Of course, this is off topic, and Purification Pro didn't think about it, she said: "So, you can accept children?"

"You can only accept little girls, but anyway, we can't give birth without taking medicine, and we can only give birth to girls if we take medicine, so of course we can accept the daughter of the master." Belfast said with a smile, her voice It was very low, but Purification could still hear clearly, "If there is a daughter, I will also train her to be a maid and take care of her father all the time?"

Purification pro rolled her eyes, are you a qualified mommy...

I have been brainwashing people since I was a child...

But it can't be considered brainwashing...

It's a bit annoying to purify my dear, the more I think about it, the more I feel that if An Zhiyuan takes that medicine for himself, he will really be finished...

In fact, it's normal for my daughter to like to cling to An Zhiyuan. The bloodline plus the fetters of the ship's mother and the admiral are almost equivalent to directly doubling the original favorability, and there are bonuses for the increase, and the favorability will be full soon.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Belfast could feel that she was afraid of something, she just smiled, ready to tell her master about it secretly...

Help the master control this siren, and let her truly join the tutelary mansion. Now, this is one of everyone's responsibilities.

Although Belfast has other things to do, she still sits by the bed and waits for her master to get up. Compared with other things, it is more important to let the master meet his needs after getting up. Is there anything else than a master?Of course not.

Purification is also worrying about the child, neither of them spoke, but An Zhiyuan still woke up, and when he woke up, he saw Belfast's face, rubbed his eyes, and yawned, "O Belfast..."

"Master, I'm here. Do you need anything?" Belfast said softly. Although the master is usually awake at this point, since the master has not woken up when he came, it is natural for the master to wake up. Meet all the needs of the owner.

"It's okay... just let me hug you." An Zhiyuan smiled at her, his voice still had the weird feeling of just waking up.

Belfast smiled at An Zhiyuan, then lay down on An Zhiyuan's chest, letting his master hug him.

After hugging him, An Zhiyuan let go of Belfast, and looked at Purify, who was staring at him and wondering what he was thinking, "What's wrong with you? Why are you in a daze?"

"Huh...? It's nothing..." Purification came back to his senses after hearing the words, and said with a pout.

"Miss Purifier wants a child." Belfast said with a smile.

"Huh?" An Zhiyuan was a little surprised when he heard the words, child...?

What is the purpose of having children?Could it be that she planned to give birth to a child and take the child away to threaten herself?No, if it's a child, she doesn't have the strength to take it away. On the contrary, it will become a means for him to threaten her. Of course, he will not use his child, he is just deducing it as a profit concept, and, Who said that the purification pro can run away?

"Huh?" Purification Pro was obviously also surprised, "I...I..."

Who said I want a baby!What is this stinky maid talking about?

But An Zhiyuan, who quickly thought of something, said with a smile, "Okay, if you want a child..."

"No, no, no... I don't want a child!" Purification pro said quickly, if she wanted a child, wouldn't she really be locked here? !

"Why don't you want a child? Isn't that the crystallization of our relationship? Or, dear Purify, do you think our relationship is not good enough?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

You only need to express your doubts a little bit, and Purification Pro will be forced to accept it.

Sure enough, these words made Purify pro a little hesitant. She obviously didn't want to arouse An Zhiyuan's suspicion, but this matter was related to her future affairs. Will be locked here for half my life...

If that's the case, I won't be able to leave here...

But if I continue to deny it, with An Zhiyuan's attitude now, I will definitely be suspected. If it is more serious, I will even doubt whether I am a spy. In that case, wouldn't all my efforts be in vain? ?

Efforts in vain, and not being able to get out of here, a choice to make...

I came here to inquire about information... Purification, please bite your lip... If all the efforts I have made are in vain, it's just that I can't inquire about information, and I probably won't be able to leave either. He will still be locked up here. Instead of doing this, it's better to let An Zhiyuan trust him. Even if he can't leave him, it's okay. When the time comes, it's enough for him to cooperate with others to beat him up...Stay here, stay here ...I can also reveal information to other sirens.

Finally, Purify pro made up his mind.

"I...well... want a child..." Purification pro nodded.

Belfast looked at Purifier, the smile on his face remained unchanged, hehe, what an irrational decision, from Miss Purifier's own point of view, even if he doubts himself, there are other ways to dispel it Doubtful, but if once the child is born... Belfast doesn't believe that Miss Purifier will leave her child behind.

If that's the case, wouldn't he be bound to the tutelary mansion for the rest of his life?And if there is a child, Miss Purifier, I am afraid she will not be able to control her feelings for her master.


Belfast is in a happy mood, as long as it is beneficial to the admiral, she feels very happy.

What is a good maid who is wholeheartedly thinking about her master, this is it!

"Then, Belfast, after that, you will take Evolution Pro to get the medicine yourself." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Belfast still smiled, "Okay master, then, master, are you going to get up now?"

"Hmm..." An Zhiyuan nodded, since Purification Brother needs to take medicine, he will have to fight later.

"I've prepared it for you." Belfast said with a smile: "The bathtub has been filled with water, my master, do you need me to serve you?"

"No, you can go take the medicine with Purify." An Zhiyuan said.

An Zhiyuan's room always has milk production medicine, but there is no medicine for giving birth. After all, not every mother wants to take medicine for giving birth. An Zhiyuan mainly respects their own ideas. Although there is no need to have children, but If everyone wants to have a child, An Zhiyuan will definitely not object, just like Guanghui before.

Belfast brought Purification Pro to the warehouse where the medicine was stored. Then, Belfast took out the medicine, poured out a capsule, and handed it to Purification Pro.

The effect of this drug is very short and only lasts for a few hours, so you must do something within these few hours, otherwise taking it is equivalent to taking it for nothing, but there are no side effects.

Purification kissed the capsule in the palm of his hand, bit his lip, and threw it into his mouth, swallowing it.

Seeing her cooperate so well, Belfast smiled even more happily.


Belfast took a look at the fancy drug...

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