However, it is only assigned now, and it will take a long time to come, at least one and a half months. However, considering that the Siren does not seem to have any remote contact methods, it is very likely that the other party will find out that the purification relative is missing very late. I will investigate where she went, anyway, it will definitely take some time, but there is no rush, 40 days is just the most conservative estimate.

In addition, the supply ship was kept, but it was not directly given to An Zhiyuan, but temporarily handed over to An Zhiyuan for use, but no deadline was specified.

What the president of the company said was that the human side didn't make much sense, so it could only be handed over to him in this name, but although it was said to be handed over to him for use temporarily, in fact the ownership was already in An Zhiyuan's hands.

In short, the purification relative also came to An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, but she didn't have a chance to take a good look at it except for the time when she was taken off the boat and brought into her own room...

An Zhiyuan still couldn't give herself to her, but the purifier believed that as long as he performed well enough, the admiral would definitely believe her...

After coming back, I have a lot of busy time. First of all, the airport that Yubari mentioned, this needs to be done, and then I have a date with the company. In addition, the chasing proprietress will arrive soon... Huh...

The first thing to do when he came back, An Zhiyuan decided to plan the affairs of the airport first. With the girls here, the efficiency is very high. If an airport like this starts to be built, it shouldn't be too long.

What's more, I have investigated the geological conditions of the island before to make a park, and there is indeed a place suitable for an airport...

The size must be several times larger than the warship that needs to be built. An Zhiyuan observed for a while, drew an area, and then took Dido to the scene to measure it, roughly estimated the area, and calculated Check out the materials needed... um... not enough money...

Although the salary of a commander is very high, such a project requires a lot of materials...

Of course, there is no need to consider the construction cost. How can a person compare to Jian Niang's work efficiency? The cost of materials alone cannot be solved by An Zhiyuan's current money...

However, the problem of money is not a big problem. Although it is not enough for a while, you can buy it in batches. An Zhiyuan calculated his salary, and then calculated the approximate cost of materials. Well, it is almost enough. If If the girls go out and complete the task of sinking the Siren supply ship a few more times, there will be a monetary reward... definitely enough.

Hmm... As a commander, can I go to Bilan Academy for a loan?Bilan Academy is not short of money... An Zhiyuan rubbed the back of his head and thought.

But after thinking about it, forget it...because you can still buy it in batches...

He shook his head, called everyone together, talked about the construction plan of the airport, and then started to work.

First of all, these trees need to be cut down. The vegetation on the island is very dense, and the forest occupancy rate is almost as high as [-]%.

The area is so large, and the amount of trees to be cut down is also huge. If you sell it, you can earn a lot of money, but this one cannot be sold. An Zhiyuan plans to hand it over to the college office. They will sell it if they want it. He has no ownership, only the right to use it. After all, human life is too short. If An Zhiyuan dies, he will definitely hand it over to the next commander. to myself...

But before starting the construction, I still need to ask Bilan College if it can do this... If not, I have to consider building it elsewhere.

Fortunately, Bilan College said that although there was no precedent, it was allowed to do so, and An Zhiyuan let the girls start working.

But there are two exceptions, one is of course Ruanfan Wang An, and the other is Purification Pro. Purification Pro is not allowed to leave her room, and she can't help much. She is just an ordinary person after taking the medicine. girls only.

So since this is the case... An Zhiyuan, who has nothing to do or the girls force him not to do things, found a purification relationship to cultivate feelings with her.

I, who cooperated with your performance, turned a blind eye, as if I didn't know that Purification Pro was pretending.

"Can I go out for a walk?" Purification pro asked.

An Zhiyuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Yes."

"Thank you admiral..." Purification pro was a little surprised when he heard the words, and said hastily.

"You're welcome, you adapt here as soon as possible, and you will live here in the future." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Well... I see..." Purification Pro is obviously not very good at acting, some things have to be retreated, acting too cooperative will only make your acting skills look bad, but it doesn't matter, An Zhiyuan will cooperate with Purification Pro in acting , and then guided her to slowly make this fake show come true.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The two came to the beach. Now everyone is not here, but cutting trees on the other side of the island. There are only two people in the town guard, An Zhiyuan and Purification Qin. Enemy attack or something.

Purification stood on the pier, looking at the sea with his hands behind his back, and asked, "Aren't you worried that I'll just run away?"

An Zhiyuan smiled and said, "Since I agree with you to come out, I naturally have confidence in you."

Purification pro turned away from An Zhiyuan. Hearing this, she frowned. This human being is really strange. He doesn't really have any strange expectations of her, does he?I'm lying to you, if I didn't know that I couldn't escape, I wouldn't stay here...

"What do you think of us sirens?" Purification pro asked suddenly.

"What's your opinion? It's a very common opinion." An Zhiyuan said.

"Don't you hate us? After all, the sirens sank some warships before." Purification pro suddenly turned around and looked at An Zhiyuan.

Not only An Zhiyuan was curious about the sirens, but the purifiers were also curious about humans and ship girls. This was the first time the purifiers came into contact with humans, although it was in such a shameful way.

"Ask me this kind of question... um..." An Zhiyuan thought for a while, and said, "After all, I am not a group of ship girls, and I have never experienced that period of time, so the siren soldiers sinking ship girls I don’t have any real feelings about this matter, but the Siren and the Siren, and the Siren Armor is the Siren Armor, I think this needs to be distinguished.”

"Didn't you also say that the Siren is just a fighting machine that simply follows the instructions without self-awareness, and you Sirens have your own self-awareness. Although the Sirens have injured a few ship girls before, they have not been hit. I have sunk the Siren, and other than that, I have not harmed humans, so it is not good to confuse you with Siren armor, not only I think so, but even the ship girls think so." An Zhiyuan said: "And if it's just my opinion... I think the Siren can also change from an enemy to a friend to a certain extent."

"Become friendly..." The purifier heard the words, and thought in his is impossible to become friendly. The reason for the existence of sirens is to promote human progress, although they are not as useless as those siren armors Self-awareness, but the mission is the same, there is not much difference between the two in this regard.

The role that the siren needs to play is to stand on the opposite side of humans and ship girls, and it is impossible to become friendly.

"Do you think it's okay?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

"...Maybe it can work..." The purifier said against his will, anyway, just make this guy happy...

An Zhiyuan smiled, and then said: "I think it's possible,'ll know later..."

The purifier couldn't help but said: "As far as the ship girls I see now, there is no ship girl who can be compared with the third level. If you are hit by them, you can't handle it... Admiral?"

An Zhiyuan smiled slightly, "How do you know? When your siren sisters come, you will know what I mean."

The Purifier wanted to ask why he was so confident, but he was worried that he would be suspicious of him, so he could only restrain his curiosity.

It's just that when I think of myself as a bird in this guy's cage, I still feel a little heavy.

Although I really want to pretend that I have Stockholm Syndrome, I still feel a little depressed.

There's no way, you don't need to find any reason to be caught, this guy's fleet is indeed very powerful...

"Then again, those ship girls really want me to stay with you..." The purifier suddenly remembered something, "Admiral, your tutelary mansion is in the headquarters of all humans and ship girls, Where is the ranking?"

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