"Huh?" An Zhiyuan blinked when he heard the words, "I actually asked you to do something, not that kind of thing."

Zeppelin raised her head upon hearing this, the flush on her face receded a little, and she asked curiously, "What is it? Master."

An Zhiyuan turned his head, looked at her, blinked, took out a bottle of yogurt and handed it to her.


"Little House...Little House...Little...Hoohoo...Little House..."

Xiao Zhai, who was playing a game of draw and guess on the beach with Sukhbaatar, Odin and Tangyu, looked up and looked around with some doubts, "Hey, it seems that someone called me again... ah , is sister Zeppelin."

Master Su said: "Then you go, I'll play with Tang and Odin first..."

"Oh..." Xiao Zhai nodded, washed his hands, and walked to the downstairs of the tutelary mansion with small steps. An Zhiyuan's admiral's office is on the second floor of the main entrance, and Xiao Zhai stood on the second floor looking at the window Zeppelin sister.

"What's the matter? Sister Zeppelin? What's the matter?"

Um...?Isn't Sister Zeppelin's face a little red, and her eyes are a little weird.

"Well... I, I have something to say to you..." Sister Qi Bailin seemed a little out of breath, her hands were propped by the window, her body seemed to be trembling slightly because of the blowing wind The reason, so is sister Zeppelin shivering from the cold?But it's not too cold.

Is sister Zeppelin sick?But Zeppelin's sister, Jianniang, won't get sick.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Zhai asked curiously.

"From, from tomorrow... you, Sukhbaatar, and O... Odin and Tangyu... Ming, tomorrow will come to the classroom..." Sister Zeppelin said It seems to consume a lot of energy, always breaking off...

Hearing Zeppelin's words, Xiaozhai's little brows were frowned at regular intervals, and she said sadly: "Oh? We are so small, are we going to class? Sister Zeppelin, I don't want to go to class..."

"That, that can't be done... A good child must... take a good, good class... You... you can tell them for me, just... um! Just, that's fine..."

Xiao Zhai was a little unhappy at first, but when he saw sister Qi Bailin, he didn't care about whether he was going to class or not, so he asked quickly: "Sister Qi Bailin, are you okay?"

"No, it's okay... just now... I choked when I drank yogurt just now... so I was a little out of breath." Zeppelin took a few deep breaths, and seemed to have recovered.

"Oh...then...then I'll go talk to them..." Xiao Zhai finally felt relieved.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After licking all the yogurt, An Zhiyuan raised his head...

In fact, Zeppelin lied just now. She didn't drink yogurt. What she just drank was another kind of milk, and she didn't drink it with her mouth.

It was An Zhiyuan who drank the yogurt, because the yogurt accidentally flowed into Zeppelin's neckline, in order to prevent waste, An Zhiyuan licked it clean for her, waste is not a good habit.

After buttoning the top button of the shirt he was wearing, Zeppelin let out a sigh of relief...

As for why I would be panting and out of breath if I didn't drink yogurt, who knows?

"Speaking of which, Yuzhang sent me a message yesterday, saying that the time-traveling equipment seems to have been updated, and I can bring something with me next time." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "I haven't had authentic milk for a long time. .”

Said milk does not bring cows, Zeppelin quickly understood, she blushed slightly, and said, "Do you want me to use it?"

"If you don't want to use it, there's no need to force it." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"No... I really think about it. It's mainly what the master expects. I can do anything... as long as the master... satisfies my little perverted hobby." Zeppelin said with a ruddy face.

"Let's get along normally, so don't say that." An Zhiyuan felt a little helpless. Although it sounded straightforward and satisfied with machismo, it was also quite strange to listen to normally, and it was difficult to adapt. When doing business, listen to I find it more exciting, and it sounds a little strange when I'm not doing business.

However, what I said just now seems to be quite perverted... After all, if there is a ship girl, there is an admiral...

An Zhiyuan waved to Zeppelin, "Come here, Zeppelin."

Qi Bailin walked up to An Zhiyuan very obediently. Both of them were by the window just now. As for why Xiao Zhai didn't see it, because it was one in front and one behind. Qi Berlin was in front and An Zhiyuan was in the back, so Xiao Zhai naturally moved An Zhiyuan was not seen.

"Master..." Qi Bolin picked up An Zhiyuan's, put it on his side face, looked at An Zhiyuan obsessively, the deep sense of admiration and dependence in his eyes was lingering...

Zeppelin...you are very sick.

An Zhiyuan squeezed her pretty face "viciously", then supported Zeppelin's shoulder, and let her sit up, sitting on his left leg.

Zeppelin is relatively light, and An Zhiyuan didn't feel the weight when he sat on his lap, but felt...very soft...

"Master..?" Qi Bailin didn't know what An Zhiyuan wanted to do, so he turned his head and looked at him strangely...

Then she felt An Zhiyuan put his arms around her waist, and kissed her gently on the side of the cheek...

Zeppelin touched the side face that had been kissed by his master, looked at An Zhiyuan, and smiled slightly, although he really liked the thrill of being on the edge, but getting along like this is not bad...

"Let's prepare well tonight. I still need to prepare lessons for them, right?" An Zhiyuan put his chin on her shoulder and asked softly.

Zeppelin can use this posture, but Dadi Mama can't. Dadi Mama is too high, if he sits on his lap, his chin can't fit on it, so he can only put it in another place on her.

"I don't need to prepare lessons. I remember everything I can teach them." Qi Bailin said softly, "I'm a ship girl, and I have a good memory."

It's not just a good memory, it's basically a photographic memory.

An Zhiyuan smelled the fragrance of Zeppelin's body, and then asked: "Speaking of which, you have taught them before, and the little guys are also ship girls, why can't they learn?"

"Because the left ear goes in and the right ear goes out. I told them, but if they don't memorize it carefully, it's useless to teach them over and over again." Zeppelin said helplessly.

"But I remember that you are not very strict? If you don't obey, you beat your palms with a pointer?" An Zhiyuan said with a chuckle.

"It won't play much role in punishment. After all, they are also ship girls. If I use too much force, I can only break the pointer, and it won't hurt them." Zeppelin couldn't bear the strength.

After all, those are the sisters of the tutelary mansion, it is impossible to really hurt them.

"Is that so..." An Zhiyuan thought about it carefully, and then said: "What did Helena teach them? I think they are very afraid of Helena's appearance?"

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