"Huh? It seems to be a ship girl with a relatively common rarity?" An Zhiyuan blinked, a little novel, this is the first time he has built a ship girl of non-gold and color quality.

But An Zhiyuan didn't think there was anything wrong with it at all, no matter what rarity she was, as long as it was a ship girl he didn't have, he would like it.

After the blue light disappeared, the door of the construction room was opened.

A ship lady with two golden low ponytails, a pair of glasses, and a sailor suit came out.

The lens is very thick... But as a ship girl, it is impossible to be short-sighted, right?Hood's is all because of the prototype ship, so it will have an impact on vision. It is impossible for ordinary ship girls to be short-sighted...

She's pretty, but the glasses she's wearing are so thick that the reflections block her eyes, and the bangs are too deep, making her feel lifeless....

The other party saw An Zhiyuan at a glance, then bit his lip, and walked forward.

"That... that... I'm Marblehead of the Omaha class... please... please give me your advice..." The man was fair-skinned, but he looked dead because of the dress Some pale girls said so.

An Zhiyuan smiled at her, "Welcome to my tutelary mansion, I am your admiral, An Zhiyuan, please give me your advice in the future?"

Generally speaking, either Jian Niang took the initiative to pull in the relationship, or An Zhiyuan took the initiative to pull in the relationship. Since the other party seems to have no intention of approaching actively, then it is fine to just approach according to one's will.

"Admiral... Admiral... hello..." Marblehead lowered his head and said in a low voice, he seemed a little afraid to look at An Zhiyuan, An Zhiyuan was a little confused, his appearance should be considered among human beings It's taller, isn't it scary?Why don't you dare look at yourself?

"Marblehead?" An Zhiyuan called her tentatively, Marblehead quickly raised his head to look at An Zhiyuan, and then quickly lowered his head.

An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin, this is not easy to get along with, the relationship between Jian Niang and the admiral, except for some loli and young girls, should be a kind of warm, passionate, moist relationship, it is not good to be so unfamiliar.

How to cut in?

"Marblehead, why are you wearing glasses? Are you short-sighted?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"...No...No, just...I don't want others to look into my eyes, but wearing...sunglasses is too ostentatious...So, I wear thick glasses... "Although Marblehead didn't dare to look at him, he still answered An Zhiyuan's question well.

You must know that when all the ship girls are built, they all have their own settings. In addition, they also have 50 favorability with their own admirals, so they will not be very bored with their own admirals. How can it be boring, and she is not a wild ship girl.

Is that so?I don't want others to see her eyes, and I don't want to be too public. She is more...introverted?

"Welcome, come with me for a walk inside the tutelary mansion, I'll show you the other people in the tutelary mansion." An Zhiyuan thought for a while, and planned to get in touch more before making a conclusion.

Marblehead hesitated for a moment, then raised his head to look at An Zhiyuan, finally bit his lips and agreed.

An Zhiyuan smiled at her, then led her out of the construction room and walked outside.

The first practice is of course to introduce his past, for example, he is actually from another world, for example, he has many, many ship girls, these things must be clearly explained, all of them are his own ships Mother, of course An Zhiyuan will not hide them.

After hearing An Zhiyuan say that he still has many, many wives, Marblehead lowered his head even lower.

An Zhiyuan didn't notice her small movements, because he was walking ahead, he had to watch the road, and he couldn't turn his head to stare at Marblehead all the time, not to mention she kept her head down, so she couldn't see her expression.

The first ship girl An Zhiyuan met with Marblehead was Frederick.

"My child..." Seeing An Zhiyuan, Frederick's expression suddenly softened, she walked up quickly, then hugged An Zhiyuan's head, and let him bury him in his chest, An Zhiyuan sniffed her The smell in her arms, and then raised her head, "Da Di Ma Ma, good morning."

"Good morning..." Frederick gently stroked An Zhiyuan's face with his fingers, and said softly, then looked at Marblehead, who lowered his head, "This is your newly built ship girl ?"

"Well, let me introduce, Great Emperor Mama, this is Marblehead, the Omaha-class light cruiser, and then Marblehead, this is the battleship Friedrich der Grosse." An Zhiyuan said, because Great Emperor Mama did not Level, or she is a level, so An Zhiyuan did not introduce what level of battleship Frederick is.

"Hello." Frederick let go of An Zhiyuan, and then stretched out his hand with a smile on his face. Seeing this, Marblehead bit his lip, and finally stretched out his hand tremblingly, holding Frederick's hand, "That... that... hello..."

Frederick looked at Marblehead, then smiled, she let go of her hand, then lowered her head, and kissed An Zhiyuan's mouth, "Good boy, I won't bother you to take her to meet other sisters Already~"

An Zhiyuan nodded, and then heard Frederick leaning towards his ear and whispering something again.

An Zhiyuan frowned upon hearing this, then nodded,

Seeing that An Zhiyuan understood, Frederick looked at Marblehead, smiled kindly at her, and finally left.

Thinking of what Dadi Mama said just now, An Zhiyuan turned to look at Marblehead, lost in thought.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Marblehead... I found that you seem to be very restrained, but you don't need to be so restrained. Whether it is in front of me or in front of other sisters, you can be more generous." An Zhiyuan thought for a while Said.

What Dadi Mama said just now was to tell An Zhiyuan that Marblehead seemed to have a little inferiority complex. When she looked at her, Frederick felt a strong sense of inferiority. The feeling of Jian Niang is very accurate, which is not good. Why should the ship girl feel inferior?Jianniang can be weak and soft, but she can't be inferior, because whether she is weak or soft, it is a good thing for her children, but if she is too inferior, it is not good, and it will not only affect her Getting along with other sisters will also affect her getting along with her own children, which is not acceptable, but it is good to have a low self-esteem similar to Dido.

Therefore, Frederick told An Zhiyuan to help Marblehead and help her get out of inferiority complex.

Dadi Mama is the ship's mother, and her feeling is definitely not wrong.

Marblehead bit his lip, raised his head to look at An Zhiyuan, and then said with a low expression: "Sorry...Admiral, am I too cowardly...Is it annoying to you?"

"Ah?" An Zhiyuan was stunned when he heard the words, and then he couldn't laugh or cry, "I don't feel bored, but, how should I put it...I hope you will be more confident...be more generous, do you understand what I mean? "

Marblehead nodded, and then said in a low voice: "Actually... I also want to be more generous... But... But I saw the admiral, or the sister of Frederick the Great just now... I Everyone... thinks that I... am mediocre, Admiral... you also think I'm stupid, don't you?"

"Soil? No way... But, because you are wearing glasses, and your bangs are too long, you do look a bit gloomy." An Zhiyuan was telling the truth and didn't raise his eyebrows. High Marblehead, because only by facing your own shortcomings can you correct them.

Marblehead bit her lip. Hearing the description of "gloomy" from An Zhiyuan's mouth, she was a little sad. Although she knew that the admiral would think so, but she actually said it and heard it... still made her feel Very sad...

Sure enough... the admiral doesn't like himself, does he?After all... I'm just a very ordinary ship girl... and the sister of Frederick the Great just now... just looking at that kind of temperament... makes people feel unattainable... even if she is my admiral ...It doesn't look like a match at all, does it?After all... I'm just a country girl, but the admiral is so handsome...

Thinking of this, Marblehead felt even more inferior...

An Zhiyuan saw that Marblehead lowered her head further, and knew that what she just said had hurt Marblehead a little bit, but in order to change Marblehead... she could only be a little bit wronged now.

He stretched out his hands to support Marblehead's shoulders, and said, "You look up at me."

Being touched by the admiral made Marblehead tremble all over, her face flushed immediately, "Admiral...Admiral..."

Marblehead looked up at An Zhiyuan in some confusion, and then found that the admiral was looking at him. He took off his thick glasses, then closed them, and carefully looked at his face, which made her face even more rosy. He quickly turned his head aside, not daring to look directly into the Admiral's eyes...Admiral...Admiral was too close...

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