"Heh..." The chaser sighed in his heart. Too much love is not a good thing for a ship girl, let alone the other party is a commander who has the idea of ​​fishing for her.

"Thank you..." The chaser didn't refuse, and now that he's helping, the favor can still be returned.

Considering that she still has a month to go, and An Zhiyuan's help is really what she needs, she can't refuse, and there is no need to refuse, she still appreciates it.

"In that case, I'll go and arrange it for you later." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, and chatted for a while before hanging up the phone.

Dido knelt in front of him, staring at him.

"What? Knelt down suddenly?" An Zhiyuan scratched her nose and asked with a smile.

Dido blushed slightly, and said a little coyly: "Master, I...I broke the plate again this morning, you...you punish me..."

An Zhiyuan raised his brows slightly when he heard this, it's me as your master, if you are an ordinary person, you punish you with such a big dish all day long, you are already a stick, oh, unfortunately, we don't have any iron rice bowls here.

"Then turn around and poke your ass, I want to punish you, a perpetual bad maid." An Zhiyuan's expression darkened, and he said.

Not only was Dido not frightened, she even blushed a little, "Mm! Mm! Master, please teach me a lesson!"

"I Have a Date with an Automata", my own book, those who have read "Urban Admiral's Cultivation Manual" should like this kind of reverse-transmission style book, if you are interested in writing Girls Frontline, you can read it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"That's it? And about the toilet... okay, no problem." An Zhiyuan hung up the phone, looked at the pattern on the album, and then talked to the decoration team about the situation and let them start work according to the plan.

One month is enough to complete the decoration, because it will not be used for a long time, so the material considered is wallpaper, which is much more convenient, but because of the island, there are also issues of moisture resistance and ventilation.

The ventilation is good, but if it is moisture-proof, it needs to be waterproofed.

Coincidentally, when An Zhiyuan was here supervising the work of the construction team, Jiang Wanqiu took her ship mother passing by and saw An Zhiyuan.

"Huh? An Zhiyuan?" Jiang Wanqiu stopped and shouted. An Zhiyuan turned his head and saw Jiang Wanqiu with a strange ship girl. Is it newly built?I don't think I've seen this ship girl before?

"Jiang Wanqiu." An Zhiyuan nodded to Jiang Wanqiu, and then took a few steps towards her, "I haven't seen you for a long time, are you busy recently? Or are you simply staying at home and not wanting to come out?"

"It's a bit annoying..." Jiang Wanqiu said helplessly, but immediately laughed again and said, "This is my newly built ship girl, war-weary."

"Hello." An Zhiyuan smiled and nodded towards War-weary, without extending his hand, the ship's wife did not shake hands, and it doesn't matter whether she joins the headquarters or not, this is a rule that everyone knows.

War-weary also smiled at An Zhiyuan.

"Drying the boat?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

"Come on, you think I don't know your headquarters, oh, no, you called the tutelary mansion, and you have a lot of warship girls in the tutelary mansion, you think I don't know?" Jiang Wanqiu rolled her eyes.

"Are you paying attention?" An Zhiyuan was a little surprised.

"My mother-in-law saw her during the attack, who cares, who wants to be exposed?" Jiang Wanqiu rolled her eyes, "By the way, what are you doing here?"

"Supervise the decoration of the facade." An Zhiyuan pouted towards the facade.

"The facade? You rented it?" Jiang Wanqiu looked at the facade that was being renovated at the back, and was a little confused. The island where An Zhiyuan is located is much bigger than the island where she is. If you really want to do something, you can do it on the island. Can't it be done?Could it be possible to do business in Yala Town?But being a commander is not short of money.

"Well... It's not really my rental, it's for a friend who plans to open a dessert shop." An Zhiyuan said.

"What friend? Girlfriend?" Jiang Wanqiu asked with a smile.

"Ordinary friends are just ordinary friends that I want to get." An Zhiyuan said upon hearing this.

"Oh, Jian Niang...but why did Jian Niang come here to open a shop? Shouldn't she go to Bilan College?" Jiang Wanqiu asked in surprise.

"Hmm.... Do you know the proprietress of the dessert shop in Bilan College?" An Zhiyuan paused and asked.

"Dessert shop? Um... you mean the proprietress of the chaser?" Jiang Wanqiu thought for a while and asked.

"Yes, it's the proprietress who is going to open a branch here." An Zhiyuan nodded.

"Ha... ah... Could it be that you tricked him here?" Jiang Wanqiu suddenly realized, and then smiled, "Yes, the boat fishing skills are very good."

"What do you mean by cheating here? See what you said." An Zhiyuan rolled his eyes, and then said: "I invited her to come over to open a branch, right? If I get to know her well by then, if she wants to join my tutelary mansion, That's not good."

"Heh..." Jiang Wanqiu snorted, obviously he was aiming at making money from the beginning...

"By the way, you just said that you encountered some troubles? What troubles? Can I help?" An Zhiyuan suddenly remembered what Jiang Wanqiu said just now, and asked with some concern.

Jiang Wanqiu paused for a moment, then looked at the silent war-weary behind him, blinked his eyes without saying anything, Jiang Wanqiu looked at An Zhiyuan again, hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "It's okay, you can help me with this matter." Not busy, and annoyance . . . not really."

"You just aroused my curiosity by saying that." An Zhiyuan said after hearing the words: "Well... But since you don't plan to say anything, I won't ask any more questions. If you need anything, let me know. I can help you. I’m busy, and I’ll do my best to help.”

Jiang Wanqiu nodded with a smile, and then said: "Then we'll go back first, and don't disturb your supervisor."

"Well, goodbye." An Zhiyuan nodded.

Jiang Wanqiu nodded, turned around, and muttered something in a low voice, but An Zhiyuan didn't hear clearly, he frowned as he looked at Jiang Wanqiu's back and the war-weary departure.

What trouble could she be in?As a commander, you have a lot of privileges, shouldn't you be in trouble?

Strange...but just like what he said, since Jiang Wanqiu didn't plan to tell him, there must be her reasons, so he didn't want to find out.

Then again, I forgot to talk to Jiang Wanqiu about advertising, let's talk to her later.

At that time, let's go to the relationship of the college office and help the pursuers to promote it.

Also, isn't the dessert shop chosen by Jianniang itself a kind of publicity effect?After all, the ship girl thinks it's pretty good... right?

Here, Jiang Wanqiu and War Weary came to the port.

"Perhaps he can help you, Commander, in fact, you too..." War Weary said.

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