In the end, Richelieu said, "Although it's bad for me to say that, this commander named An Zhiyuan is a bit too powerful..."

"I know what you're worried about, and my gut tells me, don't worry," the business said.

North Carolina looked at the company and said: "After all, human beings are not ship mothers, and they may fall... Commander An Zhiyuan, who has such a powerful headquarters, if he falls, I'm afraid even we won't be able to stop it at that time. After one knows if he has other special ships...Those powerful ship girls are not something we can stop."

Shangri-la frowned, "As the dean of Bilan Academy, it's not good to say such things and question the character of the commander."

North Carolina said with some guilt: "Sorry, I also know this is unlikely to happen, but..."

"There should be no but." Enterprise interrupted North Carolina, "You will live here for a period of time, and you will have a lot of contact with Commander An Zhiyuan. By then, you will be able to understand what kind of person An Zhiyuan is. Now, if you know him well, you know that it is absolutely impossible for a person like him to 'degenerate'."

North Carolina nodded, "I'll do it."

It's not that North Carolina can't trust An Zhiyuan, but she put forward such an idea to let everyone understand the possibility. It can't be said that they trust An Zhiyuan unconditionally, but the company has said so. Perhaps, An Zhiyuan does have something worthy of people. Place of trust...

Shangri-La said: "I also believe that An Zhiyuan will never do anything overstepping."

Richelieu said: "Sorry, I shouldn't talk about this topic..."

Enterprise shook his head and said: "This is also normal. After all, if a headquarters is strong enough to ignore Bilan Academy, it should have such considerations. It's just that An Zhiyuan can be trusted."

Shangri-La looked at the enterprise, then blinked, and laughed, "You seem to trust An Zhiyuan a lot? You don't like him, do you?"

Enterprise shook his head, did not show a guilty conscience, and said: "It's just that he has always given me this feeling. He should not have too many pursuits, and even in some respects, he can be regarded as having no desires and no desires." If you don’t have a goal to pursue, you will naturally not fall.”

Chapter 16 Essex and CV[-]

As soon as An Zhiyuan returned to the tutelary mansion, he received a message from another world. It was from Yubari, saying that Essex and CV16 had finally completed their transformation, and they had officially become CVN.

Tomorrow, two people will be able to come here.

Well, my dumplings and Mrs. Dumplings are coming.

In that case, the strength of the tutelary fortress would have been stabilized. Enterprise, Tangyu, New Jersey, Sigsby, Essex, CV16, the strength of this team was already terrifying.

Not to mention there are so many other fully trained ship girls.

However, in fact, there is a great possibility that the Siren will not come over now... An Zhiyuan touched his chin, but if the Purification Pro-Rebellion turns to their side, then one after another may appear The sirens were tricked, and sooner or later those sirens will feel that something is wrong...and maybe come to save these sirens...

Hmm... But in this case, how much strength does the Siren have...?After all, if you deceived the Siren and became your own person, it became your own combat power. If the combat power of both sides is 10, then the Siren rebelled and joined the tutelary fort. Wondering, the tutelary fort will become 15, and the siren becomes 5, what else is there to play, all of them are caught and tuned...well, education.

Therefore, what needs to be done now is to let the purified relative who has broken through the relationship further fall into his hands, and finally become a "nightmare" for the sirens.

And in another world...

"Has Mr. Bell not come back yet?" CV16 came to Essex and asked.

Essex shook her head. She pursed her lips and did not speak. Although Essex is full of emotions, she is not very talkative. The expression on his face was just a little inarticulate.

"That's it... It's fine if we leave now. If Mr. Bell hasn't come back when everyone leaves, it will be a little troublesome." CV16 thought for a while and said.

Essex nodded, and then said: "But I believe Bell will come back before."

"I hope so, sister, it's time for us to leave." CV16 said: "The admiral needs us now."

Essex nodded, stood up, took a deep breath, and said, ", before you leave...don't you go say hello to them in Lexington...? I'll wait for you to come back , and then we'll go find Hancock and Ticonderoga."

CV16 nodded, "Well, okay, I'll go say hello to Senior Lexington..."

With that said, CV16 turned around and left the Essex room.

Senior Lexington... This name has a special meaning to CV16, because her name is also called Lexington.

However, because she is an Essex class, and her sister, Teacher Essex, is called Dumpling by the admiral, she also has the title of Mrs. Dumpling.

Therefore, although it is Essex class, it is always counted in the Lexington class, but this trouble is not only hers, other people such as Phelps are also counted. In the Lexington class, the reason is that she looks like Lexington.

They have been merged into Lie family... Well, CV16 is not disgusted either.

It is a good thing that the tutelary mansion loves each other.

CV16 came to Lexington's room. During this time, Richelieu was handling official business, so both Lexington and Missouri are resting now, although the current senior Lexington must be in his room.

As Lie's family, CV16 also has the right to live here, so she didn't knock on the door, but pushed the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Saratoga lying on the sofa lazily looking at his mobile phone. Hearing the sound of the door opening, Saratoga looked towards the door, found CV16, and put his mobile phone on the coffee table , CV16 took a look, it was a group photo of the admiral and senior Saratoga together, it seems that senior Saratoga misses her brother-in-law in name, but actually her husband's admiral.

"CV16, are you leaving?" Saratoga asked.

In fact, at the beginning, the relationship between Saratoga and CV16 was a little subtle, because CV16 was an aircraft carrier that inherited her sister's name "Lexington". It was because her sister sank in history, so CV16 used this name , for this junior who looks somewhat similar to her elder sister and has the same name as her elder sister, if you say that Saratoga can treat her as if nothing had happened, it is a bit too reluctant.

However, after getting along for a long time, it’s really nothing. What’s more, after being compared on the bed by the admiral, there is no barrier. In addition, they are all Li family members recognized by the admiral, so the current Saratoga and CV16 The relationship is actually pretty good.

"Well, so, I want to say hello." CV16 nodded.

Saratoga pouted, "That's great..."

Saratoga knew that it was impossible to choose her. Although the performance was almost the same after the transformation, she had a special identity. She was Lexington's younger sister, the younger sister of the wife in the port area, and the admiral's sister-in-law, Philp Su and CV16 can go, but she, her sister Lexington, and her sister Constellation cannot. Of course, it has not yet been decided who is the sister of Constellation or Saratoga.

Hearing this sentence, CV16 touched the back of his head, not knowing what to say.

"My sister's words are in the room. If you want to find her, just go to her room and look for her." Saratoga also realized that what he said made CV16 a little embarrassed, so he said quickly, changing the topic move away.

Alas... I miss my brother-in-law so much... That's why I have a sour tone...

CV16 nodded, and walked towards Lexington's room. The door was unlocked. As soon as CV16 walked to the door, he heard the gentle voice of Senior Lexington, "Come in, CV16."

CV16 walked in and found that Lexington was sitting in front of his computer. Lexington stood up after seeing CV16, and smiled at her, "Are you leaving?"

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