Enterprise said: "Come on, she has almost learned, and she can be a secretary soon, but, having said that, don't bully her too hard."

After finishing speaking, the enterprise gave An Zhiyuan a blank look.

An Zhiyuan felt a little innocent, "When have I ever bullied someone? I'm your licking dog, okay?"

"Can you call a licking dog?" The company rolled its eyes when it heard the words, "How can there be a licking dog that has everything you need?"

An Zhiyuan put his hands on his chin, and said with a smile: "The dog licking I'm talking about is not an adjective, but a verb."

Jianye paused, his face flushed slightly, and he gave him a blank look, "You are always such a rascal, if you are also such a rascal to Xi Li, you will scare her."

"I still have a sense of proportion." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Ever since I heard you called Frederick and Dadi Mama, I began to seriously doubt your words of propriety." Enterprise said.

"What do you mean by that? You also think I'm a pervert, don't you?" An Zhiyuan couldn't bear it when he heard the words, and asked.

"It's not that I think you're a pervert, it's you who are a pervert...but as long as you like it, I'm just telling the truth...you know what I mean." Enterprise said, with a subtle smile on the corner of her mouth , "If you're a little perverted, it's actually fine."

"I take Frederick as my wife." An Zhiyuan was still a little concerned about the definition of himself as a pervert.

"But you can also be a mom, right?" The company is old and married, how can you not know your admiral?

An Zhiyuan blinked a little guilty.

The company is not criticizing An Zhiyuan, to be honest, the admiral has more ways to play than a pervert...

Putting it in front of others is a pervert, but putting it in front of them, his wife, is just pure fun and pure love.

Man, what's wrong with being a pervert.

After the company left, Frederick soon came to An Zhiyuan's office.

"Da Dima?" An Zhiyuan sat in the office boredly browsing Polaris on his mobile phone to see if there was any interesting news, then he heard the door open, An Zhiyuan looked up and saw Frederick .

"Hmm." Frederick nodded with a blushing face. Of course, she was not shy, but very happy.

"What's the matter? Do you need me? Or do you want to chat with me?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile, and he asked Frederick to come to him.

Frederick walked up to An Zhiyuan's side, then lightly stretched out his hand to wrap An Zhiyuan's head, and let him lean on his lower abdomen, "I'm here to tell you about my achievements, good boy, this time I The sortie sank two battleship outfits and an aircraft carrier outfit..."

After finishing speaking, she raised An Zhiyuan's head, then squatted down halfway, and looked at An Zhiyuan expectantly, like a child asking for a reward.

What a reward... Unexpectedly, there is a very exciting and refreshing feeling...

As the first attack, Frederick was still at the first level of training and sank the opponent's three main ships. Moreover, An Zhiyuan heard from the enterprise just now that she was sunk alone, not by them like Hood. Injured and disabled, and then to harvest the heads, Frederick completed the whole process by himself.

In this regard, Emperor Mama deserves to be rewarded. He deserves to be my wife. Emperor Frederick is sometimes my Mama, and will always be my wife.

"It's commendable, Great Emperor Mama..." An Zhiyuan said softly. Hearing An Zhiyuan's words, Frederick's face showed obvious joy. She pursed her lips lightly and looked at An Zhiyuan with even more expectation.

An Zhiyuan thought about it, what reward should be given to Frederick to satisfy her...

Mainly, he doesn't understand what she wants...

If you're in a business or something, that's convenient, just hug and chew. An Zhiyuan is best at rewards in this area, although in the end, the rewards for the girls turned into rewards for himself.

What Frederick said, one thing to say, An Zhiyuan didn't dare to hold him directly, although An Zhiyuan wanted to do it...

But there is a saying that "starve the timid to death, starve to death the bold", An Zhiyuan has always been very courageous...

He touched his chin, then raised his head to look at Frederick, seeing the slow anticipation in her exposed eyes, An Zhiyuan was full of determination.

Then he put his arms around Frederick's shoulders, hugged her tightly, hugged her into his arms, and kissed her red lips...

award?An Zhiyuan has always rewarded a kiss, a two-way reward, a reward for his wife, and a reward for himself.

And there is one thing to say, the feeling of being a rebel is not too good.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Frederick didn't feel very surprised, or in other words, he didn't intend to express surprise at all. Maybe this is the reward she wanted?

An Zhiyuan felt that Frederick began to respond enthusiastically to him, and felt a little more at ease...

He was also worried that his rash actions would make Frederick feel very annoying...

It looks like I'm just thinking too much.

Hmm...Maybe it's because Frederick put too much pressure on him, he always felt that he didn't dare to do it...

In fact, think about it, if you really regard Frederick as your wife, why are you nervous?

So An Zhiyuan hugged Frederick tightly, wantonly occupying the fragrance in her mouth, and Frederick also responded to her enthusiastically. For her, this most important child, no matter what he wants to do to her, It doesn't matter what kind of thing.

After hugging Frederick for a while, An Zhiyuan finally let go of her with satisfaction, although it was true that rewarding Frederick at the beginning became rewarding himself...

However, as long as both parties are satisfied, there is no problem...at least Da Di Mama seems to be satisfied.

She held An Zhiyuan's face with her outstretched hands, a softness flashed in her eyes, she pressed her thumb on An Zhiyuan's lips, and gently stroked them.

"I like this reward, can this kind of reward be used to reward me in the future?" Frederick asked softly.

An Zhiyuan stretched out his hand and hugged Frederick into his arms, then let her sit on his lap, and said softly, "Okay...I like this kind of reward too."

You like to reward yourself this way, don't you?Frederick was a little amused, but rewarding himself was tantamount to rewarding her. Seeing him happy and happy made her happy too.

The ship girl is a creature that is really easy to dismiss. If they encounter a scumbag, they will be deceived at will. After all, if the scumbag is the commander, as long as it is the commander, the ship girl will believe it.

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