"Do you want to stay? Not going back?" An Zhiyuan asked.

Hearing the words, Purification Blinked, then looked at An Zhiyuan, here we come!That's it, he finally started to trust himself, and then he needs to gain more trust from him... Hehe... Sooner or later, he will pay back all the bullying he has suffered!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Because of her lofty ambitions, Purification Pro has a very strong endurance, she will do whatever An Zhiyuan says.

He is really obedient and dares to do anything just to gain trust.

Who can refuse this kind of purification?

The relationship between An Zhiyuan and Purification Pro, unconsciously, has become very close...

I even got used to biting and purifying...

In order to gain trust, Purify Qin is really thorough in terms of using unscrupulous means. However, the more thoroughly she does things that Purify Qin doesn't know about, the more wary An Zhiyuan will be of her, because he really doesn't understand. The guy cooperates so much, why does he want to gain his trust?

If you just want to escape, wouldn't it be that kind of cooperation... Is the priority reversed?The reason why I want to run away is because I can't stand this kind of thing, and now I do everything just to run away... It's weird, there must be other reasons!

Although I want to let the purification pro be my leading party, but also be careful, after all, things like car rollovers are normal, so it's better to be careful.

On this day, the company came back, and An Zhiyuan told her about the Siren headquarters.

"Really? Are you going to let the Tangerine hit directly?" Enterprise asked.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Those are all your future sisters, how could they use ballistic missiles." An Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes, and said.

The enterprise smiled and said, "Have the admirals and purifiers made any progress?"

"Of course there is. Great progress has been made." An Zhiyuan said, "We have to train Purify to become our leading party, and trick her siren sisters over here."

"It's insidious." Enterprise blinked and said.

"There's nothing insidious or not, they are enemies." An Zhiyuan said righteously.

"You called someone else's wife just now, but now you are the enemy." The enterprise clicked his tongue twice and said.

"If you haven't joined our tutelary mansion, of course you're an enemy. When you join, you'll be your wife." An Zhiyuan blinked and said.

"Abducted the wife who came?" Enterprise asked.

"How can this be called abduction...We are helping them get back to the right path, we are saving the fallen sirens, we are good people!" The more An Zhiyuan talked, the more excited he said: "Willing like me Where can I find a good person who saves a girl who has lost her footing, and calls them his wife just to give her the feeling of being at home..."

Enterprise looked at An Zhiyuan, knowing that the admiral had a thick skin, but he didn't expect it to be this thick.

"All right, all right, you are a good person..." the enterprise said, "I'm so tired~ Admiral..."

"Come on, let me hug you and restore your strength." An Zhiyuan opened his hands and said.

"No, it's just a waste of energy..." Enterprise said with a smile, but even though he said so, Enterprise took the initiative to hug An Zhiyuan.

"I sweated a little and my body is a little sticky. Let's go to the hot spring together." The company said.

An Zhiyuan nodded, "Okay, let's go, have you talked to the others?"

"Not yet, didn't we ask for your consent first." Enterprise let go of An Zhiyuan and said with a smile.

"Why do you think I will refuse?" An Zhiyuan raised his eyebrows and said.

"For example, do you have other arrangements?" The enterprise said: "Maybe you have an appointment with a sister, and maybe you want to play some weird games, so it's better to ask."

"What a coincidence, there is no appointment, let's go, call everyone, and go to the hot spring." An Zhiyuan said: "If you are tired, you can lean on my shoulder."

Enterprise obediently leaned on An Zhiyuan's shoulder and said, "Although I'm not tired, I'm just joking when I say I'm tired, but it's not bad to lean on your shoulder..."

"Aren't you tired? The workload is so heavy?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"I'm a ship girl, and a nuclear-powered ship girl. Don't underestimate me. The battery life is beyond the limit." The enterprise said: "Don't talk about me, everyone can't be tired. After all, apart from super physical strength, And super recovery ability."

Speaking of recovery ability, An Zhiyuan's expression became a little strange... Jianniang's recovery ability is indeed terrifying, especially in that aspect, girls often restrain themselves, otherwise, if you let go, An Zhiyuan really can't stand it, and will become an adult dry.

Even An Zhiyuan now...

In short, after notifying everyone, a group of people came to the hot spring hotel slowly, and everyone was discussing whether to build a small tram or rail car near the tutelary mansion and the hot spring hotel to make it easier to pass, otherwise it would be impossible to go back and forth like this Quite a waste of time.

An Zhiyuan thought it was a good idea, and decided to go back and see how the design was built.

Although the island where An Zhiyuan's Guardian Mansion is located is now a small island compared to the island where Yala Town is located, it is only equivalent. In fact, the island is very large. It takes a lot of time to run around. Railcars or trams, light rails and the like are pretty good...

...real modernization...

However, if the aviation battleship is really built, he and they will not stay in the tutelary mansion for long...

But this is home after all, and it still needs to be built. Let's plan it carefully when we come back later.

Soaking in hot springs, soaking in hot springs, is it hot springs?

Anyway, when the little girls heard the voice from next door, they knew how to blush, and smelled the situation of the people around them incomprehensibly, like a unicorn sent to their door, they didn't know what was going on next door, she seemed to hear the light My sister was crying, and...it was strange, she had never heard such a sound from sister Guanghui.

Xiao Zhai blushed and shook her head, expressing that she didn't know, but in fact, of course she knew what was going on, after all, that kind of thing was seen a lot...

As for the purification pro here, his face turned rosy when he saw them getting together, this... this... this is too much, isn't it?

Don't they all say that those who become commanders are the most outstanding among human beings?Why do you still do this?

Purification pro put her legs together so that other people would not find her unbearable. Seeing the scene that she couldn't bear to look directly at, Purification pro couldn't move her eyes, as if she could only stare in that direction.

I...will this guy do this kind of thing again...don't...how can this be, I have to run away before that...

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