There is a very strange thing, when the ship girls do this kind of physical work, the energy consumed is not yet one-tenth of the energy consumed by rolling sheets with him... It seems that being with him will consume twice as much energy. ..

Well... If it wasn't like this, An Zhiyuan felt that he might not be able to climb to the top with the girls.

I have to work hard for the girls... However, I have to make a plan in advance. When I have the opportunity, I will go to the forest with the girls to run more, survey and record it, and experience it with them by the way. a feeling of.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had the opportunity to experience work. This time I still need to work hard... Moreover, it’s great to be able to play wild with the girls during the work period. Alas, I’m a god when the gods live , No, I am an ancient god.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An Zhiyuan is the kind of person who, if he decides to do something, he will do it right away.

The next day, he took Fortress Saiji to go to the forest with him to investigate.

When An Zhiyuan found Fortress Ji, Fortress Ji was on the water near the port, opened the ship suit, sat on the ship suit, swinging her legs boredly, playing with the water...

"Are you bored? Fortress Ji?" An Zhiyuan walked to the beach and said to Fortress Ji on the sea.

Fortress Ji's ship armor is very large, and it looks like a sphere after it has been expanded in appearance. The large and exaggerated naval gun firepower is also exaggerated. However, Fortress Ji has a shortcoming, that is, she has almost no armor. Her ship outfit, I don’t know why it doesn’t seem to be able to provide armor, but Fortress Ji has an advantage, which resolves this embarrassment. The durability of Fortress Ji’s ship equipment is very high. In the game, it has thick blood, but no armor.

However, after she joins the tutelary mansion, she doesn't need to fight anymore. These advantages and disadvantages don't matter anymore. Although she will fight again after coming here, because of the existence of the enterprise, no ship can approach them, and every time It's all the reason why they give priority to hunting the enemy. They always take the lead, and then a round of destroying strike will settle the battle. It doesn't matter if they have armor or not. After all, the opponent has no chance to fire.

"Huh? Admiral, it's really boring..." Hearing An Zhiyuan's words, Fortress Ji turned her head to see An Zhiyuan, nodded, then got off the ship, and closed the ship after arriving on the beach. "Did you come to chat with me?"

"I have this idea, let's talk while walking." An Zhiyuan nodded, then said with a smile.

Seeing that An Zhiyuan was holding a notebook in his hand, Sergey felt a little strange, "Is there something you want to do? Do you need my help?"

"Actually..." An Zhiyuan said what he wanted to do, "Would you like to go with me?"

Fortress Ji gave An Zhiyuan a white look, "Look at the bastard things you said, you've already told me, I won't accompany you, what are you talking about, please."

An Zhiyuan smiled and said, "I just want to know, are you happy in your heart?"

"Is that why you want to hear me say it?" Sai Ji rolled her eyes.

An Zhiyuan smiled and nodded, I just like to see your cute look when you don't mean what you say.

Saiji sighed, turned her head away with a blushing face, "I am willing, is it done? Let's go, since you have something to do, don't dawdle..."

After talking about Fortress Ji, he changed the subject, his face was so red that he didn't dare to look at An Zhiyuan, An Zhiyuan directly put his arms around Fortress Ji's slender waist, and then kissed her cherry lips, "It's so cute, my Wife Saiji~”

"Who...cute..." Fortress Ji said weakly. Obviously, this kind of weak rebuttal is not a rebuttal at all, it should be understood as coquettish...

An Zhiyuan let go of Fortress Ji, it was still early, and the jungler had plenty of opportunities.

"Let's go, let's take a closer look." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Fortress Saiji pursed her lips that An Zhiyuan had just kissed, and did not answer An Zhiyuan, but followed silently.

The forest behind the tutelary mansion is very large. The last time I went out to fight with Dedechan, I didn't even walk through the entire forest.

It is also difficult to finish the walk, because some parts of the forest are quite densely covered with dense vegetation. Last time, Dedejiang and I walked towards those places with sparse vegetation, but since we want to investigate now, we naturally have to walk around all over... but one day It can only be difficult to finish... This island is still very big, although it is not as good as Yala, but don't forget that although Yala is called a town, it is on the scale of a city.

Fortunately, because Saiji was with him, it was a lot easier, because Saiji opened the ship suit and let An Zhiyuan sit on the suit, and she just drove the suit and took An Zhiyuan all the way forward Let's go...the suit fends off the annoying vegetation so they can move on.

This feeling is a little subtle... An Zhiyuan thought to himself.

But it's also fun to sit on the ship.

Speaking of which, Frederick had opened the ship suit in front of him before, and her ship suit was quite exaggerated, more than two or three times larger than Fortress Serge's suit...

An Zhiyuan even had the feeling that he could do that with Da Di Mama on the ship in the future... It feels very exciting...

Sitting on Sai Ji's ship, protected by her unfolded ship, An Zhiyuan seems to have changed from an investigation to a sight-seeing...

However, we must not forget about the business, An Zhiyuan recorded all the terrain of his work, in preparation for the subsequent reconstruction arrangements.

There are no wild animals on this island, and there used to be snakes, but later, the snakes were caught by the company and they made soup to drink. Now there is nothing, so that's fine.

After wandering around the forest with Fortress Ji for half a day, An Zhiyuan's hands were sore from writing, and he asked, "How much area have we covered?"

"About one third." Fortress Ji said, her carrier plane was always observing the surrounding situation from above.

Fortress Ji, as a deep-sea fortress, is the same as Master Su and Odin when they transformed. They are all capable of flying carrier-based aircraft and shooting cannons. Of course, the cannon shooting of Master Su and Odin lacks a layer of meaning.

"We wandered around in the forest for a few hours, right? Only one-third? It looks bigger than I imagined... Even if it needs to be rebuilt, I don't know when it will be completed." Ann Zhiyuan thought for a while and said.

"It won't take long. Don't underestimate our efficiency." Fortress Ji said, "There are so many people in our tutelary mansion. I think it won't take long if we split up and arrange the work."

"That's right...the work efficiency of human beings is no match for that of ship girls." An Zhiyuan nodded, "Then let's call it a day, I'm a little hungry..."

"I brought food." Said Saiji.

An Zhiyuan was a little surprised, "Huh? You brought food? Could it be that you knew we were going out in advance?"

"No, it's just to prevent the current situation, so it's just a convenience food in the ship's outfit. However, it is a convenience food after all. Let's solve it on the spot? Or go back and have lunch together?" Fortress Ji asked.

Convenience food...the taste must be incomparable with Fusang's cuisine...


"Forget it, don't eat convenience food." An Zhiyuan shook his head.

Saiji nodded upon hearing this, "Then let's go back first."

"However, there is one more delicious food here, for me." An Zhiyuan stretched out his hand to hold Fortress Jidi's hand, and said suddenly.

Sergey paused for a moment, then raised her head, and gave him a white look with a reddish face, "Rogue admiral..."

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