"Is that so..." The enterprise had a slightly weird expression when she heard the words, and then she said, "Anyway, thank you for telling me this..."

"You don't need to thank you for this kind of thing..." An Zhiyuan blinked, and said, it's not good to be so polite. If you get acquainted, you won't be so polite. You can only be polite to outsiders...

"I have some new ideas..." said the director of the company: "I will discuss with you the role that Bilan Academy needs to play after the war... In addition, I look forward to the day you bring everyone victory, You are really a good commander, An Zhiyuan."

"...What's the matter with this sentence, why does it feel like I've been issued a good person card?" An Zhiyuan asked with the corners of his mouth twitching when he heard the words.

"Good person card? Then what?" Enterprise asked.

"Well...it's often a euphemistic way of refusing the other party's request. For example, I confess to you and say that I want you to be my girlfriend, and then you say 'I'm sorry, you are a good person, but we are not suitable. 'Such."

The enterprise paused for a moment when he heard the words, and then smiled, "Well... I will use this method if I refuse you later."


"Hehe~ So, try to make it so that I have no reason to refuse~" The director of the company laughed happily.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After returning from the outside, An Zhiyuan still went to the construction site to take a look. Everyone was busy.

Even Bei Zhai, who always likes to be lazy, is working reluctantly...

A few little guys are also helping. After all, although they are children in appearance and spirit, they are ship mothers after all. Compared with the work efficiency of humans, they don't know how much higher they are.

"Admiral? Didn't I tell you not to come over?" Enterprise quickly saw An Zhiyuan, walked over, and said.

She was wearing a rustic work uniform, which was a little loose, and her good figure could not be seen.

"Look, if I don't do anything, I can't do it?" An Zhiyuan blinked and asked.

"Well...forget it, anyway, you are not allowed to do anything..." The enterprise sighed and said, "If Lexington and Missouri know that you have worked hard, then I will be scolded badly."

An Zhiyuan laughed when he heard the words, "If you really want to say it, as long as everyone doesn't say it, won't Lexington and Missouri in another world know about it?"

"It's as if we are willing to do it, you are not allowed to do it, otherwise, you will not be able to get out of bed for a month." The enterprise threatened.

Well, this kind of threat is really useful to An Zhiyuan... After all, if you don't rest for a month and only do that kind of thing, even An Zhiyuan can't stand it.

"How is it? Did you get any results when you went out today?" the company asked.

"Well, I guess there is, and I have deepened my understanding." An Zhiyuan said.

"Time is tight and the task is heavy, admiral. In half a year, you have to attack not only one company, but also other people. You have to hurry up." The company said.

Too fast, too fast, there is a feeling of urging people to catch a boat...

However, it is true that the time is getting tighter.

Because after half a year, everyone will come back, and at that time the wandering town guard project will be launched, so it is really necessary to speed up...

"This kind of thing can be said to be fast..." However, although it looks very fast, it is not just a matter of thinking, An Zhiyuan shook his head helplessly, and then said: "And, wait Now that Yubari is here, it will take a long time to build that battleship, right?"

"I asked Yubari before, and Yubari said that if we help, we can finish it within three months, so the most conservative time is nine months, nine months, you want to attack that silver-haired company, and That chaser, the proprietress, and Shangri-La..." the company counted them one by one.

"Why is there Shangri-La?" An Zhiyuan blinked and asked.

"You don't want it?" Enterprise asked An Zhiyuan, looking at him.

An Zhiyuan thought for a while, and said honestly, "I want it."

"That's it." Enterprise rolled his eyes and said.

"Don't tell me, Shangri-La is coming over again." An Zhiyuan said, "Because we captured Purification's sake, Bilan College sent two ship girls, one is Shangri-La, and the other is from here. Richelieu."

"Isn't that good?" Enterprise said, "Get that Richelieu too."

"You really think your admiral is a huge fan, you can fish whoever you say..." An Zhiyuan felt a little ashamed when he heard this.

The company looked at An Zhiyuan for a while and said: "For us, you are really a heartthrob..."

Isn't the admiral handsome?And...it's also very good...well, what's the good thing...it's just that...he's the admiral?

"Maybe it is for you, but not for them." An Zhiyuan said: "Let's see, if there is a chance, you can still get it..."

For this kind of thing, it is impossible for you to say that you have no idea of ​​fishing at all. As an admiral, what is the difference between not fishing a boat and salting fish?However, whether you can get it or not is another matter...

"Plan of Beacon College Paradise?" Enterprise said abruptly.

An Zhiyuan was silent for a while, and then said: "Have you seen that? The Gensokyo Paradise Project?"

"Ah? No, it's the book drawn by Bei Zhai. I'm drawing a new idea recently. The protagonists are you and the silver-haired company. Bei Zhai said that when you get it together, it will be published inside the tutelary mansion." Said: "I also said that I will draw a book about me and that silver-haired company with you in the future."

An Zhiyuan was a little surprised, "Do you mind if you are turned into a notebook?"

"What do you mind, it's fine if you're the leading actor anyway." The enterprise said, "Okay, I'll go talk to Belfast and see if they want her to accompany you, Dido or Sirius, I'll go ahead Go get on with your work."

"Oh..." An Zhiyuan nodded, and then the company ran over there to talk to Belfast, and soon Belfast handed over Sirius.

After seeing An Zhiyuan, Sirius smiled, "Master, good afternoon, let's go back to the tutelary mansion first, I'm a little dirty, I can't just serve the master like this."

"Do you want to go back and take a shower first?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"Well, my proud master, would you like to take a bath with me?" Sirius asked with a slightly raised corner of his mouth and a charming expression.

"Well... usually you serve me, how about I serve you today?" An Zhiyuan touched his chin and said, "Shall I help you take a bath?"

"...This is not acceptable. As the master's maid, how can I let the master serve you." Sirius shook his head upon hearing this.

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