I don't know, how long has it been since I saw these scenes... Is she okay...?My sister...Richelieu...Let Barr shake her head, she has basic knowledge of this world, maybe there will be a few Richelieus in this world...After all...If you want to be in their Richelieu within this tutelary mansion can be regarded as...

There are not many Richelieus, there is only one Richelieu, and that is one of the captains of the attacking team of the Bilan College, that is, the Richelieu who is currently stationed in the office of the Solomon Islands College, and Jean Bart also has only one ...French battleships are very rare, and there are more Japanese, British, and American ships of the same rank, but most of them are ships with low rarity, such as white ships and blue ships. Gold ships are actually not Many.

Maybe it's because of fate, after Richelieu came, An Zhiyuan built Jean Bart...Of course, An Zhiyuan doesn't know that there is only one Richelieu, and there is only one Jean Bart, so... ..

As a commander, you should know these things, but An Zhiyuan has no interest in this aspect, so he didn't understand...

However, building Jean Bart is a kind of destiny in itself, and there is no need to know anything about it.

The two sisters will meet soon, right?

Although they are not sisters in the same tutelary mansion, there is a premise that both of them are the only ones in the world...

Richelieu of the academy office raised his head, looked in the direction of An Zhiyuan's guard mansion, and frowned.

"What's wrong?" North Carolina was beside her, seeing this, asked.

"Well... nothing, I just feel... there seems to be a familiar feeling..." Richelieu shook his head slightly when he heard the words, and lowered his head again, it was... his own illusion.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Let Barr also look in the direction of the college office in Yala Town... The feeling just now... is it...?

She thought about it, then shook her head again, it was just an illusion, how could such a coincidence happen...

An Zhiyuan brought Dafeng and Jean Barr to the airport, introduced Dafeng and Jean Barr to everyone, and also introduced everyone to Jean Barr. Seeing that there were already so many people in the guard house, Dafeng's heart It's a little bit cool... this... this love rival seems a bit too much...

The current Dafeng also knows that An Zhiyuan still has many ship girls who have not come...

Barr was a little surprised to see so many people... It seems that the tutelary mansion is actually very strong?She has already felt a lot of powerful auras...in addition...Let Baal see the purification...

Hmm... The feeling of purification is completely different from other people's feelings. It's a bit like her own aura that is marked as the enemy's siren armor in common sense... But everyone didn't find it strange... Let Barr couldn't be sure if it was the enemy... it was the enemy, and he seemed to be unable to fight it now...

However, seeing Dafeng, Xili was very happy.

There are not many Japanese in the tutelary mansion, one in Fuso and one in Yuli. Among them, Fuso is still a Japanese in R series, and Yuli is the only Japanese in B series... Now I finally have a new companion...

However, Dafeng and Jean Barr, who were just built today, of course will not stay here to chat with everyone while working. Today is their day, so An Zhiyuan brought Dafeng and Jean Barr to meet After meeting the others, I took the tram to the tutelary mansion again.

On the way back, it seemed that because she felt that she might not have a chance of winning in front of so many people, Dafeng couldn't hold back any longer. After she got in the car, she sat beside An Zhiyuan, ignoring Jean Barna's slightly subtle With his eyes, after the tram started, he even took the initiative to sit on An Zhiyuan's lap.

At such a close distance, the fragrance from Dafeng's body almost filled An Zhiyuan's nose, it smells so good...

Dafeng stretched out his arms to wrap An Zhiyuan's neck, and then said with a resentful face: "Admiral...do you not like him...why have you...didn't say anything..."

An Zhiyuan blinked when he heard the words, then put his arms around Dafeng's waist, and kissed her on the mouth.

express?I'm the best at this. When you come to my room later, I'll show you well!

An Zhiyuan's sudden attack caught Dafeng a little surprised, because her previous performance should have been attractive enough, and the admiral did nothing except occasionally show a bit of shy eyes, so Dafeng had no choice but to take the initiative. She originally thought that the admiral was the kind of lustful little pervert who was about to seduce An Zhiyuan, but she didn't expect the admiral to take the initiative himself...

Well... Accidents are accidents, Dafeng will not refuse the admiral's initiative~

Seeing that the two were kissing together, Rang Barr blushed slightly, and quickly turned his head aside, looking at the forest outside the window...

These two people... Dafeng and her built it together, did they get together with the admiral in such a short time?Don't you need to develop feelings...?

Facts have proved that different ship girls have different ways of expressing their emotions at different stages.

It is built, because it is the builder's sake, so it comes with a 50 favorability degree. For most ship girls, a 50 favorability degree is equivalent to being curious about you and wanting to know more about you, but for a very small number of ships For mothers, 50 favorability means that they recognize you, such as Dido and Sirius, and Dafeng also belongs to this category.

Even though I only have [-] favorability points, and I don’t even know him very well, it’s okay... It’s not too late to get to know him later, because this is my Lord Admiral... There is still a long chance to get along with him in the future. There are still many opportunities, why waste time to understand now, hurry up and do some happy things with the admiral, that is the most important thing!

Moreover, isn't doing those happy things also a way to understand the admiral?

The difference in ideas resulted in their different approaches, but obviously, An Zhiyuan could accept it no matter what it was.

An Zhiyuan let go of Dafeng, and whispered in Dafeng's ear: "Do you know what is called the Tram Wolf?"

Dafeng's eyes were still a little blurred... But after hearing An Zhiyuan's words, she gradually came to her senses, and then shook her head in confusion. She has common sense in this world, but obviously, the wolf of the tram is not included in her In common sense...

An Zhiyuan probably told Dafeng about the situation of the Tram Wolf, Dafeng's face was a little rosy when he heard the words, it turned out that he was wrong at all, such an admiral, how could he be a little pervert with lust but no courage. ..This is obviously super experienced, okay? There is no need to take the initiative, but to be taken away by the admiral~

Of course, Dafeng likes it more like this~ The feeling of being guided by the beloved admiral, being taken away by him... the feeling of being completely controlled by him, this feeling... makes Dafeng want to stop!

"Okay, you probably understand what happened to Tram Wolf?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Dafeng nodded, she looked at An Zhiyuan with some admiration in her eyes, she would adore the Admiral's wife because of this kind of thing... not many, right?

After nodding, Dafeng got off An Zhiyuan's body, then stood up, reached out and grabbed the handrail above, the purpose of this handrail is actually to play this kind of game, this car can't shake, Mrs. The bottom of the chassis is super stable. Except for the little princess, it is impossible to wrestle. There is no need for handrails at all. The handrails are used to fix them when playing some small games...

Although An Zhiyuan and Dafeng were talking in secret, to Jian Niang, at such a distance, talking in secret was basically meaningless, even Baer could hear her, and her face became more rosy... This admiral...is really amazing...this...if the admiral wants to act like Dafeng...what should I do?

In fact, I thought too much. Although An Zhiyuan is an old critic, he will never take the initiative to do too intimate things when the girls are not satisfied. An Zhiyuan also has a bottom line. It was Dafeng who took the initiative, so An Zhiyuan started to fight back... No, there was no response, it must be a eunuch, and An Zhiyuan is not a eunuch, so...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Let Barr blush... The speed of the tram slowed down, the scene outside was moving slowly, the journey time is not short...

Although Barr turned his head and looked out of the window most of the time, but...some voices could still come in...

It wasn't until the tram arrived that the admiral and Dafeng restrained themselves.

However, in fact, the two of them didn't go too far, they just simulated the wolf of the tram, and it was at the initial stage, such as a little bit of hands and so on... But obviously, Dafeng is a little obsessed with this feeling , When I got off the car, I told An Zhiyuan that I would experience this feeling later...

An Zhiyuan thought to himself, this is not good... refuse?But next time, it won't be so simple, and Dafeng said "just come".

Of course, the admiral of the abbot meets the ship's mother abbott, then the result is...

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