"I... haven't... haven't forgotten..." Marblehead certainly didn't forget that she promised the admiral that she would cooperate with the admiral's transformation...

So even though she was very shy and worried about the admiral's disgusted expression after seeing her unsightly body, she still picked up the translucent dress.

"That, that...Admiral, where can I change?" Marblehead asked in a low voice.

"Just change it here, I'll turn my head away, I won't look at it." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, then turned around and left.

No need to watch it now, just give Marblehead a little breathing room... because later I'll watch it anyway I want.

Marblehead looked at the Admiral's back, bit his lip...

She suddenly felt something was wrong...but she didn't know what was wrong...

She looked down at the dress, her face was rosy, but faintly pale. After the admiral saw his ugly body, wouldn't he really...don't hate himself?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"That...Admiral...I, I put it on..."

An Zhiyuan waited for a while before he could hear Marblehead's weak voice, he turned his head to look at Marblehead.

The long bangs and heavy glasses still covered half of her face. Before appreciating her whole body, An Zhiyuan tried his best to control his gaze down, then took a hairpin and walked to Marblehead's before.

First, pin up Marblehead's bangs with hairpins, exposing more than half of her forehead, then move her two low ponytails in front of her shoulders to the back, then untie the hairbands and let them loose Opened, then removed Marblehead's heavy eyes and set them aside.

Well... it's much more pleasing to the eye now...

Then An Zhiyuan walked to the side to admire Marblehead who had changed into a dress.

Because it has been tied into a ponytail and low ponytail, half of Marblehead's long blond hair is curled, which looks very beautiful and tasteful.

Then there was her fair face, Marblehead, who fastened her bangs with hairpins and took off her glasses. That delicate pretty face was immediately revealed. The smooth forehead and three-dimensional facial features made her look very charming. There was a hint of rosiness on Zhang Jing's pretty face, her eyes moved to other places, she didn't dare to look at An Zhiyuan, she was avoiding...

Nervous, she even protruded some fine sweat from the tip of her nose, which made her look a little cute.

Her rosy lips were tightly pressed, and her nervousness was clearly visible.

What a beautiful girl, it's a pity that she wears a pair of glasses, she is so beautiful...

An Zhiyuan's gaze moved down, the dress had a low neckline, so she could see Marblehead's delicate collarbone, her skin was really white... because usually she was trying her best to wrap herself up?Skin that has never seen the sun, it is not too much to say that it is bullying Saixue, right?

nice skin...

Then there is the dress made of translucent material... I can vaguely see that Marblehead's bra is pure white, but it's actually not earthy.

Continue to look down...

The dress is a little tight, so it supports Marblehead's tight waist... No fat, it's perfect, continue to look down...Because it's a pleated skirt, the skirt will be that The mysterious place is well covered, so nothing can be seen. However, since there is no clear color opposition, it is very likely that it is the same color as Bra.

Going down...there are bare legs. Marblehead doesn't have any stockings. I used to wear black silk stockings, but now, I took them off. I don't need to take off black silk stockings...Although bare legs are also not bad...

After watching, An Zhiyuan's gaze returned to Marblehead's face, noticing her nervousness and shyness.

The reason why Marblehead was nervous was because she didn't know if this ugly body would arouse the admiral's disgust... She was afraid... Although she knew that she was not worthy of the admiral, she still felt a little bit in her heart Small expectations, I hope that the admiral will not hate her...Although she is very earthy and has a bad figure...There is no merit at all, but...she is still full of fantasies...she thinks...the admiral said Maybe you don't think she is ugly?

Although I don't know where Marblehead's inferiority complex comes from, it is precisely because of this long-term inferiority complex that she will regard some things that are taken for granted as gifts or unattainable wishes.

"Wh... how... Admiral... isn't it... ugly..." Because Marblehead didn't dare to look into An Zhiyuan's eyes, so of course he didn't see An Zhiyuan's eyes. hot.

"What a nasty figure..." An Zhiyuan rubbed the tip of his nose with the back of his hand, of course, he didn't say anything, it's not appropriate now, it will scare Marblehead.

"It's beautiful...it's beautiful, this dress matches Marblehead very well, and it shows off your perfect figure." An Zhiyuan praised without reservation, and she could afford this compliment.

Although Marblehead is very inferior, An Zhiyuan actually doesn't know what she has to be inferior to. Even if it's just the way she used to be, it's just that the way her face is dressed is a bit rusty. The other places are very good, for example The sailor suit with a high top, such as the absolute field between the skirt and the black silk, is super good, okay?

But...Since she is so self-abased that she is stubborn, then she can make good use of this opportunity to make Marblehead fall in love with herself, otherwise, this attribute will be completely wasted, obviously she is such a good fool Setting, if you don't make good use of it, the department will be punished by God.

Finished, perfect? ? ! !

Hearing this word, Marblehead just felt dizzy in her brain. When had she ever heard such a compliment... Too, too exaggerated... How could she be worthy of this word... Mention... Admiral... Finally, she couldn't help but take the initiative to look at An Zhiyuan's eyes, wanting to see if her admiral was laughing at herself...

After all, in her own opinion, a body with no advantages but only shortcomings, was actually called perfect by the admiral... The impact on Marblehead was so great that it short-circuited her brain for a short time.

She saw An Zhiyuan's eyes, it was sincere praise... Oh my god... why would the admiral think that I can afford the word perfection...?

Marblehead doesn't know how he feels now... but his eyes are moist... woo woo... so, so good... the admiral doesn't hate himself, he even boasted that his body is very good Perfect....

But Marblehead immediately came to his senses... So what if his body is perfect... My personality is too bad, and I am completely unworthy of an admiral... How dare I be with such a magnanimous admiral with my low self-esteem and cowardice Together...?

Marblehead bit his lip, his eyes were a little blurred, yes...even if the admiral doesn't hate his body, so what, other aspects of him are too bad... no...

Seeing Marblehead's expression change from excitement to sadness, An Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled. He was not in a hurry, he still had a whole day. Besides, if he couldn't do it today, he could continue tomorrow.

"Then...the exterior transformation has been completed, now, let's carry out another transformation." The corners of An Zhiyuan's mouth rose, and his smile rippled.

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Seven

"How...how to...?" Marblehead asked softly, blushing slightly. Her hands were intentionally or unintentionally placed across her chest and lower abdomen to block those sensitive parts, but in fact she could see everything I can't...

It is translucent, not fully transparent, and there are well-worn bras and fat times inside, how can it be seen.

But the look of "the girl is afraid of the sun and shades with one hand" is also quite cute.

"Well, next, it's time to train your contact ability. I want to touch your body, and you, you have to hold back this feeling. This way, it can also help you overcome your inferiority complex." An Zhiyuan said seriously : "But you don't need to be touched by others in the future. I touch you to exercise your ability. If someone touches me, I suggest breaking his hand before touching you."

Of course, this is nonsense, how can one feel confident after touching someone?However, An Zhiyuan knew that Marblehead would accept it. After observing for a while, he found that Marblehead seemed very dull...really dull.

Although, there is indeed a reason to make her feel confident, but some of her own ideas are stuffed into it... Then let’s cultivate the relationship together, anyway, whether it’s a love for a long time or a love for a long time, it’s good to cultivate The relationship is the same. The relationship between the admiral and the ship's wife is very simple. Although Marblehead is slow, he obviously doesn't look like he has no common sense. He is just very shy. She knows the meaning of these things he is doing, so That's why An Zhiyuan so brazenly molested... No, it was to educate and reform her.

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