Xili helped An Zhiyuan make tea and handed it to An Zhiyuan. An Zhiyuan took the teacup with a smile and took a sip.

An Zhiyuan himself knows how to make tea, but he is not proficient. In the past, everyone in the tutelary mansion basically knew how to make tea, not to mention the fishery administration boats. The Japanese could make tea, the British could make tea, and even the American ones liked to drink tea. .

In this way, everyone basically knows it, and An Zhiyuan naturally learned it by ear, but learning and proficiency are two concepts.

An Zhiyuan wanted to put down the teacup, but saw Xili looking at him with expectant eyes, he turned his eyes, and suddenly understood what Xili wanted to do, he put down the teacup with a smile, and said: "It's good, Xili, I feel that way oh."

Hearing An Zhiyuan's praise, Xi Li breathed a sigh of relief, with a joyful expression on his face.

She was worried that the admiral thought she was unqualified, otherwise all the hard work for so long would be in vain. She had studied how to be a secretary for so long in order to obtain the admiral's approval, so she couldn't make mistakes.

"But..." An Zhiyuan saw that she cared a lot about his evaluation, so he wanted to tease her deliberately, so she dragged on for a long time, which immediately made Xili nervous, "But...? What's the matter... .Admiral? Is there anything Xili did not do well enough?"

"It's not that there's something wrong with it, I just want to say that it's not enough." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Xi Li breathed a sigh of relief, but it also made her nervous again, yes, it was just making a cup of tea, there are still many things she needs to do...

Think about the things that the business sister taught her... Review the documents, and then simplify and report to the admiral, formulate an attack plan, and resource utilization planning... There are so many messy things that make Xili a little confused.

An Zhiyuan saw that Xili pursed his lips, as if his eyes had become mosquito-repellent eyes, it was a little funny, he called Xili, and after Xili came back to his senses, he waved to her, "Xili, come to my side. "

Xili quickly walked to An Zhiyuan's side, "Admiral... is there anything I can do?!"

Xi Li was very nervous...just like he was in front of Da Di Ma Ma.

However, unlike Dadi Mama who can't tease himself, An Zhiyuan is more vicious, Dadi Mama will only spoil him, but An Zhiyuan, although he will also pamper Xili, but he can't help but want to tease him. tease her.

"Let's start with the daily etiquette of the admiral and the secretary ship. This last night means that you, as the secretary ship, have officially started your day's work." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Xi Li was a little hesitant when he heard the so-called daily etiquette, "This...this business sister doesn't seem to have taught me..."

"Huh? Didn't you teach you this? This company is really outrageous. I probably thought I would teach you, so I taught you." An Zhiyuan blinked and said, "It's actually very simple, just the two of us. Just stick out your tongue and feed it into the other person's mouth."

An Zhiyuan's tone was very flat, although he was trying to hold back a smile, An Zhiyuan was a professionally trained person, no matter how funny it was, he would never laugh unless he couldn't help it.

"Ah?! Ai! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

"What's the matter, do you hate me?" An Zhiyuan blinked when he heard the words, and asked a little disappointed.

"No, I don't hate the admiral...Although the admiral acted a little bit disgusting to lolicons...but I don't hate the admiral..." Xili said hastily.

An Zhiyuan frowned in surprise when he heard the words. Damn, I didn't expect this little girl to have a hidden poisonous tongue...

"Then... why don't you agree?" An Zhiyuan asked: "This is just a very normal behavior. Your business sister and I used to do it every day."

It is true that they kiss every day, but not in the name of this so-called daily etiquette, An Zhiyuan thought to himself.

"Hey...but I..." Xili was a little confused, what should I do...the sister of the enterprise never said that there is such a situation...and really want to kiss...kiss or something with the admiral. ..Xili's face was rosy...she put her hands behind her back.

"Then...then...come on..." Xi Li bit her lip and finally said.


You are really here...

Chapter 8 You are like this, I can lie to you [-] times a day

"Uh...Actually, I was just joking..." An Zhiyuan blinked and said.

Full of anticipation, Xi Li, who had closed his eyes and waited for the admiral to ask, opened his eyes and looked at An Zhiyuan, a little confused, "Huh?"

"Well...Actually, there is no daily etiquette, it's just a lie to you..." An Zhiyuan said in a low voice.

Xili pursed her mouth when she heard the words...

After a while, Xi Li said: "Admiral...you bully people..."

An Zhiyuan chuckled inwardly...you are the one who bullies...

"How could..." The expression on An Zhiyuan's face was innocent.

As the only male number one who once guarded the mansion, An Zhiyuan's acting skills are of course very good.

In the past, in order to satisfy Missouri's acting hobby, they opened a film and television company, of course, it was a subsidiary company, and they didn't make a few movies in total.

Most of them are emotional movies, the heroine is from Missouri, and the male lead is An Zhiyuan, but the supporting actresses are often changed. In Missouri's script, those supporting actresses are the stepping stones in her relationship with An Zhiyuan, who are persecuted The original partner or the third party... Then of course, Hindenburg has acted as a supporting actress. As Missouri's exclusive, Hindenburg cannot escape the fate of being persecuted.

The response at the time was that both An Zhiyuan and Missouri had very good acting skills.

But, speaking of it, I haven't filmed a kissing scene in front of the camera or something...

That's right, the most intimate behavior in the movie made by Missouri is to hold hands with An Zhiyuan. Missouri said that he doesn't want to be too intimate with the admiral in the movie, and doesn't want others to see him when he is emotional...An Zhiyuan Thinking about it this way, I actually don't like to let others see my wife's beautiful face when she is emotional in front of other people.

Therefore, except for one movie with a very high rating, the ratings of the other movies are average. However, those movie fans are generally scolding the film and television company. The acting skills of the leading actors are very good, especially the heroine...

They didn't know that the boss behind the film and television company was An Zhiyuan...

Well... There is no way to delete those scenes. An Zhiyuan has always been a very possessive man... so strong that he is perverted, and the girls themselves don't want anyone other than the admiral to see it. To their emotional appearance...

But this also proves An Zhiyuan and Missouri's acting skills.

In terms of acting skills, An Zhiyuan is very strong, he has this kind of talent, although he didn't become an actor in the end, he was crazy, a good admiral should not be an actor, he is mentally ill.

And to be honest, rather than acting in movies, An Zhiyuan prefers to star in the special documentaries he is in charge of filming with the girls... That's right, those cosplays he played with the girls, those are the only ones Collectibles, there are no copies at all, all stored in CDs, which can be rented out to adult ship girls for learning, but they need to be kept well and cannot be damaged, but if they are broken, they can be repaired by Yubari.

far away...

However, acting is one thing, combined with what An Zhiyuan said just now, how could Xili not know that An Zhiyuan was teasing her?It is true that Xili is a dog, but he is not a silly dog.

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