and it is quite troublesome to wash.

In order to keep their hair from getting wet, they usually put their hair up when they take a bath.

Frederick looked very short in the Duke of York pajamas...

The Duke of York is only about [-] meters tall, and Frederick's height has been determined by An Zhiyuan just now, it is [-] meters. Originally, the Duke of York was wearing pajamas that can hang down to his knees...to be precise, a nightdress, which can only fall to Frederick's mid-thigh.

Fortunately, it is not tight, firstly because nightdresses are very loose, Frederick is only taller than the Duke of York, but not fatter than her, although the amount of milk is better than the Duke of York, but in itself The nightdress is relatively large, so it will not be particularly tight.

To be honest, An Zhiyuan was a little... nervous, he sat on the edge of the bed and didn't climb onto the bed.

Frederick walked slowly to the side of the bed, sat down next to An Zhiyuan, stretched out his hand to hold An Zhiyuan's hand, and said softly, "What time is it?"

"It's almost nine o'clock?" An Zhiyuan said.

"What time do you usually go to bed at night?" Frederick asked.

An Zhiyuan hesitated for a moment, did Dadi Mama want to set a bedtime for him?

Seemingly seeing his hesitation and understanding his thoughts, Frederick smiled and touched his head with the other hand, and said, "I don't want to restrain you, I just want to understand, do you want to You can sleep whenever you want, good boy, in front of me, you don’t need to act deliberately, just be the truest you, I will accept everything about you.”

An Zhiyuan blinked and said, "Generally speaking, one to three in the morning."

"Did you sleep so late...ah, is it because the other sisters from the tutelary mansion are going to stay here?" Frederick seemed a little surprised, but he quickly understood, because when he greeted everyone today, he could It is clearly seen that almost everyone wears a platinum ring on their right ring finger.

Although it has just been built, Frederick is indeed clear about some common sense. The ship girl is a very mysterious species. She has only become conscious since the moment she was built by An Zhiyuan, but in her mind, just With some information about this world, common sense and everything, Gascogne is a special case.

Of course she understood what the rings on their right ring fingers meant.

They were all married to An Zhiyuan and his own children. As a married couple, it was normal to sleep with him at night.

So what if it's abnormal?Frederick doesn't know how to use anything and doesn't want to use anything to restrain him. His own child, he is reluctant to say serious things. He is willing to pick off the star Frederick if he wants it, let alone An Zhiyuan as an admiral. She said that there was no obvious dereliction of duty, and even if there was, she didn't care, and at most helped her children clean up the mess.

"It's so early, can't you sleep?" Frederick said with a smile while retracting his hand on An Zhiyuan's head.

An Zhiyuan nodded. It was true that he didn't feel sleepy. It wasn't because he couldn't fall asleep because of certain things, but because of his biological clock. An Zhiyuan's body was healthy and he didn't feel drowsy, and he didn't want to destroy this biological clock. Frederick slept together, and the day after tomorrow he had to exercise with the girls until the wee hours of the morning.

"Emperor's mother, I want to tell you one thing." An Zhiyuan thought for a while and said, "I don't want to call mother directly, I feel... How about I just call Emperor Mama? If there are other people around, I will Just call Frederick...?"

An Zhiyuan looked at Frederick, wondering if Da Di Mama would feel sad because of it...

When Frederick heard An Zhiyuan's words, she was really disappointed, her mouth pouted a little... She looked at An Zhiyuan, her eyes were a little aggrieved...

"My child...you, don't you like me?" Frederick's tone revealed the bad mood, which was in stark contrast to the happy expression she showed just now, An Zhiyuan sighed inwardly, Alas... I knew I would not have said it, but the matter has come to this point, and it is useless to regret it.

"It's not that I don't like you, of course I like you, but I want to treat you as a wife, not a mother..." An Zhiyuan felt a little helpless, once that kind of setting continued, he felt that his whole body would It's getting weird. If you want to say when it's okay to have a little fun, it's quite perverted to talk about it normally.

Hearing An Zhiyuan's words, Frederick blushed slightly, and his bad expression became a little awkward... But obviously, his mood improved a lot. What she was worried about was that An Zhiyuan hated her. In that case, whether it was a simple act As far as a ship's mother is concerned, Frederick, who still regards her as her own child, will not be able to bear it.

Ship girls are very strong, almost everything in the world can't break their minds, and ship girls are also very fragile, just a word or a disgusted expression from their admiral or commander can make them collapse instantly.

But Frederick himself is a matriarchal role, she also likes to treat him as a child, and An Zhiyuan doesn't mind being treated as a child by her, but he also wants Frederick and himself to understand that they are the ship's mother and the admiral, in other words It's just a wife and husband, not a mother and a child. This needs to be clarified.

Frederick scratched his face lightly with his fingers, and then he nodded with a reddish face, agreeing.

Actually... my wife is pretty good too...

An Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, he squeezed Frederick's hand, and said with a smile: "When we two are in private, I still call you Dadi Mama, you also like this name, don't you?"

Frederick nodded, put his head lightly on An Zhiyuan's shoulder, and muttered in a low voice: "I thought...you don't want me anymore..."

It's over...how can you be so cute?

Frederick, I warn you, no matter how cute you are, I'm going to be a traitor!

PS: The editor came to me today and sent me a picture. The review editor said that there was a clip of Dadi Mama in front of me that was a bit messy and sexually suggestive. Let me modify it, so let’s call it Dadi Mama. In addition, review The editor should have read the entire chapter, so I should understand that it is not a real mother and child, but when I saw the picture taken by the review editor, I didn’t understand that it was not a real mother and child... Through the computer screen, I seem to feel that I edited it A perverted look...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This night was not as difficult as expected.

An Zhiyuan originally thought that he would not be able to fall asleep, but he didn't expect that the big emperor's numb embrace made people feel reassured and soft... Naturally, he fell asleep easily.

It's just a dream, just a little bit...

It sounds nasty, but he was in the dream...no matter what happened in the dream, but in the real world, he bo...

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