After saying that, Honolulu turned his flushed face away.

St. Louis leaned close to An Zhiyuan's ear and said with a smile, "She is just a little duplicity. If you ask her well, let alone do it, you can put on a shameful pose."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The hot and exciting beach party is over.

Today is Mother's Day.

An Zhiyuan, who originally planned to go out to attack the company, stayed in the tutelary mansion and made a video call there.

Calling my mother, now that I can make a video call, I can talk to my mother and father. After chatting with them and wishing my mother a happy holiday, An Zhiyuan hung up the phone.

So, the serious Mother's Day is over, it's time for the undeserved Mother's Day.

An Zhiyuan is very different about this kind of thing, a real family is a real family, and role-playing is role-playing.

Then, there are a total of two mothers in the tutelary mansion.

One is of course my own Frederick the Great Mama, and the other is Honolulu's mother, St. Louis, one Mama and one aunt, oh, the other is called mother-in-law, and mother-in-law is also a mother.

Mother's Day, of course, can't be slack.

The first thing is to prepare a gift, what should I give?

An Zhiyuan thought about it, and decided to go out and buy some gifts for the two mothers.

How about some presents?How about taking Belfast with you?Hmm... The head maid seems to be very busy this morning. An Zhiyuan thought about it and brought Sirius with him. This famous dog-licking maid of his own must know it well.

There is a new clothing design store in Yala Town, which is specially opened for ship girls. Sirius recommends his proud owner to go there, and it should be rewarding.

After all, if Sirius recommends it, the gift must be something that can be used with the owner. Perfume, flowers, etc. are too clichéd, not to mention that the ship lady itself is fragrant, so giving that kind of thing is more meaningful than In fact, Sirius felt that since the master asked about himself, it should not be such a perfunctory gift, but a very good gift with both meaning and reality.

The relationship between these two mothers and the master is very simple, so just give them that kind of clothes.

However, An Zhiyuan plans to make two preparations, the clothes will be given away. In addition, An Zhiyuan plans to prepare two rings first. Of course, Frederick the Great already has a ring. One of these two rings is for Aunt St. Louis, and the other One is for Honolulu.

Putting a wedding ring on my sensual mother-in-law, well, it's very nice, and of course my girlfriend Honolulu, but Honolulu can't wear a ring right now, no, because there can't be If you have sex before marriage, you can only find Aunt Sheng~

Sirius changed into casual clothes, and changed from a dog-licking maid in the northern hemisphere to a beautiful big sister, but this big sister is a bit plump, not to mention protruding and backward, her eyes are always moist, um, But a big sister should be like this, a shy big sister is a good big sister, but her eyes will only be fixed on her so-called proud master.

Although the whole body is not covered tightly including the face, Sirius also pays special attention. He is wearing a long skirt, a pair of white silk on his legs, a turtleneck sweater on his upper body, and two white clothes on his hands. Gloves, with nothing exposed to the air except for the head on the outside...

Good-looking is pretty good-looking...although there is no need to wrap it so tightly, well...just as she likes.

However, because of the high-necked tight sweater, the good figure of Sirius' upper body is undoubtedly revealed, which is too big. Although I have used it many times and used it in many ways, no matter how many times I look at it, I still feel it. I like it very much.

"Master, are you thirsty?" Sirius asked with a charming smile when he noticed that An Zhiyuan was staring at his chest.

"Ah, no... let's go, let's go out." An Zhiyuan blinked and said, there is still work to do today, if you are thirsty, you can drink it after you come back, besides, today is for Dadi Mama and Sheng Auntie celebrates the festival, how can I make myself thirsty?

An Zhiyuan and Sirius set off together and came to the town of Yala.

First, I found the newly opened specialty store that designed and made clothes for Jianniang that Sirius had said, and then walked in with Sirius.

It seems that Belfast told Sirius about this store. Belfast often comes out to buy things, so I need to know a little about Yala Town.

I heard that the proprietress of this store seems to be from Bilan Academy, and she is the same kind of ship lady as the pursuer who is on the way.

After An Zhiyuan walked in with Sirius, he saw the proprietress who drew the design.

Very beautiful ship girls... um... this is nonsense, all ship girls are beautiful.

The long black hair hangs down behind her, and she is wearing a standard JK outfit. Isn't she the proprietress?Why are you wearing a JK costume?She looks like a high school girl, such a beautiful high school girl must have many suitors.

There is a small black pendant hanging on the left ear, and nothing is hanging on the right ear. This asymmetry creates a little beauty. Her head is very special, with a pair of vertical thin horns, and the top is red. The bottom is all white.

It's a bit like the "ghost" in Japanese mythology.

"Ah... a guest is here, welcome." The proprietress stood up after seeing An Zhiyuan and Sirius, "What do you want to buy? Fabric? Or private order, or finished product?"

After standing up, the figure is also revealed, not only the clothes I wear look like JK, but the actual figure also looks like JK, I am so moved, this is not the kind that makes people say "big" at first sight , but...Compared to VV, it is not easy to achieve, this is a C...

"I want to buy the finished product, can you introduce me?" An Zhiyuan said.

"Well, okay, tell me the type you want." The proprietress said, "Did you buy it for the ship lady next to me?"

Sirius was about to say no when he heard the words, but was interrupted by An Zhiyuan, "Well, but besides her, I need two more for the other ship girls."

"...I see." The proprietress looked at An Zhiyuan, and the corner of her mouth twitched.

I don't know if it's An Zhiyuan's illusion, but he always felt that after saying that sentence, the proprietress seemed to roll her eyes at him, and he didn't know if it was a mistake.

"So, do you want to buy serious clothes, or more interesting clothes?" asked the proprietress.

"The three pieces of clothes must be more interesting." An Zhiyuan blinked and said, Belfast has already prepared the decent clothes for Sirius, Aunt Sheng and Dadi, and now of course only need that kind of clothes For fun clothes.

This time An Zhiyuan saw it, and the proprietress rolled her eyes at him again, "What a playful commander."

When An Zhiyuan heard this, he didn't feel ashamed, he just smiled.

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty One

In the end, An Zhiyuan was asked to say a need, but An Zhiyuan couldn't say what the need was, he could only say that he took his time to read it.

The other party didn't object either, so he asked An Zhiyuan to look at the clothes by himself.

Clothes are divided into two areas, one is the serious clothing area, there are all kinds of clothes, but there are more types of dresses, more interesting ones, relatively simple OL, teachers, JK and nurses and other clothing , there are also some Ji knight outfits, nun outfits, and even empress outfits... Wow, there are all kinds of tastes, and the proprietress is old Siji at first glance.

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