"...That's right." Purification kiss nodded, really a little scared, after all, after making a certain decision, you will bear the corresponding consequences.

"Don't be afraid, although it hurts a little bit at that time, but we are ship girls... Oh, I forgot that you are a siren, but it should be the same, it's just a little bit at first, but it's gone soon. "York City recalled his original situation and said.

Most of the guarding mansions have no experience in this area, and those who do not have this experience are naturally considered by the admiral to be too young to be promoted. Of course, those who can be promoted have first-time experience, and everyone's experience is different. Almost, they all felt that that kind of thing didn't hurt much, and they were quickly overwhelmed by pleasure.

"..." Qingqing heard this and didn't know what to say, who is afraid of this kind of thing... She is still a siren after all, how could she be afraid of pain...

"Well, if you can't make up your mind, let me knock on the door for you." York City thought for a while and said with a smile.

"Ah...?" Kiss Purification raised his head, and saw Yorktown coming to the door, and knocked lightly on the door. Kiss Purification wanted to stop it, but it was too late, "Hey..."

York City turned around and smiled brightly at her, and soon, the door was opened.

An Zhiyuan's room has two floors, the first floor is the office, and the inside of the office is his bedroom. It's so late now, and Xili, who is the secretary ship, is of course not here, but because the airport is still under construction In fact, except for Xili coming back to deal with some things in the morning, he was not there most of the time.

It was An Zhiyuan who opened the door, because he called Purification Pro at night. Although An Zhiyuan didn't accompany anyone else tonight, after opening the door, he saw York City other than Evolution Pro.

"Come in." An Zhiyuan opened the door and said with a smile.

York City originally planned to leave, but was left behind by An Zhiyuan, "It's all here, why are you leaving?"

York City blinked when he heard the words, and then followed in with a smile.

An Zhiyuan closed the door, and walked into the bedroom with the two of them.

As soon as the purification kiss came to the bedroom, my heart was pounding....

Thinking of what was about to happen, Purification couldn't help but blush...

She doesn't know much about things between humans, but it just so happens that this last step, the secret of human reproduction, is to purify the few things she knows about. If it is said that those weird customs that An Zhiyuan taught her before It made Purification pro a little confused to tell whether it was true or false, then this, Purification pro is very clear about what he is going to face.

Three hundred and ninety first chapter sinking or lurking

"Sit by the bed." An Zhiyuan said.

Kiss Purify bit her lip, looking a bit hesitant, York City pulled Purify Kiss to sit beside the bed when seeing this.

Purification pro didn't resist, or in other words, she was powerless after taking the medicine, she was just an ordinary girl now.

"You're blushing, are you nervous?" An Zhiyuan sat next to Purification's side, and then York City stood up, and sat from the other side of Purification's side to An Zhiyuan's.

"No, don't be nervous..." Purifying Qin's face is still very rosy. Obviously, she doesn't know how to do superficial work. If it is An Zhiyuan, An Zhiyuan can act righteously while feeling very happy. .

"I can tell at a glance whether you are nervous or not." An Zhiyuan said: "There is no need to be so nervous, and it is not a very special thing. On the contrary, it is a very common thing...Maybe for you sirens, there is no need to worry about it." So ordinary... But this matter itself is quite ordinary."

The sirens don't come into contact with humans, so naturally there won't be such a thing. The sirens are all women.

Purification pursed his lips, not knowing what to say or what to do.

Although An Zhiyuan asked her to come here, she understood what was going to happen, but she didn't know what to do. In this respect, she was a complete novice.

An Zhiyuan said, "It's not good if you're so nervous."

An Zhiyuan looked at York City, and then said: "Why don't York City and I demonstrate it to you."


Purification kiss turned her head to look at An Zhiyuan, and found that An Zhiyuan was already hugging York City, Purification kiss turned redder, and she subconsciously covered her eyes with her hands.

Although the process was wonderful, it was obvious that Purification Pro had been in a state of brain fever, and I didn’t know how much I had written down. Anyway, when An Zhiyuan and Purification Pro came, Purification Pro didn’t seem to have learned much, but this jerky It feels good too.

In a daze, the purification pro handed himself over, which also symbolized that the purification pro was completely unable to leave this tutelary mansion that was like quicksand to the siren.

the next day...

Purification pro stood on the port, the sea breeze blew, her hair was blown up, she stood in the sea breeze, a little messy.

Just like that, I really handed over my first time...

My God...Before I was arrested, I never realized that I would have such a relationship with a human being...

What should I do about this...Although I said that I want to gain the trust of the other party, isn't my sacrifice too big... Should I really follow the observer and leave the night before?

Cleansing kissed his forehead, feeling a little headache.

Moreover, did the other party really trust her more?If you really trust, why are you still feeding yourself that medicine?

Although Purification Pro was a little slow to respond, but now I understand that the other party still has some doubts about her...

However, this kind of thing happened...I am willing to give myself to him, so I should...not be so wary of myself, right?

This kind of thing, after the first time, I believe there will be a second and third time soon... and the feeling of doing that kind of thing is really indescribable, if you do it more times, you may like that feeling or maybe.

Purification is actually a bit confused now, she can't help but think, is it worth it... But every time she thinks about it, there is no result in the end, only one sentence: "I have paid so much, so naturally I can't give up halfway."

Moreover, Purification touched his chest, and there was a strange feeling there, as if he had established some special connection with that Admiral An Zhiyuan, this feeling was very subtle, neither she nor the other sirens felt this way, but After what happened last night, I have such a connection with An Zhiyuan...

This is a very subtle feeling... It's as if I and An Zhiyuan are connected together, and there is an invisible line between them...

On An Zhiyuan's side, in fact, he already planned not to take medicine for Purification Pro. This was indeed a risky act, and was opposed by the girls. Yixin, if she wants to hurt the admiral, at such a close distance, even if they stay with the admiral [-]/[-], the admiral is likely to be affected.

Seeing that the girls objected, An Zhiyuan didn't insist. After all, his life was not just his own.

However, a bond has actually been established between the two of them. Sure enough, just as he and the deep-sea flagship can establish a bond, so can he and the Siren.

After the fetters are established, there will be a very magical and subtle feeling in my heart, probably that if the other party encounters something bad, you will be flustered, and if the other party has something happy, you will also be infected. More importantly, the two The relationship between people will quickly heat up under the effect of fetters.

This can also help Purify Qin face his own heart. One of the reasons why An Zhiyuan decided not to give Purify Qin to take medicine is because he thinks that Purify Pro may really like this way of life.

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