Purification Pro still has some understanding of some human situations, she does not lack common sense, but lacks some judgment, she still has human shame...

An Zhiyuan blinked, this guy seems to have awakened something extraordinary...

I don't know if she is pretending, it doesn't look like she is pretending...

That's really incredible...Although Belfast thinks it's exciting, it doesn't have such a habit. It's fine to have fun once or twice, but it's not like that every day...

An Zhiyuan couldn't help asking: "Do you sirens think that it's okay to be seen by others? Humans or ship girls?"

"Ha... how could it be okay... Sirens are similar to the ship girl to some extent, it's okay to be seen by the ship girl, but it's okay to be seen by humans... let's not say that no one else except you Apart from such an opportunity, if there is such a thing as being seen by humans, then he can only kill that guy." Hearing this, the purifier rolled his eyes, and his flushed face gradually became less red.

An Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, that means that although he might have this habit, he would only do this kind of thing in front of Jian Niang, right?

"What about me...? I'm human too..." An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

"Didn't I say it all...except you..."

Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Seven

The siren wears quite a lot of clothes and is not open. It is disgusting to think about where humans see it...

An Zhiyuan is indeed special, but what makes him special is not that she has any feelings for An Zhiyuan, it's just that... now she can't resist An Zhiyuan...

The opponent's medicine is really amazing. It should not be the technology of the ship's mother or human beings, but his own. This is a little reassuring. Otherwise, if the ship's mother has this kind of medicine, wouldn't the siren be very dangerous? Yes, after all, sirens are not very good at attacking in groups, and everyone is basically doing activities (vacation) alone.

It's good to stay and live...

A few days have passed, and Purification Pro has gradually become familiar with the life here...

Strictly speaking, the Siren is not too hostile to humans and ship girls. What they want to do is to make them progress, so from time to time, they have to remind humans and ship girls of their existence. They don't really want to To massacre humans or destroy ship mothers, that runs counter to their own mission.

Compared with the ability of the ship's mother to accept them, the sirens are more likely to accept the ship's mother's...

In addition to being restricted in her freedom, Purification also feels that living here is good, although that guy always arranges some weird tasks for her...

Thinking of this, Purify pro tightened his legs, and he could faintly see traces of water from top to bottom on his knees, that guy...

However, if this kind of thing is a little more frank, it is actually not bad, but...it's too shameful to think this way, it's better to say that I don't feel it, after all, I was caught by the enemy and made me feel something, Isn't that weird?It's like shaking M metamorphosis.

In short, although he was captured, as long as he can gain the trust of that guy, he can scout for information like a spy who has been planted in. The shameful actions he has suffered will one day take revenge on him, hehe , bullied me, how could I let you go so easily?

Everyone has no objection to the admiral's allowing the purifiers to operate within a certain area of ​​the tutelary mansion. Anyway, as long as it doesn't threaten the admiral's safety, of course everyone respects An Zhiyuan's idea.

Everyone is very busy these days. Although the ship girls are very efficient at work, the workload is really heavy and it is not an easy task. Although I know that everyone will not ask him to help, An Zhiyuan still can't help but say, Seeing the girls work so hard and then sitting here and having fun is just too much...

Of course, he was rejected by the girls as a matter of course. The girls allowed An Zhiyuan to do many things, but there were a few things he couldn't do.

The first one is to abandon them, which is absolutely not allowed, unless there are special circumstances, such as in danger, and there is a bloody situation like the death of the ship's mother, although this kind of thing will not happen in terms of their combat effectiveness in guarding the mansion That's it.

The second is that the admiral cannot be tired. This is the unanimous opinion of everyone in Lexington and Missouri. With them, if the admiral feels tired because of things other than that, then they are not qualified. ..

Although I have come to this world, the ship girls here think the same way. Among them, the three maids in Belfast and the Great Emperor Mama feel that An Zhiyuan, as an admiral, master, and child, only needs to have fun. .

I don't know what other commanders are like, but An Zhiyuan, the admiral, is really very leisurely...

An Zhiyuan originally planned to go to the construction site to chat with everyone for a while, but he was driven away by the company to pick up girls. He said that he would bring Yinye back earlier, and if he brought him back, he would play a game of comparing sizes with him... Hehe, It's so superficial, and I'm totally...unable to say no to that kind of game.

So An Zhiyuan went out honestly, but before looking for the company, An Zhiyuan came to the pre-booked store for the chasing proprietress... The decoration here has finished, the storefront has been renovated, An Zhiyuan went in to have a look Look, um, it’s not bad, it’s similar to the style of Chaser’s store in Bean Blue Academy, maybe she’ll like it...

An Zhiyuan checked, and after there was nothing missing, he closed the door and came to the gate of Bilan College.

As soon as she entered the gate, she saw Yinye. She seemed to be on the phone with someone. She noticed An Zhiyuan, blinked, then waved to An Zhiyuan, and quickly hung up the phone.

An Zhiyuan walked over, then smiled and said, "Are you free now?"

"What? You just came to ask me out now? I thought you would ask me out after we came back. I don't think you are active at all." The director of the company said with a smile.

"The main reason is that the tutelary mansion still has some things to deal with... well, but it's really my fault for coming so late." An Zhiyuan showed an apologetic smile. In fact, he could spare time to come here, but he just thought of going home The girls are busy, it's not good to come out to pick up girls and fish for boats by themselves, so I didn't come out.

He doesn't have to do anything in the tutelary mansion, he is actually quite free.

But today, it can be regarded as coming out to pick up girls...Jinye has already spoken, and if he wants to take Yinye home, he must listen...

"So, you are not sincerely fishing for boats at all..." the director of the company laughed.

An Zhiyuan rubbed the back of his head and said, "I'm sincere...Really, it's just...Oh, forget it, the explanation is a kind of cover-up...Would you like to go out with me and have a cup of coffee? ?”

The dean of the company pursed his lips, then chuckled, "Then let's go..."

"Well... good." An Zhiyuan nodded, and then left the college office with the dean of the company and walked towards the coffee shop.

"Aren't the pursuers from the academy coming over? Have you arrived yet?" The company president asked with a smile, because An Zhiyuan had entrusted them to take care of the decoration of the town's facade before, so the company president said I have some understanding.

"Not yet. If you come, you can go to her shop to drink coffee. She is very good at crafting." An Zhiyuan said with a smile when he heard the words, but this is the two of them together, it seems a bit awkward to talk about the chaser Not quite right?

"Can you make coffee?" Enterprise suddenly asked.

"Huh...? I'm not very good at this, making tea is okay." An Zhiyuan blinked and said.

An Zhiyuan is a master in the town guard's mansion, and the girls don't let him do it himself. They basically soak it up by themselves, then let it cool for a while, and then drink it into their own mouths and feed it with their mouths, so An Zhiyuan is very concerned about this aspect. things are not good at.

"I will, how about, let's go to Chaser's store, and I'll make you a cup of coffee?" Enterprise asked with a smile.

"Okay, if you don't mind the trouble." An Zhiyuan nodded.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With the consent of the proprietress of the chaser, the two came to the store.

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