However, you don’t want to worry about this kind of thing. After all, it’s rare when you lose it. It seems that you have lost a copy of "The Beautiful Picture of the Ship's Lady" written by Dafeng and "The Night of the Port Area" filmed in Tashkent. The three or four notebooks drawn by He Beizhai were lost after all, and they were not found after all the investigations, so naturally they just disappeared.

Suddenly thinking about it, the inside of the tutelary mansion is quite dirty...

There are videos, small H articles, notebooks, and self-portraits...

Of course, this is a little fun for adults.

Most of the time, everyone is still normal. They have a company that sells Yubari's black technology, and then everyone lived in that office building before, and the decoration is very luxurious. The previous life was really very comfortable, a little nostalgic.. .

Waiting for everyone to come over in the future, do you want to consider replicating an office building like that?Don't be funny...

Then again, there are seven or eight hundred people in Ship R and Ship B combined, um... It needs to be bigger if you want to build it. If you want to build an office building like before, it seems a bit too crowded. After all, it’s not enough to just stuff the girl in. Everyone’s room needs to be that big. Although sisters can live together, it can reduce a lot of rooms, but it still feels too crowded...

In addition, if they want to go on a trip, they live on an island now, and they have to get Yubari to get a super-large cruise ship so that they can go on a trip.

"Admiral?" Seeing that An Zhiyuan was distracted, Bismarck called softly.

"Huh? I'm sorry... I was distracted." An Zhiyuan came back to his senses, then smiled slightly, and said, "Where were we talking just now?"

"You said you were going to check out the facilities in the port area." Bismarck said, she didn't mind that An Zhiyuan was distracted with her, the main reason was that the admiral had too many ship girls, so he usually thought of those sisters, right?

Bismarck didn't mind either, because if he stood beside other people, the admiral would also think of himself.

"Ah...well." An Zhiyuan nodded, and then asked, "Are you interested in doing something?"

"Me? My words... I used to be able to help Yubari if I was by Yubari's side. Now that I'm here, I don't seem to be good at doing anything... Why don't you let me go out to fight? It's not me who manages it Good at it." Bismarck said after hearing the words.

She is indeed not good at management, but if it is fighting, she is very good at it.

That's right, although I didn't perform very well in the game, but according to the girls' dictation, they said that Bismarck is obviously very strong, and I don't know why they didn't let Bismarck attack...

It seems that Bismarck is very strong in the world of ship girls, but he just doesn't perform well in the game. At that time, he was only playing games. If he doesn't perform well in the game, of course he can only be placed on the secretary's ship to lick the marriage and it's over. If you attack, forget it.

But now there is not much lack of combat effectiveness. Strictly speaking, if the issue of leveling is not considered, Enterprise and Tangyu can complete the daily patrol mission and the siren sinking mission, and the others will stay in the tutelary fort. Run the entire tutelary mansion inside...

But you really have to consider whether the girls are willing to do this. An Zhiyuan will not force his wife, because he knows that as long as he says it, the girls will definitely do it, so An Zhiyuan will not take it easy. However, An Zhiyuan was very familiar with his own girls, and he had a general idea of ​​who would do what.

However, to arrange the operation of these facilities, some people have to be transferred from there. It is unrealistic to rely on the ship girl who built ship B, because An Zhiyuan doesn't know much about the ship girl who has just been built, so she doesn't know how to let her do it. what...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After hastily making a small plan for the tutelary mansion, An Zhiyuan and Bismarck returned to the office, and took Xi Li, the secretary ship, together to arrange some facilities before the tutelary mansion.

Bismarck is not good at this aspect, it is equivalent to accompanying the two of them, Xili has a little contact with this aspect, and the company taught her these things before.

After making a little classification, An Zhiyuan considered who should be more suitable for these positions.

There are movie theaters, coffee shops, colleges, convenience stores, arcade halls, and even a small amusement park in the tutelary mansion, as well as the newly renovated forest hotel.

If you want to run these things now, if you don’t consider whether it is suitable or not, then you can run it now, but if you want to consider whether it is suitable or not, you have to bring a few people over there.

For example, the movie theater was managed by Omaha in the tutelary mansion before. She knows movies very well and has good taste, so she can consider bringing Omaha over in the future.

As for the coffee shop... In fact, the best situation is to let the chaser manage it, but the chaser is still hesitant about the branch, and has not decided whether to really come here to open a branch, so this coffee shop , it looks like it needs to be handed over to someone else...

Belfast is very good at making coffee, but Belfast is the head maid. She has come to the coffee shop to be the boss, so who will manage the daily life of the tutelary mansion?Although Dido and Sirius can do a good job now, you must know that as long as Dido and Sirius are in front of An Zhiyuan, they can't do things well, so An Zhiyuan's room doesn't need to be cleaned...

Neither did Dido nor Sirius. If Dido and Sirius wanted to be the bosses of this coffee shop, then An Zhiyuan couldn't come here to drink coffee... Otherwise, I'm afraid these two "proprietresses" would have to be punished according to the counter.

The Duke of York is okay with making tea, but she doesn't like coffee very much.

The British ships don’t seem to like coffee very much. The main reason is that the American ships like to drink coffee. I’m afraid the reason why the chaser likes to drink coffee and is good at making coffee is that she is actually half of the American ships. After all, she is built in the USA.

Thinking about it this way, Marblehead is the only American ship that guards the palace, but Marblehead doesn't seem to be good at it, um...I'll ask later, but now that I think about it, it's still the best pursuer It's suitable, I don't know when this beautiful proprietress will move here, she's getting closer.If you are close to the water, you get the moon first.

For the college, of course, Zeppelin is in charge. Although Zeppelin is quite perverted in some aspects, he is more attentive in teaching children.

For convenience stores...

It's not particularly suitable now...Maybe Ella will be in charge of the convenience store in the future?Anyway, Leipzig can't be in charge, and Santi can't be in charge, otherwise, these two people...

How about letting Hood try it?However, I feel that Hood is not suitable, and Dede sauce is even less suitable.

About the convenience store, let Ella do it...Then next time we will be Omaha and Ella tentatively?

Speaking of which, Ayla is the same as Lord Su and the others, they belong to the Star Destroyer type, but Ayla doesn't need to transform, but she hasn't fought in the guard house before, and she belongs to someone who has no combat experience at all. , so although the strength is very strong on paper, in actual combat, it may not be able to defeat Mr. Su.

However, it doesn't mean that it is summoned according to the way of combat power, and it does not need combat power.

So it doesn’t really matter if you can fight or not. No matter how strong you are, Enterprise and Tangyu, in terms of quantity, the Guardian Palace already has a large number of full-fledged ship girls, so now it’s not like it used to rely on combat power. , other aspects are also required.

For the arcade hall, let Beizhai take care of it. Of course, in order that Beizhai will not be lazy or someone will take care of the arcade hall when he is lazy, let Bismarck come along with him. Bismarck is really not needed to fight. As long as there are enterprises and assassins in the guard house Tail fish are actually very strong.

For a small amusement fact, it can be managed by Fortress Ji.

Fortress Ji likes these things quite a lot. Of course, it doesn't mean that whoever likes them can take care of them. We have to see if they are reliable, and Fortress Ji should do it.

The best thing about the forest hot spring hotel is to let the Japanese department manage it. I feel that Nagato and Mutsu are very good. In the past, the man-made hot springs in the tutelary mansion were managed by them personally. It is very good, but An Zhiyuan goes to soak every time. The hot springs have to be charged extra by the two proprietresses, which cost hundreds of millions each time.

But this time four people came over, Omaha and Ella, and Nagato and Mutsu...

However, there is no need to worry about the forest hotel for the time being. Let’s talk about the opening of the convenience store and the movie theater first. At that time, it will be fine for Nagato Mutsu to come over later.

The main problem now is the problem of the coffee shop. Marblehead is probably not very good at coffee, at least when An Zhiyuan educated her, he didn't see it.

Speaking of which, it's time to continue educating her, let her stick three band-aids in front of her, stand for a few hours, and train her shame, so that she won't be easily shy and inferior...

Hmm... An Zhiyuan thinks this is a good idea.

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