An Zhiyuan did not want it, after all, the current pursuer is not her own wife, and if she said no, the pursuer would definitely not want it, and she would definitely not take her things for nothing, that's it.

"The matter here is settled, and then, I want to pay a visit to the college office." The chaser said with a smile: "It can be regarded as a greeting. After all, the college office is also needed to support some business."

An Zhiyuan nodded, then looked at Guanghui and the unicorn, and said, "Then let's go back first, if you want to come to me, my tutelary mansion is..."

After telling the pursuers the coordinates of his guarding mansion, An Zhiyuan took Guanghui and the unicorn back first. If he was the only one, An Zhiyuan would not mind being a tour guide and introduce her here. However, since Both Guanghui and Unicorn are here, An Zhiyuan has no such plan.

An Zhiyuan, Guanghui and the unicorn had just walked a few steps, when Guanghui asked, "Is this really okay? Admiral, it doesn't matter what we say, aren't you going to win Miss Chaser?"

"I'm not in a hurry..." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, "Besides, I think the pursuers will probably come to visit later."

"Really... I hope the unicorn and I don't cause trouble for the admiral..." Guanghui said apologetically. She came to pick up the pursuer to thank her for the relationship between her and the admiral. It's just a help... After all, the two of them at that time... um, no, it was the three sisters and the admiral who met in the dessert shop of the pursuer... They, and the admiral, were also at that time. .. came together.

As the proprietress of the Land of Origin, Guanghui came to greet the pursuer, and didn't mean to disturb the two of them, which made Guanghui feel a little guilty.

"It's nothing to cause trouble." An Zhiyuan patted her hand, shook his head with a smile, "Don't think that you will cause trouble to me."

Guanghui held An Zhiyuan's hand and nodded slightly.

Here, the chaser who came to the academy office visited the director of the company.

"Dean of the enterprise." The chaser greeted her with a smile after seeing the enterprise.

"It's a chaser, are you here today? Hmm...Sorry, I seem to remember the wrong date...Mmm, but I believe An Zhiyuan won't remember wrongly." Enterprise smiled and said: "Also, Don't call me the dean of the company anymore, I am no longer the dean, you can just call me by my name."

Only in front of An Zhiyuan, she will not correct this problem, because An Zhiyuan still has a company, and it is too strange for him to call her own name directly, don't just call her his company, so , An Zhiyuan called the director of the company most of the time, and the company never corrected it.

The chaser blinked when he heard the words, and smiled slightly, "He...doesn't forget..."

"You came here, you should have already thought about it?" The company asked the chaser to sit down, and then asked with a smile.

"Well... If I don't make a decision, I won't leave Bilan Academy." The chaser nodded.

"When did you have this idea? The idea of ​​joining the headquarters?" Enterprise asked with a smile.

The pursuer must have made a decision to come here from Bilan College, or else he traveled across the Pacific Ocean just to give An Zhiyuan a chance...?No, the chaser is also giving herself a chance. She already has the idea of ​​joining the headquarters, but right now, it's just that headquarters.

"Since... An Zhiyuan came back with the three Guanghui sisters, I have had this idea." The chaser brushed his hair and said, "The three sisters used to be the kind of firm non-joiners, maybe Guanghui I thought about it before, but I seemed to give up later, but after that, they all joined An Zhiyuan's headquarters... After all, it's too long to be alone... I'm quite envious of the three Guanghui sisters... Such a big sister younger sister..."

"Really..." Hearing this, the enterprise lowered its head and smiled.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Walking on the street, looking at the streets with people coming and going, the chaser looked at the town curiously.

It seems a little inappropriate to say that it is a small town. It is probably just that it has not been reorganized yet. This can already be regarded as a human city, right?There are quite a lot of people, definitely more people than Bilan College, Bilan College only has a total of tens of thousands of girls, there are at least 50 people going up here.

There are not many dessert shops in a town with so many people... The chaser heard from An Zhiyuan that because this place is very close to another small island, most people buy desserts on the next island. In terms of entertainment and food in another town It is more developed, and here, there are more residential areas, so there is a certain difference.

But... even if there are many people, it's useless... After all, who knows how long this store has been open?The chaser shook his head, returned to his store, checked the store again, and then began to clean and deal with it. After finishing it, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon...

The chaser made some desserts and was ready to visit An Zhiyuan.

As soon as he got here, he could open a shop. An Zhiyuan helped a lot, so of course he had to come to thank him.

By the way, I also made An Zhiyuan a cup of coffee with milk that he usually likes.

It's easy to find the general location. Besides, the pursuers know that An Zhiyuan's headquarters is on a separate island, and it's not too small, so it's almost unmistakable...

Soon, the chaser knew this place, and from a long distance, the chaser saw standing at the port talking to a ship girl she had never seen before...

The chaser has seen many warships, most of them, only a very small number of special warships, because she opened a dessert shop in Bilan College, which is the capital of warships, so naturally she has seen many warships , but obviously, the cute little ship girl who was staying with An Zhiyuan was a ship girl she had never seen before.

But it's no wonder, An Zhiyuan already had a lot of special ships, and the little Thirby and the company that he brought with him back then were all special ships.

An Zhiyuan and Sigsby were chatting, An Zhiyuan asked her sister Fletcher's situation, and then Sigsby saw the pursuers coming this way.

However, Sigsby discovered the pursuer very early. She discovered it when she left the port of Yala Town. It was scanned by the radar. She is equipped with an active phased array radar. After the transformation, there is an advantage, that is Ignoring the original four equipment slots, now that the ship can fit them, they can use them. Anyway, there are many advantages after the transformation.

New Jersey also installed active phased array radar, so that even if the company does not attack with them, they can still detect the enemy from a long distance, and can effectively protect the sisters.

"The a guest." Sigsby pulled An Zhiyuan and whispered.

An Zhiyuan turned his head to look, and it was not clear who it was from a distance. However, the other party was sailing directly at sea, so it must be the ship's wife. Considering that the ship's wife who would come to visit, it was probably the boss's wife who was chasing her.

An Zhiyuan raised his hand and waved at her. The pursuers were holding things in both hands, so there was no way to send a signal back to An Zhiyuan...

When the pursuer approached the port, An Zhiyuan discovered that the pursuer was still holding some packing boxes.

An Zhiyuan said: "Come here, come here, bring anything else."

"Since it's a visit, of course you have to prepare a gift. This is a small dessert I prepared for you according to your previous ordering habits. Although the amount is not a lot, it is still a good intention. I hope you don't dislike it." The chaser smiled. Said.

What do you mean the amount is not a lot? Didn't you bring a big bag here...

"How could you dislike it..." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, then took the packaged dessert belt that was handed over by the pursuer, then lightly patted Sigsby on the shoulder beside him, and said: "Say hello, Sigsby, this is Chaser, the lady proprietress of the dessert shop that the admiral met at Bilan College before."

"Hello, Sister Chaser." Sigsby bowed obediently towards her and greeted her, "I am the Fletcher-class guided missile destroyer, Sigsby."

"Hello, little sister..." Missile destroyer?what is that?The pursuers were a little confused.

"Well, let's go, let's go to the hall." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

The pursuer nodded, then looked around but saw no one else.

"Where are the others? Don't you have many ship girls?" the chaser asked curiously.

"On the other side of the island, they are building an airport." An Zhiyuan said.

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