An Zhiyuan smiled and said, "No hurry, no hurry."

After speaking, An Zhiyuan put his arms around Dafeng, and said, "Have you tried on the clothes I bought for you this afternoon?"

Dafeng heard the words and said: "Of course, it was a gift from the admiral. Of course I tried it on, but the chest is a little tight, otherwise it fits very well."

Chest a little tighter?It's not because you're in such a good shape...

But having said that, I really want to bring Noshiro back and become the exclusive designer of the tutelary mansion!

"Yes, it's very tight... If the admiral wants to let go and come in, it's absolutely impossible." Dafeng said softly.

When An Zhiyuan heard this, he gritted his teeth, damn it, is this challenging his endurance?Wood big wood big!I, have a unique way of dealing with this endurance-challenging situation!

That is, anyone who dares to challenge her endurance will do what she wishes, so An Zhiyuan has what she wishes.


Originally, I wanted to have a good chat with Dafeng. An Zhiyuan's idea was that after the chat, it would be easier to act. However, Dafeng's idea was completely opposite to An Zhiyuan's. Dafeng's idea was to act first. After the action, wouldn't the chat be more in-depth? a little?

In short, the two got to know each other deeply that night.

However, after finishing the work, I didn't sleep on the bed... I took the sheets and washed everything, and An Zhiyuan went to sleep in Dafeng's room. As for why...

Because before the red mark appeared on the bed sheet, it was already wet by a large area of ​​water. Although it was fragrant and sweet, it was obviously not so easy to dry. It was not comfortable to sleep like this, so I went into Dafeng's room .

There is one thing to say, no wonder Dafeng was torpedoed by a big mackerel in history, and the oil leaked. It is indeed... a very easy to leak constitution... Well, it is very good, and the water pressure is quite strong...

In fact, when An Zhiyuan talked to Dafeng before, he was quite worried that Dafeng would call him a pervert. Quite excited, probably also poked her XP?Grass, thinking about it this way, Dafeng and I are really a perfect match!

But then again, most of the games I proposed, the girls have never rejected, only the particularly shameful games proposed by those ship girls who are particularly shy. Of course, that was a long time ago. Since then, I have never been rejected again...

In short, the next day, Belfast came to An Zhiyuan's room and found that the owner's bed sheet was still wet, with a sweet and indescribable smell... Belfast blinked , the head maid quickly tore off the bed sheet that was stained with red blood and was somewhat wet, ready to wash it...

Belfast knows what this is, because the owner once played with her once before, and also played this kind of operation... So, I am quite familiar with this smell...

Really, is it so exciting to play on the first day... well... as long as the master likes it...

After changing the wet quilt and sheets, Belfast laid a new layer of sheets and quilts on An Zhiyuan's bed, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Hmm... smelling that smell, I can't help but think of the fun I had with my master... Belfast's face turned rosy...

"Mom..." Xiao Beifa approached the room, and then found sheets and quilts on the floor, she walked over, picked them up and smelled them, "Eh... this quilt smells like Dad , and the smell of sister Dafeng... There is also a sweet, but a bit strange smell..."

Belfast turned her head. Hearing this, she had a strange expression. She walked over, rubbed little Belfast's head, and then took something from her arms, "This is Dad's quilt..."

"Then why does it smell like sister Dafeng?" Xiao Beifa asked.

"Because, Dad fought with your big sister Dafeng here before, leaving traces of the battle." Belfast's face was a little rosy.

"That's it...then has mom ever fought with dad?" Xiao Beifa obviously understood that the meaning of fighting is not literal, so she blinked and asked.

"Of course." Belfast didn't shy away from it. Although it was quite shy to say such things in front of his daughter, there was no need to shy away from it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Because, little Belfast will have to fight his master sooner or later, so there is no need to shy away from it, even Belfast is a little proud.

Little Beifa's face was also slightly rosy, she looked at her mother with some admiration, thinking that one day she would...

With such a mother, what will Xiao Beifa become... It's hard to say...

In the morning, An Zhiyuan was woken up by the big phoenix, not that the big phoenix was very heavy, the heavy phoenix was so heavy that An Zhiyuan couldn't bear it himself, it only existed when the big phoenix released his real weight Of course, An Zhiyuan couldn't bear the tens of thousands of tons, but of course Dafeng wouldn't do that, it would undoubtedly kill the admiral, such a thing, Dafeng would never have done it, if it was any ship girl , will not do so.

The reason why Dafeng gave An Zhiyuan a sense of oppression was because his face was covered...I can't breathe!

After sensing that An Zhiyuan had woken up, Dafeng moved down a bit, then An Zhiyuan took a good breath, and then she looked at An Zhiyuan with a charming smile on her face, "Admiral ~ good morning."

"Good morning..." An Zhiyuan said: "Dafeng, I told you something after playing yesterday."

"Huh~? What's the matter?" Dafeng tilted her head, she pinched her hair with her hands, and gently swept An Zhiyuan's chest.

"Actually, our tutelary mansion has a kind of medicine, milk production medicine." An Zhiyuan blinked and said, "I forgot to tell you, otherwise you should have taken the medicine last night."

Dafeng was a little surprised when he heard the words, "Oh...does our tutelary mansion still have such a thing? I thought...drugs are not effective for the ship girl..."

"Of course, other people's ineffectiveness against the ship's mother is only useful for us guarding the mansion." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Do you want to take that medicine? After taking it, there will be many, many ways to play~"

"Of course!" Dafeng nodded quickly, her face flushed, "It's really great...It's great to be able to play so many fun things with the admiral... Dafeng is really happy... Sure enough, sure enough, I see It's too late to be the admiral...why didn't I become the admiral's wife this this case..."

Dafeng seemed a little incoherent when she spoke. It can be seen that she is really excited and happy...

She really wants the admiral to get unlimited happiness from herself, as long as she can do for the admiral, she is willing to do it...Although the idea at the beginning was to let the admiral's eyes only stay in her own body, it doesn't work...then at least... let the admiral's eyes stay on him for a while...

An Zhiyuan blinked, leaned into Dafeng's ear and said, "One look, you can pretend a lot, after all, it's so big..."

When Dafeng heard this, his body became a little weak... "Ti, admiral... Dafeng, Dafeng needs to take the medicine immediately, so... the admiral can enjoy it..."

When An Zhiyuan heard this, how could he resist...

So, the two didn't come out of the room until noon.

In the morning, Jean Barr had already gone to the airport to work all morning, and everyone came back for lunch at noon, but they all saw An Zhiyuan and Dafeng.

Since Dafeng is always accompanying the admiral, of course no one will ask her to go to work. Work is secondary, and accompanying the admiral is the most important thing. The priorities in the girls' minds are clear.

However, when he thought about the fact that Dafeng, who was built at the same time as himself, accompanied the admiral last night, Barr still felt a little... a little strange...

Dido and Sirius felt a little happy, because, before that, the two of them were the fastest records of the tutelary mansion, and they were the same as the master on the day they were built. Now, they finally have the same person~ and They are also impatient, wanting to be with the master immediately... That feeling is unstoppable, and there is no need to suppress it~

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