That's pretty fucked up...

For example, a hundred sirens, who can stand it, unless An Zhiyuan's wives all come over...

After all, no one knows whether there is such a strong siren as the modernized enterprise and the Tangyu...

"Don't worry about that." At this time, another company came over, it was the silver industry.

"If we really capture a siren alive, no matter what, we will protect this siren. So, at that time, I will apply to the academy to send a large number of fully trained ship girls to cooperate with your tutelary mansion. , and call those commanders who have fully trained ship girls from all over the world." The enterprise frowned and said: "We are not so random."

An Zhiyuan blinked, and then whispered: "Well... If you capture the siren alive, can you give it to me?"

The enterprise looked a little embarrassed when he heard the words, "This is not necessarily the case, the academy might want to extract information from the captured siren and do research or something..."

An Zhiyuan patted the back of his head and said, "These things...we can do it too...just hand over the information to you when the time comes."

Yinye paused, "Why do you want to keep the siren? The siren is very dangerous..."

But Yinye thought about it, in fact... it seems that the strength of their headquarters is about the same as that of An Zhiyuan now, maybe even stronger... They just have a lot more high-skilled ship girls, but in As far as the fully trained ship girls are concerned, An Zhiyuan's headquarters is only a small part less than theirs, not to mention the extremely powerful special ship of the Blonde Enterprise...

The enterprise thought for a while and said, "I'll discuss this with everyone before I get back to you. If the siren is really captured alive, it will be of great significance..."

An Zhiyuan nodded, "It's really troublesome for the director of the company."

Enterprise shook his head and said with a smile: "Needless to say trouble, if it weren't for you, I never would have thought that we would have a certain chance of capturing the siren alive during this period."

Chapter three hundred and forty-eight unexpected joy

The sound of clattering rain could not cover the deafening sound of cannons and explosions. The flames from a distance proved that the round of main guns fired just now had hit the Siren armor, and the bomber was dropping bombs to send the Siren armor to sunk.

The ship's carrier aircraft is too small, and you can't see it from a distance. Otherwise, it would be quite comfortable to witness such a naval battle with your own eyes.

But the destruction brought to the siren armor is indeed clearly seen.

Although the Siren armor is a bit stupid and can be easily sunk by the girls, if such a large fleet of Siren armor attacks the offshore area, if there are cities nearby, it will suffer a devastating blow. They are different, but the power of the main gun is the same. It is not a joke to blast a football field with one cannon.

"There are no siren soldiers nearby." The enterprise controlled its carrier aircraft to patrol around, and then said: "We are about to arrive in Nauru."

"I didn't seem to encounter any powerful Siren fleet along the way." An Zhiyuan said.

"I have encountered Siren military equipment with a full training level, but each time the number is very small, not enough." The company said: "I have never encountered a Siren."

"That's right." An Zhiyuan rubbed the back of his head, and said, "However, if you think about it, it's actually better to meet the Siren on the return journey, so that if you catch the Siren, you can go home and adjust... um... .educate."

Enterprise looked at An Zhiyuan, she still didn't understand her admiral?What kind of education, the admiral himself said it just now, tune, what else can it be?

Then again, this is not the first time. The deep-sea flagship also came here before. Presumably, Saiji would be happy to see what she has experienced happen to these sirens, right?

"Whether we can catch it or not..." the company said.

An Zhiyuan nodded when he heard the words, "Indeed..."

Before An Zhiyuan was able to catch the deep sea, it was because the deep sea flagships were teleported over. If it was at sea, the deep sea flagships could directly sink into the sea for repair, but because they were on land after being teleported to him, of course they couldn't sink. Can only be caught, and then applaud for love.

However, there are usually a few steps before this, such as placing it on the ground, airing her for a while, and matching it with pink toys to kill her mind...

The education process is actually quite long and hard, but An Zhiyuan is willing to work hard to turn the enemy into a wife. After all, he is a good admiral with love in his heart. Even if it is an enemy ship, it is also a wife ?

"How about letting the Tangerine go down to catch it?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"It's actually very easy to find Tangyu when you touch it so close... It's very dangerous if a few depth-sea bombs are dropped on the submarine." The flagship was sunk, um, maybe it works, but I'm worried that the siren will dissolve in water, so that shouldn't be possible..."

No previous experience, so most things are unknown.

Soon, everyone who fought just now came back, and a new group of ship girls went out to patrol.

The speed of the supply ship is much slower than that of the girls, so you don’t have to worry about falling behind, and it’s okay if you fall behind, just let Tashkent go and report it. Tashkent’s speed is super fast, and the flagship is Hood, plus Speedy, if it’s really not possible, feed her some spicy strips, Tashkent!take off!

The girls are also very convenient, that is, those with a low speed can be carried by a high speed, and the ship girl can put away the actual weight, so it is very easy to carry, just like having an extra feather on your body.

Everyone was not injured, which is very good, because the enemies that appeared were basically sunk by a round of salvo, or directly bombed, torpedoed, or bombers combined with the main gun and torpedo to sink together, basically no one fired on the opponent. Opportunities, they can always seize the opportunity, because they have not encountered a powerful aircraft carrier siren armor, so the air control has always been on their side. With air control, everyone knows the enemy's position. They can always spot the enemy first, then attack.

The two rookies in Honolulu and St.Louis already have a good training speed, and so do the Unicorns.Probably around level [-].

The siren armor here is much stronger than the siren armor near the sea, so during the sinking, the training speed will be improved much more than in the coastal waters, and the training speed will naturally increase faster.

This time on Mars, maybe St. Louis, Honolulu, and Unicorn can reach the middle level.

Moreover, the three glorious sisters have already broken through level [-], and they can probably be raised by a level or two in this attack. There are still many enemies waiting for them.

Later, these ship girls can only get a lot of improvement in a short period of time after a large number of deep-sea flagships or Yubari come over.

Yubari must have a way to make them become full-fledged ship girls in a short period of time.

It's a pity that Yubari is definitely the last one to come here, so...then the waiting time will be a little longer.

An Zhiyuan felt that by the time Yubari came over, the three Guanghui sisters would have already reached full level...

But in fact, in actual combat, there is not much difference in combat effectiveness between girls and girls who have improved to full training through some special methods, because combat memory and experience are not the kind of combat experience that humans understand, but more like data. Therefore, there is no difference between actually climbing to the full training level and using a special method to climb to the full training level. Thinking about it this way, it is a bit hard for the three glorious sisters and Hood...

Although Hood was the ship girl who followed An Zhiyuan from the very beginning, her training speed is about ninety levels now, and it is estimated that by the time Yubari comes over, she will have already reached full training speed...

Well, maybe for Hood, this is more meaningful... Hood's idea at the beginning was to help himself, although as more and more ship girls guard the mansion, the powerful full-strength ships There are more and more mothers, and Hood feels that there is no need to climb to the full level so quickly.

The heavy rain gradually stopped, and the sky outside the bridge began to clear up. The sky above the sea was very beautiful... An Zhiyuan walked outside the bridge, looked at the sky, and said with a smile, "It's cleared up..."

"Well... Besides, we're almost there, Nauru Island." Enterprise followed An Zhiyuan out, and then said softly.

"Are you there?" An Zhiyuan looked ahead, but he hadn't seen the island yet, "The carrier-based aircraft has found it. If you want to see it with the naked eye, you still need to sail for a while...and..." Enterprise The expression on his face became weird, "Besides, there are surprises on the island..."

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